Friday, August 26, 2022

ABOUT ROYAL "MEMOIRS": I don't think any of them EVER spoke a single sentence of truth in their life time

All I can say to you all, due to me unknown reasons at the TIME(lies they have brainwashed me with since day 1 on how special I am to them / @Charles/Andrew - remember when you drove me back to London in 1995 from Scotland what you told me !!????), I REFUSED to believe American psychologists for these people to clearly border on lying psychopaths - they acknowledged them in fact as NO NORMAL in respect to evident lies they presented repeatedly over the years...on a day 1 !!! 

@Royals - just because I was quiet, it didn't mean I was insane despite your torture deeply involved against me for which you have clearly allowed yourself to also seen as - even have confirmed one via main stream media...for you, national loyalty in one equals to insanity and THE RIGHT TO ABUSE ONE EQUALS to sanity....I suppose because you inherited that right.

Are wealthy people more likely to be liars?

A new study from UC Berkeley suggests that the rich are unusually inclined to lie, cheat, and steal

The rich are more likely to lie, cheat, drive rudely, support unethical behavior at work, and, yes, even "steal candy from a baby," according to a new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Social psychologist Paul Piff and colleagues at the University of California, Berkeley discovered a striking lack of ethics among the wealthy, concluding that people are more likely to steal out of a sense of entitlement than necessity. Here's what you should know:

How did the researchers make their case?
Piff and his team conducted several studies. Among them:

  • Researchers covertly observed cars at a four-way intersection in San Francisco, drawing conclusions about each driver's socioeconomic status based on the make and year of the car. People driving nicer, newer cars were twice as likely to illegally cut off other drivers and half as likely to stop for pedestrians in a crosswalk. 

  • Study participants played an online dice game where they reported their own score, with $50 at stake. The game was fixed so the score was always 12, but wealthier players routinely claimed scores of 15 or higher. 

  • In another test with "a certain tongue-in-cheek humor," says Brandon Keim at Wired, students were encouraged to imagine that they were either very rich or very poor, then given the chance to take candy from a jar destined for children in a neighboring lab. The "wealthy" participants took more candy. 

  • In another study, participants were asked to play the role of a boss negotiating with a job seeker. The make-believe job applicant was willing to take less money in exchange for a two-year commitment. But the job had a six-month expiration date, and role-playing managers "could get a bonus for negotiating a low salary," Keim says. The result? Participants who were wealthy in real life were more likely to lie to a job applicant about the temporary nature of a position to get a higher bonus for themselves.

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