Friday, March 31, 2023

Vladimir Putin's favourite colour was blue turquoise - and British queeny even dressed in one to proudly express support for Putin...

British queen Elisabeth demanded from me to read based on my own blog colours she turquoise was against me according to her instructions and would wear one if she disagreed with my blog and colours I liked(orange/blue) if one liked my blog posts rule stated whichever country would commit

the most crime against me is the one who would get to keep me...Putin will not wear publicly as seen here, but he has his collection saved for special occasions such as MK Ultra for instance...Emanuel Macron doesn't wear watches with third hand(second) for instance...he made his own watch dial for model awake of which one is extremely proud off...if he wore third watch dial watch on last occasion, he bought one after 2018 perhaps even 2014 - he alone told me to be aware.

Now missing and pronounced as dead Rok Dobravec(his wife was even daughter of local watch seller heavily involved in MK Ultra crime) used to produce custom watch dials and sell them to MK Ultra participants inside of the room during their visits...such was the case of one of individuals who questioned me when brought into psychiatric hospital in 2013 that he wore watch of Rok Dobravec custom made dial on his hand laughing at me - this individual participated in MK Ultra for three months prior to my being hospitalised inside of the psychiatric hospital Ljubjana Polje in 2013 IF YOU CAN IMAGINE HORROR...this was individual who wrote I have no clue who I am and where once thrown inside of the psychiatric hospital...DO YOU LIKE THIS GAME !!???? Would you like to play one !!???? Would you dare to eve watch one on big screen !!???? This was what some even dared to refer to as my life.

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