Wednesday, June 15, 2022

About FIRST DUTCH GUY I have spoken with while two others shopped

Years passed after two tragedies which took away young lives in area of Nieuwkoop...two Duch guys from farm near were murdered by Dutch psychiatrists in 1999(first perhaps even in 1998) or so...both high school graduates like everyone else in the world wanted to make money and get head in was from farm located at approximately 49 Nieuwveenseweg Nieuwkoop. His first job was at supermarket - he pushed carts and assisted people all day long for 30 Euros per day. Some tiny businesses which existed in  Oudshorn area(two at least size of mechanic shops) of Alphen aan den Rijn in Netherlands ceased to exist that year in 1999...Ducth psychitrists followed up on them too...otherwise beautiful and nice city turned on me with everything one had. Psychiatrists(SPECIALLY THE ONE FROM AMSTERDAM - SLENDER MALE IN HIS LATE 50S) which were supported by police marched city as Hitler army and intimidated people left and right...they already have intimidated everyone, but they were not capable to intimidate me - I had my own marching going and I didn't care about death 
threats/beatings....memories on torture I brought along from Slovenia and other parts of eastern Europe have had contrary to Dutch psychiatrists the opposite outcome - MK Ultra torture during which I was abused placed me into righteous position enough for me to intimidate with police a Dutch police and Dutch psychiatrists threatening THEM instead with jail for engaging in  human trafficking and torture....I was not to give in a single inch and YOU COULD HAVE EXPECTED TO GET THE SAME FROM ME anywhere else in the world including in Mexico, India, China...Israel...and while you couldn't prove me wrong, many lives of innocent people were ruined/destroyed/ decimated for selected few who created all this to look in-front of one another - leaders who demanded human sacrifice IN THE FOR OF SO CALLED "ANTI NAZISM" were from Serbia, Russia, and Belarus. Those who fanatically enforced them FROM ABROAD(WEST WISE) were enforcing them were those who profited from trade with Russians the most. The same satan as the one who helped Russia to burn independent Chechnya to the ground and to "denazification" process in Ukraine...not only Dutch King, but traditionally anti nazi Norwegian royals became targets of Britons(ROMANOVS from London) - but money through Russian trade was greater than great !!!! And satanism marched on craving after more lives also in tiny Dutch Nieuwkoop...searching for sacrifice night and day, Dutch government dispatched me drugged up with surveillance equipment in area to get ahold of another 2002 after things in Alphen aan den Rijn area already calmed down, a young man whom I met today approached - he was neighbor of an individual whom Dutch psychiatrists previously destroyed, but was certain he could do better and earn money somehow( someway)...local Dutch employment agency/police/ psychiatry opened blood gate again and we commenced second round of kill by following exact same steps his neighbor have gone through...Dutch girl involved warned one dearly to NOT, but he wanted money just as everyone else and death went on...luckily, young man realized how far he could push before one would meet his end fields(outskirt of Alphen aan den Rijn city)...just as previous victims, at the end of the day one was bitched at by superintendents for lousy presence of his at work - nothing wrong that he would do at his work as his performance after one reported himself on foot from 10 kilometers distanced mini farm was exceptional, but the political part - the burden of having me next to one let one understood he will be either dead withing few days(before getting himself old car as a form of transportation) or take side of local crew of hooligans against me as those already arraigned him meeting with death in the middle of the farming fields...the cross(Milan Kučan - Borut Pahor's curse - Lukashenko/Putin - Serbian Aleksandar Vućić/Karađić/ Milošević/ Milorad Dodik) from Slovenia where old Yugoslav communist party members were for world to see evil in me and for world too see itself in Putin were bringing me whenever hijacked by CIA from USA even inside of Slovenian serial killer Metod Trobec's prison cell - torture infront of memorials dedicated to Slovenian partisans  when case of MK Ultra started in 1995 made me crave for lunacy in which I WANTED to believe despite knowing how WWII ended long ago how German and Italian nazi army somehow still exists somewhere and will come to avenge injustice against me...well, for this very reason I also begun to openly bitch at Willem-Alexander's face and his family alone when I observed UDBA psychiatrists from Slovenia next to Slovenian politicians(THEY BROUGHT SERBIAN CHETNIKS FROM SERBIA TO CHECK MY STAY IN NETHERLANDS, GERMANY, UK ETC.) to research my MK Ultra whereabouts in Holland and elsewhere(all over Germany, Norway etc.) this so called MK Ultra case opened to professional YUGO KILLERS involved in crime against me since my birth treated with first class service during my being tortured and all was according to Western politicians for my sake...

This is how guy whom I have mostly spoken with commenced his work upon completion of high school equivalent(probably three year) while both other guys finished minimum high school and have worked their entire life in home city(village) of Nieuwkoop. 

Man I have spoken with also found job near his native Nieuwkoop....Dutch paranoia in respect to nazim WHICH INVOLVED PSYCHIATRY IN IT gained support as well in France and as you know, Belgium is half half(half French half Dutch), so all this bullshit about nazim which Putin abused for sake of his own nazi agenda can be now seen in Ukraine in form of mass killings -  and Putin, happy as ever, laughing from Moscow to entire world...

Couple got themselves a house here in 2008 or so...parents from second guy divorced I think in 2010....I was crazy about his mother.

Parents lived in here from tall skinny guy who told me has wife and child - I think....


Wherever ROMANOVS from Londonia were present on European continent, Europeans RIGHTFULLY shivered in fear for their lives....having them next to yourself equaled to ax waving just above your throat....I really don't care weather it was for commercial interests with which they they filled their private Swiss accounts or fact that are half Russian....


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