At the end of the day, its they who pay(always and again)
Wednesday, March 31, 2021
MK ULTRA: Another individual along his killed brother(BOTH INVOLVED) involved in MK Ultra case identified both again from Ratež area
NO COMMENT NEWS: Merkel, Macron and Putin in talks on using Sputnik V jab in Europe, says Kremlin
Tuesday, March 30, 2021
MK ULTRA: Dentist from Novo mesto involved in MK Ultra who left me with even broken tooth for the sake of MK Ultra but not broken heart
Tanja Fajon je osebno prisostvovala mojemu mucenju(ZDROGIRANEMU MRCVARJENJU) z njemim mentorjem Pahorjem - mi je izsiljevala Beograjske poglede(ali ali) med potekom mucenja za ceno priznanja primera oziroma unicenega zivljenja
glede na njihovo udejstvovanje leta 1995 proti samemu partizanstvu z mucenjem pred spomeniki namenjenimi OF, ne morem priti do drugega zakljucka kakor da se dan danes borijo za cetnistvo oziroma nacizem(Putina and Vucica) s nadaljnim pretvarjanjem in celo z dotikanjem v obmocje antisemtizma kar se mi zdi se bolj sumljivo. Pravzaprav se mi zdi kakor da bi Nemska drzava financirala celotno zadevo ker Izrael nikdar in nikoli nicesar proti nam kot Slovenskemu narodu niti ni imel medtem ko sam pa prav tako nemara primerov za katere dobro ve ne koristijo ne Izraelski drzavi ne tistim proti komur njihov sovraznik vodi gonjo.
Ni bilo dovolj unicenje 30 let zivljenja med katerim so dobro izobrazenega Slovenskega cloveka pretvorili v beraca ki je prosjacil na ulicah vzhodne Evrope za ukraden razum(pamet - sanity) po temu ko je bil obtozen raznolikih lazi preko katerih so me zaprli v Ljubljana Polje v namene mucenja...zdaj bi se pogajali za clanstvo v EU glede tistih ki so mucili in jih morda se nagrajevali z prilagojenimi lastnemu genocidu prijaznimi pogledi...lepo lepo
THEY stick to Anti Semitism because they know one best - Israeli sniper on hill waiting on you/ Israeli sniper accross the Krka river pointing at you/ Israeli van waiting for you behind curve/ you will disappear to Israel at any time and life in desert awaits you
Netanyahu who participated dialogue in Slovenia figured out on his own who/how and why Borut Pahor and his partner Vucic invented even Slovenian Koper as per Israeli hijacking destination...all was good till truth broke out and Israel learned about what went on behind its back.
SLOVENIAN SOCIAL DEMOCRATS(party of Borut Pahor now Tanja Fajon): "Serbia is progressing on its way to European Union membership. In these efforts, we offer her full support at Evropski parlament Slovenija. "
@Tanja Fajon - mene pa zanima kako vašo stranko ukiniti - I would like to know on the other hand how to dismiss your political party via treason mechanism which should be triggered against one as one is unconstitutional as it gets. Remove one from political arena due to her past as one opposed Slovenian independence and have sided with Serbian tanks against one and due to present during which one is using gimmick to cover-up crime against our tiny nation for the sake of chetnik regime in Belgrade under disguise of "Antisemitism" with which one hopes to manipulate American public(I understand American democrats as was told by several of them don't see themselves in other Slovenian party - was conditioned either "with them or highway for you", but will not name names). Tanja Fajon, make no mistake, is in total agreement with Aleksandar Vucic on how...
Monday, March 29, 2021
NEWS OF THE DAY: Czech Pert Kellner was one of my main supporters during MK Ultra - pledged would give me support at the right time
Pharmaceutical company KRKA, tovarna zdravil, d. d., Novo mesto (KRKA, d. d., Novo mesto) ALSO had its human resource hiring department personnel involved in MK Ultra who would DIRECTLY INFRONT OF ME solicit other employers in area to deny me the right to employment
Was a Slovenian female who did just that(age probably same as myself or even younger few years). Aleksandar Vucic proudly claimed for pharmaceutical company KRKA to be extension of Serbian state against me. Everything that will be done against me would be via this very company.
Sunday, March 28, 2021
AUIDIO IN SLOVENIAN LANGUAGE: Identified clinic of dentist involved in MK Ultra audio recording in Slovenian Novo mesto
REMEMBERING VERY WELL: I was here(hijacked - abducted from Miami and brought to Bosnia and Serbia for terror) with these guys at the time of their totally fake incident near Sarajevo
Harry who no longer has access to the Royal Family’s fortune(unlike others he provides for his family from mother Diana, the Princess of Wales's estate), lands a job as Chief Impact Officer at mental health firm BetterUp
Prince Harry secretly started tech executive job months ago
Prince Harry has been secretly working his new Silicon Valley executive job for months — and has already landed another new gig, it was confirmed Wednesday.
Friday, March 26, 2021
NIECE'S HUSBAND: MK Ultra torture went as far as inciting into throwing myself over the bridge over apartment building due to what niece's husband claimed me were brain implants impossible to get read off...
Thursday, March 25, 2021
RUSSIAN Tu-22M3 TEAM NOT DEAD !!! IDEA WAS TO AGAIN PRESENT ME(just as Armenian Lavrov tried even via USA Kardashian) IN A LIE
Vadim Beloslyudtsev(translated last name OF WHITE PEOPLE) was selected to participate by me personally in vicinity of Moscow I believe back even in year 1997...selected along FIRST team Putin(Muller and his other crime associates) as Russians insisted me to to help me in a white fight for Russia - they all procrastinated their death meaning that none of them is dead really. He had another female from city near his city NE of Moscow meaning that Putin retired him also from his own wife/kids. Sergei Lavrov also anticipated to discredit me via Armenian scam when warmongering Armenians even brought me to Azerbaijan with idea to bully them prior to what already was declared to them in face as new coming war....Sergei Lavrov didn't stop there - he had also Kardashinas in USA to whom I was subjected for torture(could never understand why Kardashinans and why Kanye West was into Russian trucks on his property)...Sergei Lavrov went on to further inject in MK Utra a murderous Armenian who assasinated Kobe Bryant - also participated in MK Ultra and all was 100% video/audio recorded by KGB and CIA alone as I was brought to Russia by no one else. So there you have your Ruska bajka business.
Navalny's health now shrinking rapidly - he told me case will be if I won't side with one
I really don't care abut either of the two options as both are the same. Russia has a lots lots of smart people(young intelligent ambitious people) and I learned to not stick nose where there is NONE OF MY BUSINESS other than whatever concerns me directly
Wednesday, March 24, 2021
Upon total failure, Putinski team now into false memories in people's minds made in Germany - what screwed Putin in this case memories are factual and not erased successfully enough via electroshocks his team implemented
Private Putin's media outlet Russia today(lets call it a day after) reports everything you need to know about false memories - how they are created and how they are erased(Putin knows a lot about erased - Putin learned to use electroshocks and on how to brainwash people a lot during his KGB career). The newest news
Bye the way - as a EU member state or as a non EU member state, I do sue Germany for collaboration in war against Ukraine lets say...actually you don't have the right to purchase oil and other products from a country which violates and threatens with safety violation to other countries in area - is actually actively engaging in acts of war against them.
Within two/three hours of even less my publishing video about Navalny Putin, three Russians airmen involved in MK Ultra and serving on a front line(Russian nuclear bombers) were murdered in retaliation while Kim Jong Un cheered his completely insane mentor in Moscow by firing missiles
Brutal - Vadim Beloslyudtsev(would travel through Moscow to bit north east of Moscow like Ivanovo/Иваново - Yuzha Южа area as I was at his home as well - totally opposite direction of from where he was killed in Kaluga area) became involved in MK Ultra immediately upon completion of training for pilot of Tu-22M3 bomber(he was a trained pilot and have worked previously in other two Russian airbases, however, with I think MIG airplanes) and have instead of advancing his service(he was doing training at that point - probably 1998) proceeded to become test subject in Poland just as the case was with Hollywood actors lets say Charlie Sheens/Vin Diesel/Paul Walker etc... upon his completion of hunger games in Poland best to his abilities to present Putin in brightest light possible, he insisted on continuation of training for nuclear bomber despite as Russian side gestured were offers to him inside of Russian government - he was assigned permanent to Tu-22M3 by Putin. Putin who in 2017 begun to threaten me with I cite, "if you ever state again a negative word against me your friends will begun to die as I planted for everyone of them a deadly mechanisms - in Vadim and two other friends you have case, it will be a catapult seat that I will utilize to get them killed".
I was then taken on a runaway by what was younger pilot(most likely man who did fastened his belt and survived while other three didn't have time - its what he insisted me case will be and there is nothing he can do as military in Russia is held to perform as told at gunpoint) and demonstrated me how plot will be done. insisted me that Putin has ability to catapult via Bluetooth that nuclear bombers are equipped with such devices in case pilots need assistance or if performing against instructions/mission. He ended with tears in his eyes asking me to please not write "bad" about Vlad...
On Vladimir Putin just so that I wouldn't forget death threat of those who embraced me, did orchestrated via Lavrov/Medvedev incident on a runaway - talking about 2017 in which everyone did survived at Airbase "Shaykovka" Авиабаза "Шайковка...
Tuesday, March 23, 2021
Let Russia get to Europe through China if one is interested in trade or whatever. They will get smart("normaller" as they act stupid on purpose) fast.
European Union member states which "think" should be done different must be sued and financially penalized(destroyed) to degree to understand what genocide is.
THERE IS YOUR NAVALNY(MK Ultra): Everything you need to know about 3rd Russian option known as Alexei Navalny - also involved in MK Ultra since at least early 1996
Saturday, March 20, 2021
Če se Slovenska cerkev hoče vpletati v politiko Slovenskega naroda. naj se registrira kot politična stranka
Gre enako za Slovensko policijo. Ne gre več samo za stranke - gre za tiste ki bi morali služiti interesom ljudi neglede na njihove politične opcije a so namesto nje izbrali pot politikanstva katero še vedno podpirajo. Kaznovani pa so bili zaradi takšnih spletk najbolj tisti ki so v človeku videli človeka - tisti ki so hoteli pomagati. Takšne stvari pa vodijo v popolen razkroj družbe in posledično države čigar posledice opazujemo.
Putin in Vućić sta se prišla v Slovenijo skupaj posrat na Slovensko zastavo z katero-obkatero sta se po sranju prav tako obrisala svoje riti
To zadevo je Slovenska policija nadobudno opazovala - jo je zakuhala s tem da jo je opazovala četudi bi zanemaril dejstvo da je bilo iz njene strani več kakor samo opazovanje.
THEY WOULD DEVOUR JESUS'S CARCASS IF THEY COULD: Leadership of Slovenian WWII neonazi collaborators calls for so called "WWII reconciliation declaration" upon my torture accusation against Slovenian traitors who tortured at memorials of partisans for the sake of SERBIAN CHETNIK AND RUSSIAN WHITE GUARDS MAFIA state
Russia Says It Will “Retaliate” against BiH If They Take Steps to Join NATO
Russia Says It Will “Retaliate” against BiH If They Take Steps to Join NATO
Friday, March 19, 2021
REPEATED: I was told by Novo mesto locals who at one point watched INSANE PUTIN TEAM at the memorials dedicated to partisans and killed by nazis Slovenian hostages TO REMIND one that even names of dead partisans and dead hostages presented obstacle for them
A real mental patient Vladimir Putin serves Biden(just as he did to Barak Obama with pigeon/banana/) a cold reality on genetics of Biljana Plavšić - Serbian chetnik also involved in MK Ultra
Thursday, March 18, 2021
I void everything negative stated about Clinton family
Dark political MAFIA neonazi powers silenced one, but he made and order on Balkans. Sent signal to Moscow on time. Its why we exist...
RUSSIAN GANGSTER STATE IN INDEPENDENT SLOVENIA: MK Ultra Humiliations in 1995 at memorials dedicated to WWll partisans in Slovenia
As a result of criminal conduct
Numerous people left national liberation front organisation. It took years before it's leadership realised they desecrated organisation and country with such conduct - not before German state begun to laugh straight into their faces. Related to
In 1995 when brought from USA to Slovenia
The torture at the memorials dedicated to partisans was done by psychiatrist from Novo mesto who came to home in 2011 - Cveto Gradisar. Cveto Gradisar and two other individuals whom he involved with idea to lie about me to neighbor Miro Berger...operation was done on behalf of Russian government via Ljubljana.
Wednesday, March 17, 2021
It became very clear to Polish IT crew and others from abroad in Slovenia, that niece's husband Mitja V/Weber was up to no good once he insisted me repeatedly(despite being warned by others NOT too) also on how to place hard drives high up on trees
They had game going with test subjects known as "hide hard drive with data on it" or one will be taken away once you are either hospitalized or pushed into river Krka(if not pushed perhaps fall in it via broken bridge since leaving them inside the room meant only modification of software - problems to the degree impossible to operate windows).
SHRINKING POLAND(outside and inside its borders): The Belarusian General Prosecutor's Office initiated an inspection of Polish schools throughout the country. Textbooks were confiscated.
Kremlin's "critic" got too many things wrong(most important he omitted) on his two hours long movie - I my eyes, nothing but cover-up for Vladimir Putin and those who helped(from West) Vladimir with crime
Those are well aware of stated above and so eternal Russian story of "tsar, Lenin, Stalin" is in best interest to repeat. I will not let go as damage caused to me in 1995, 1996 was simply too big. These non Russian state heads also threatened me with "otherwise" if not accepting Navalny as substitution for Putin(both sides demanded compliance with lie), so I know I am 100% right about stated above and 100% right about stuff I do. Related to
This movie is a cover-up for Putin and foreign interests per whom Navalny is s popular.
Tuesday, March 16, 2021
Driven insane by Vladimir Putin, North Korean Kim Jong Un uses his sister to threaten Americans with "night rest" issues - talks about "stink"
If in Joe Biden's shoes, I wouldn't think twice about connecting myself with China and totally rejecting Russia on every inch of the way. Its Vladimir Putin who supports emotionally a lunatic on northern Korean peninsula - not China which is prohibited from helping North Korean refugees even with employment. China had to deal with both issues of which none is in her interest. Chinese police officers according to North Korean refugees who run across the boarder often due to starvation issues are scared to catch their North Korean brothers/sisters engaging in illegal work in China as for them, it means return into certain death.
US has far more in common with China when compared to Russia - Russia is legging far behind anyone due to mentality issues which Vladimir Putin is using against own people - not only N. Korea/Iran - two countries crazy enough to rely on lying lunatic.
N Korea warns US not to 'cause a stink' before Seoul meeting
WAS IT INCREASED VOLUME OF EMPLOYMENT APPLICATIONS I SENT OUT THAT HURT BUTT OF LOCAL PSYCHIATRIST: I wonder what exactly hurt local psychiatrist(police/state employment office) for him to get at me today in a such a abrupt way
Its not crime to submit employment applications to potential employers or is it !!?????
And how is your 13,14, and 15 pension payments coming along !!???? What have you accomplished so far in Belarus which is now as a result of Duda/Morawiecki/ Kaczynski lost for good !!???? How is your virus situation treating you(you can see where whole thing is going now with jabs necessary for new viruses) and how are your women treated and how is world around you(Ukraine looking at you - in another words what are chances for long term prosperity in Poland which would guarantee you a survival on a long term !!!????
Love the new virtual office I created out of old room.
Mother protested to this for some 10 years, but bed was thrown out last night - perhaps one of the things that disturbed local psychiatrist who stated me under MK Ultra I cite, "you write about me for already some time, so....". Love the view on local Krka pharmaceutical too as one adds to productive environment and despite fact that individual in-charged for sales in this factory who at first insisted me on how I work in his department objected latter what Americans insisted me under MK Ultra also to complete...I cite Aleksandar Vucic who observed this portion of MK Ultra, "if you place American flag on here you will be considered as an enemy etc...."
Not allowed to drive father to local state operated health center
MK ULTRA: At state health center in Novo mesto(dentists department) was told by female dentist under MK Ultra how
at the end I would come to them as everyone does I cite her, "small dentists do small jobs, but eventually everyone at one point and time when big job is needed comes to us". Yes, they had me at one point in there too.
Father insists for months already to have pain in his teeth - his dentist chosen by mom and him(private clinic involved also in breaking my teeth saga) suggests him at times to take pain killer pills
Most of the time, however, I bring him into their clinic for teeth repair - took him there at least 5 times since return from Poland(within 6 months) even that he no longer has any teeth left - has implants and denture prosthesis.
The only one with truly broken(since Poland) tooth is myself. This are provocations(I never complained to them about anything concerning myself concerning either teeth or gland nodes or whatever as they are all issues psychiatrists involved against me with anticipation to gain control over me).
Although "new since 2017 for parents", dentist Matjaz Recelj and his wife became involved in this MK Ultra case already in 1996 if not even 1995.
Monday, March 15, 2021
I AGREE WITH ELTON JOHN: Vatican can't, but I personally do support of what God unmistakably believes is the right of every individual.
Monday's news that the Catholic Church won't bless same sex unions did not go unnoticed by Elton John.
Popolnoma podpiram Gospo Violeto Tomić - popiram pa prav tako vse mlade ki so prišli na ulice izrazit občutek veleizdaje proti njim
Uničenje javnega šolstva preko nekakšnih virusnih igric NE GRE !!! Pred mesecem dni sem vidu par mladih študentkov(mlada dekleta ki so čakala na prehod preko luči semaforja) in takoj razumel da je bil namen virusa prav tako(morda celo glavni namen saj spreminjaje mladih v potepuhe je jemanje volje do življenja prav tistim na katere breme bomo padli prav vsi) uničenje javnega šolstva za voljo privatnih ustanov po Trumpovem receptu(Trump je bil tisti ki je učil barabe po celi Evropi in svetu kako do hitrih zaslužkov preko šolstva in celo drugih javnih ustanov - z uničenjem le teh). Jemanje mladim voljo do življenja seveda pomeni eksplozijo psihiatrije, varovalnih organov(zasebnega varovanja ne samo policije) in sploh vsega česar se je svetovna družba v potrebi za preživetje hotela zgodovinsko otresti - revščine. GROZLJIVO.
Sunday, March 14, 2021
STAY FOCUSED: With determination(not little luck), Harry will manage to avoid all drama you Charles(Andrew) brought to family
@Charles - By staying focused on life as matters, Harry will easily overcome wherever you and numerous others have failed. Its an easy principle you see - you walk down the street AND are to busy thinking of your spouse rather than noticing others...
You browse job/news related internet the another words don't s*** where you eat and don't eat where you shit. Its choices we make each second that determine who we are, not number of halls(if you look closer they all are the same and some will even leave you dead broke and it goes same for the balls).
ITS CALLED RESPECT: To be honest about it, Charles deserves a really good slap(PROBLEM IS HE IS TOO OLD FOR THAT) for his infantile(idiotic) behavior toward Harry - a public apology to Harry would be a start
I side with Meghan and Harry and when it comes to British(media bubbles about British specifically - its all about Brits)
I deem for them to be one of the most civilized(tranquil - polite and in some cases even TOO tolerant) people there is. There is huge difference between British and Scottish(there is no business guy worth $omething that wouldn't come across my MK Ultra case - my case opened silk road for Scotland to Ukraine and Poland and beyond while I was left behind in cahoots for dead - I will tell you today's Scotland is made via this very case and its how much royals pushed one forward when compared to rest of the Britain), but media which is misrepresenting facts at large via FAKE POLLS is not paying attention to stated.
Saturday, March 13, 2021
Serbian gangster chetnik state is laughing with contempt on rule of law and behind one is a Russian state something little to understand and consider for your own well being wherever is that you are.
As far as Serbian state for me choice is clear
Will use European Union as a proxy to deal with one. Nothing ever directly and those who do, I consider them and will consider them as a supporters of hateful gangster state which ultimate goal is to exterminate remaining Slovenian, Croatian, and Bosnian population(not nations, but population).
Even more so because if there wasn't for NATO intervention on Balkans, we(nor would Croats, Bosniacs, Slovenes and many others) wouldn't even exist any longer and Russian state had EVERYTHING TO DO WITH it.
Nope - my father is NO war criminal as Aleksandar Vucic insisted me inside of this house via Serbian patriotic song which his artist and mental patient Baja Mali Knindza dedicated to me according to his own words
Thursday, March 11, 2021
Payment to Vladimir Putin's PERSONAL private account was made via Swiss banking system in what I believe were two payments
First 1/4 of million Euros and another 1/4 or 1/2 billion Euros. Putin had a private banking account in either Switzerland or Germany - perhaps both. He did shared some of the money with his colleges in Moscow. Related to Year 1999 and then again another payment or even payments. Sometimes in 2000 or 2001 Putin and his team begun to contemplate on how to hide stated here...first payment most likely was done via Thun, Switzerland and second one probably Zurich - third one(if not first two as well) did have everything to do with German bank and its why I assume Putin had a private German bank account.
SO FASCIST THEY TURNED BRITAIN APART FROM SCOTLAND INTO ISLAMOPHOBIC ISLAND OF MADNESS: The "Royal" family is the most fascist - racist neonazi family in this world - nothing what Williams claims
Wednesday, March 10, 2021
EVENING WALK: I told you about Polish Pope John Paul II and myself - I told you facts
Polish Pope Pope John Paul II came to Novo mesto at least twice(passed through), but I think even three times. Not reported anywhere.
My accounts are supported with proofs - facts. Theirs with media. They answer my questions(requests) with censorship, violence, and ignoring matter through and through hoping for THE worst.
Tuesday, March 9, 2021
REPEATED AS ITS THE MOST IMPORTANT NEWS ON THIS BLOG: A failed YUGONOSTALGIC Grandfather and uncle from my loving niece(on her father side) - Lojze Golob and his son Matjaz Golob - were first to welcome Slobodan Milosevic and his team of serial killers in Novo mesto, Slovenia since Slovenian independence and this in year 1995
While Bezos invests in race(rather into spying on you) with INSANE "speedy drone deliveries" - Chinese AliExpress instead invests in YOU by ensuring that small Fort Trump ANDRZEJ DUDA/ MORAWIECKI ALIKE scavenger politicians wouldn't steal YOUR time/money any longer
I will not back down in respect to my own store....
The day after(video recorded just now on March 9th, 2021) - some of what followed on news in respect to 1995 posted yesterday

To be more specific on Slobodan Milosevic, Karadzic, Mladic, Vucic and others who collected SIDE payments from Slovenian companies since 1995
Monday, March 8, 2021
A failed YUGONOSTALGIC Grandfather and uncle from my loving niece(on her father side) - Lojze Golob and his son Matjaz Golob - were first to welcome Slobodan Milosevic and his team of serial killers in Novo mesto, Slovenia since Slovenian independence and this in year 1995
The Core Message of Meghan and Harry’s Oprah Interview: Racism Drove Us From the Royal Family
It was explicit in perhaps the most shocking allegation: that a member of the royal family came to Harry while Markle was pregnant with their son Archie with “concerns and conversations about how dark his skin might be when he was born.” Meghan is American and identifies as biracial.
Sunday, March 7, 2021
Lets face it and be honest and admit that what started 75 years ago started in the past(before WWII) time and again and its what we have seen surfaced AGAIN in 2020
I LOVE AUSTRIAN VIENNA FOR WHAT ONE DEMONSTRATED: Vienna openly demonstrated not only against COVID19 lockdown, but FOREMOST neonazi Sebastian Kurz per whose agenda "lockdown" took and is taking place against normal society worldwide
IDIOT CULTURE IS STILL IN FASHION: After "Moon-landing" and "breastfeeding" hysteria conspiracy issues, we get to ponder about DR SEUSS KARENS - next wave of idiotic conservatism launched at US population
What would we do without stable geniuses who learned best for life from Dr. Seuss and self made conspiracies for which they hoped would led country(consequently world as even China was on the table) to its knees !!????