Thursday, October 31, 2019

Done three days prior to end of the "zameldowanie" (registeation if vehicle will now be even impossible)

Moving out on fourth abd will loose ability to register new residence therefore...paid 100pln to get technical done which couldnt pass vecause of registration...will loose car and money for parts and for regusteation. Its where abd we destroy you is what I was can see now just how dangerous Kaczynski is. German agent Russian agent...German agent Russian agent...

Who is traitor in this country !!??? Who sells Polacks to Russians and Germans and to Israel if he onky could...

Just as promissed under MKultra and as American criminals dreamed about

Catalytic converter(katalisator) could be used to get you to particulat shop(part of the town) on what we(Polacjs not Russians) would let teansmission oil to lick out on parking lot from LeClerk did happened. I am stuck with car freezing at the gas station...Donald Trump's criminals working hard in free Poland.Nice.

Polish police well...they do it instead of thugs or use thugs to do it for them...was same with bike. Could be done with brand new car as well.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Translated car sale - Trump's art of the deal :)))))

TRANSLATED: Skoda Felicia year 1999, engine 1.6 with everything paid in for another year(could only understand as insurance/technical examination as there nothing else could be) for sale by First Owner

142.000 kilometers, 1st owner, car from Poland
Car without any halls due to rust, central locking, servo, air bags and so on...

Reality: 7 days to complete the technical examination or face fines(examination 1/9th of car cost), different from factory specifications wheels with tires(another 2/9th of car cost if 40zl is each), Catalytic converter stolen from car(technician gestured me more than the double cost of the car, but isn't that bad) due to what mechanic gestured me most likely is silver. He also wrote approximately 2000 kilometers less than what car has...and so on :)))

IN POLISH: What Trump/Kaczynski's car salesman advertised as car listing and what he changed listing immediately(within 5 minutes) into upon car sale

Related to

It was the second desperate attempt of Kaczynski/Trump to turn me against participants hurt in MKultra procedure(push them away by turning me against them) as Serghei from Belarus was yet another individual whom I have insulted mercilessly when subjected to MKultra. Idea was not only made me miss train as was case prior to this listing, but also sell me car(listed under Serghei's address) which would ruin me. I am instead looking to long friendship to all parties involved - return specially these people TRUST IN POLISH state which Warszaw's politicians deprived them off.

Trump not so lucky this writing letter to attorneys to learn more about issues involved in this very case.

ps. I would have done it again...already if I would make Serghei happy - demonstrate him my trust was well worth....

I don't think I will give my Skodicka away

Felicia is a nice name for my auto mobile samochod...will get some flowers in or on oone and continue to ride problems. Nothing in life is really easy. Good things don't happen easy...she is worth it ;) 1999 was a great year...still is ;)

Stolen catalytic converter from one is worth more than car alone is what I was told(twice as much just to give you an idea - 2000zl local technician who did technical inspection/examination of the vehicle).

Donald Trump had Americans(few of them) organised IN FOLLOW UP on first job I held in Poland

This is what I got(due to misleading advertisement on OLX) upon my arriving to the location as seen below. The individual was involved in MKultra, my SIM card yet again either somehow wasted or destroyed(if was my SIM card at all - at Lodzka individual cut out of card essential information from another SIM card, so I couldn't use one - frequent trespassing and vandalism a regular thing in all three post Grotniki's locations) what forced me to get one replaced in city Lodz(huge mall next to Castorama still without SIM cards - American cried to me about it already in 2015 about it) and what resulted in cost of what most likely was some 30zloty ride to nowhere. Either landlord or neighbor via landlord would frequently leave me gas inside of the apartment on, so I could smell my own money evaporating in air while showering myself with ice cold water - saving on electricity and not only gas - while breaking spine at local work and being tortured via directed energy weapons atop of it so others can treat my savings as explained here). Americans(Trump's selected deputies which even blackmailed own people involved in MKultra) impersonated all stated here because it could be like this and like that...not for Poland or USA, but someone else. Normal Americans wouldn't be anywhere even near around after they would learn about what goes on behind AMERICAN GERMAN IRON curtain of death.

Obviously had to look for work which is not requiring much physical effort related to hurt spine. An so was driven to English and even cab(taxi) employers for which I was suggested would destroy me if I wouldn't cooperate with Germany - could be like this and like that is what I was told by Americans which had me beside. Here the REAL answer comes out(already explained) on why Americans wanted complete control over MKultra and were investing waste amounts of effort in me. Some Zgierzan employers gestured directly that is expected of me to act as German spy translated to me under MKultra due to financial issues.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Car is also without catalytic converter

The technical examination technician told me it costs twice as much as car costed me.

Nevertheless, I may even keep car. Will explain all in video.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Don't confuse few with majority in my case

I love Zgierz and I love Lodz. You can't love Lodz if you don't love Zgierz.

Job I had in Zgierz(first job in Poland) was by far best job I ever had. It made me feel great to go at work where I was capable to demonstrate to locals and beyond(Ukrainian workers) everything West gestured(conditioned with) them as over the years(basically as being worthless).

NOTHING NEW NOW IN WESTERN COLONY KNOWN AS RUSSIA: Putin's beyond primitive media continues to promote Nazism according to prescription from the West

Ohhh eyed white(snow butt) Russian cuttie returns with a special "'Guard said he’d ‘f**k each and every one of us’" prison message to Russian society encourages Russian white portion of the population(proud about her by NRA embraced hair - imagine) to feel great about themselves(must not be so bad if American prison guards would every one of us) and sends message of white innocence straight back to America...aha...perhaps China(India and China) should take note of this and start to pay more attention to Russian taxation because there is no real love in Moscow.
On above photo, Swedish neonazi organgutans in blue uniforms posing for controlled media what most liley was accomplished via MKultra, so foreign media can disseminate Swedish tragedy.

I don't care if its republic or democrat as long as is normal

You both are in war with evill today. Same evill gthat costed world 70+ million lives(incl. your grandads which fought on front across the ocean) just 70 something years ago...JOIN YOUR POWERS AND SMASH UGLINESS ONCE AND FOREVER !!!

Poland must attract Americans which love one for what one was/is and its many Americans with this type of background.

Just like Beto O'Rourke, I embrace Kamala Harris as well

There is no place for neonzism in this world. America should be ran by strong, young, and intelligent people which reject hatred(corruption) on all levels.

Thank you Kamala Harris for standing up for basic human values.

Eric Trump when in Poland incited young Poles into nazism

He OPENLY posed to young Poles whenever one had the opportunity as someone who is looking toward neo-nazism. His words, "why not...why not...because you don't know...let me explain..nothing wrong with it...

like fatherlike son.

If Donald Trump could, he would issue an order to shut American workers in legs too(not only Mexicans)

Donald Trump HATES workers. Bragged about how Chicago and Detroit(labor societies where people of all backgrounds got along very well) should be destroyed entirely industry-wise(GM, Pontiac etc.). He hates labor unions. HE HATES AMERICAN MADE and at no wonder plays with the sanity of young/old job seekers which are abused rather than exposed to normal working circumstances in between.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Activists hope to take impeachment fight to the streets

It started to boil in America

Decent Americans(real Christians) reject idea about Lucifer as president.

Harniated disc not a problem(not an emergency) in Poland

Was scheduled a week go for an examination with orthoped for March 1st, 2020.
 Off course choice is mine...I don't have to go there either while staying at home(hoho, either this or accept same line of work t local employment agency is Donald Trump fixed it - there is ZUS option s well, but in the situation I was in, I already lost 2 weeks) and paying for bills on my own(well with money which I managed to save within these three months). And murderous hypocrisy of US Government known as see nothing, hear nothing which hd advanced knowledge of this event is praying that Trump would somehow anyway manage to destroy me - save the country of biggest disgrace in its existance.

Americans involved in MKultra incited heavily against Poland because

Kaczynski wanted GERMAN AGENT. Not all Americans. Chriss from Colorado was more like Tiffany...he really didn't care about other than doing whatever told. Have rejected American psychologist whom Trump hired to do directly total brainwash on me on how I should translate to my mind events in Poland...with exception of few others involved, most of young Americans were willing to come to the rescue. Anti Trumpers stayed away from whole thing altogether as they knew it only meant trouble.

What I can say about Poland

that I love people...beautiful people just as Ukrainians and Russians - people unwilling to accept hatred as the way of life basically. And P<3land is full of them.

IN POLAND: You are made patriot, so you can be sold for groshe to those you know...

German agent Russian agent German agent Russian agent German agent Russian agent German agent

To be a real Polak

not such a easy job as you see. And it even stinks. On every occasion whenever I returned to this "home" of mine I had to smell gass - not that one would be leaking from anywhere(mention this because just as according to the scenario, one will ran out before month - 11kg lasted less than two months)...smell your own money and commit yourself to what you will see on video. Trully trully nice smarowed by old engine oil(placed on wire for drying clothing) vandalised...just wait to see what it takes to be real Polack today.

Trunk of the car didn't close first day already

Old problem on the car - a problem already existing in at least what was 2013. But sure enough, did neighbor(and if not neighbor the one who promised in neighbors name would be done) disabled next day completely also door opening option as well-unscrewed gear stick(all demonstrated and promised would be done to me by very neighbor) if I will... MAN GOES OUT THERE WITH ADVANCED KNOWLEDGE THAT HE WILL GET CRIPPLED WITHIN LESS THAN 3 MONTHS IF HE TAKES JOB AND COMMITS HIMSELF TO CRIPPLING FOR THE SAKE OF THE STATE DISRESPECT WHICH WAS INCITED TO PEOPLE THROUGH HIM WHEN SUBJECTED TO MKULTRA...ITS MONEY HE EARNED THAT WAY THAT IS RIPPED FROM HIM BY HERE DESCRIBED. Host Kaczynski will tell you who German and who Russian agent is...and he's got a lot to tell about it m sure.

The seller of the car claimed owned car only for 4 days - other owner(1st one) since 1999

Seller of car drove car at least since 2017 for fact and have not even changed oil in one for the last 14.000 was done police in such way that one pushed issues same as for the job which I refused to change till fired(till contract ended basically) - car was placed on address of Belarus individual(I sure was nasty to him) who I supposedly have hurt and so like it or not I liked it from the first moment I found car for which he claimed he didn't even have for sale...I felt therefore and since searching for car obligated to purchase one. There was much much more than just that to this very sale made by Zgierzan police...

I have nooo regrets do...the job even that crippled to very today was by far the best job ever in my life time because people whom i supposedly have insulted have seen real me vs what police have created for the sake of

The seller of car will eat his car back

Have falsified contract(changed price for car sale from 900zl to 400) and have placed on car even unsafe/unfit wheels with tires(improper size).

Police anticipated for me to turn against people whom I supposedly have insulted under MKultra with this last act of betrayal(address of the vehicle was written on the third individual which participated in MKultra - the individual is from Belarus, but he never would cause me a problem despite my being very inappropriate to him under MKultra), so I would have turned all people away from case.

Police created 360 degree snail MKultra terror brainwash(360 degree effect is used for person to see betrayal and disgrace in each and everyone whoever participated in ordeal) trick leaving me with survival chance of less than 1% which lasted no less than 21 years. In this final act, even those whom police suggested will be assisted by me(Polish state would be seen as patron rather assisting me in recognizing whole event despite my being a bad boy) if "reminding me on how I ruined" their lives would be rejected away by me via brainwash which I received as administered by police, would have no choice other than to look the opposite way as I alone would reject them.

Two cars planted by police(incl. this one) included such people and these cars were used to push sanity of an individual to outer limits of his sanity.

JUST AS ABOVE, ALL ADMINISTERED BY ZGIERZAN POLICE IN ULICA DOLGA: A present residential environment consists of Polish bigot landlord and his Polish neighbor with whom real Ukrainian family became involved as tenants over the years. Together with Americans, they have created completely unbearable this point, I should have seen mentioned psychologist as lady which would come to this place as engage infront of me in sexual encounters with several individuals, and Ukrainian society if not rejecting her and her half Russian child as an enemy. From one place to the other - I was the one paying rent to Donald Trump.

Related to


SAME TACTICS AS IN UKRAINE: Terrorism and extortion used to get freebies even from Norwegian government while jailing people left and right on terrorism/espionage charges - all new Putin's Russia

63 years musician sent to 14 years in what most likely will be Syberia's labor camp

Psychopathic Ku Klux Klan Klan serial rapist from the White House confronted yet by another raped female

Former 'Apprentice' contestant Summer Zervos says she has evidence to back up her sexual-assault claim against Trump

WARNING TO THE USA: You are negotiating with German neonazi You dont do the talk(allow them to promote their criminal agenda publicly as the case is today) with neo-nazis was determined already at the end of the WWII don 't even have the right to engage in talks with them other than as seen bellow.

It was determined after WWII that purpose of your German existence is to serve us Europeans, so you wouldn't repeat WWII tragedy

And its up to us Europeans to ENFORCE the purpose of your German existence !!!

OUT WITH PUTIN/KACZYNSKI !!! You Germans already violated most severely WWII accord in respect to a peace treaty.

US troops in Germany not stationed there to make you feel safe, but instead to keep other Europeans safe from you Germans

Bundestag MPs demand that US troops leave Germany to avoid tensions with Russia

Was at bellow seen location tonight and

heard few songs that broke my heart even more. One repeated over several times. I just want to say that you are still my preferred option in this world and the point I made earlier today was because I would like you to stay one for the rest of my life. Thats all.
At Makro...was there with Criss from Colorado when subjected to MKultra and others because of job in the vicinity. Who knows me at Makro ? Who doesn't...

Friday, October 25, 2019

In this life, nobody will judge me other than God - because

To make myself clear - I do not owe an apology or anything to absolutely anyone, BUT

because of my being involved even though MKultra torture in people's lives which many were affected in most horrific ways(many lives were ruined), I will do my best to return to them trust in this very Polish nation to best of my abilities.

@PENCE AND OTHERS: Don't you understaand what a very stable genious - a chosen one expects from you !!????

Trump Just Sent Another Big Signal He'll Throw Pence Under The Bus, Maddow Says

Russian Alexander Gabyshev's symbolic resistance walk for freedom against Kremlin's neonazi ended with arrest and then proclamation of one being insane

First arrested and then declared as insane

Its how war against social engineering death most often ends. FIGHT NAZISM !!! 


Germany already decalred WW3 on Estern Europe(MONEY REPLACED BOMBS) - we just have to admit ourselfves

13.000 Ukrainianjs DEAD, numerous from Donetsk/Crimea are refugees, numerous unemployed searching for work across the border. The economic situation of Ukrainians critical. In Poland ethnic cleansing is taking place done by Russian German agent Kaczynski. In Russia the same as in Poland by German agent Putin. Death via social engineering not more pleasant than the front line.

Tsar wannabe Putan Putanowich who placed his own ambitions infront of Russian nation's interest for the sake of his greed is traumatized with Trump's impeachment issues

This war criminal destroyed the world of inter Slavic relations and poses the highest threat to Russian security. He aligned himself for the sake of his tsarist title with neo-nazism across the Europe and Nothern America and is murdering targeted Russiaan population with forced unemployment(impossible work wages or forced unemployment while having society flooded with Vodka/drugs). Have turned Russia into addicted/dependable on West society which voluntarily rescinded its ties to WW2 victory.

Between Russia and Ukraine was for Trump same as between Serbia and Montenegro - It looks like the Trump administration's pressure campaign against Ukraine may have gone further than freezing military aid

Will never forget Trump saying, "I decided to promote within US government direction toward bigger piece of real estate...if you want something big, you have to go for the bigger" on what barrage of others verbal gestures followed up on how his vision is correct one...the name of the game was not only who can offer more, but foremost who was bigger. Small nations(forget people - I WAS just  number) didn't and don't matter to him. Wipe them out as well as mind.

Males shouldn't even have the right to decide about abortion issue

Its a basic human right - a necessity. A must in most of cases when rapes are involved.

As owners of penises which exist on this world to serve females, we males should refrain ourselves from the right to pose threat(TO DECIDE) to females in respect to basic right concerning abortions. 

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Roman Catholic priests should have the right to marry just as their protestant or Orthodox colleges.

God doesn't prohibit anyone from the biggest joys he brought to humanity.

Is not a jealous guy just modify/update text to present tense. God loves you just the way you are ;) promise you.

Gay marriage issue and adapted by gay children - In my eyes

From a biological view of point and from the human rights perspective, I see nothing wrong with one. Leave one to freedom of choice for as long as one is not violating the lives of others. Therefore, okay to me

ABORTION ISSUE - Women have the right to do with their own bodies as pleased as long as lives of other are not endangered

This is to answer Duda/ Kaczynski and others so much concerned with what people do with their most intrinsic feelings/own bodies and so on...answer to disturbed people as we basically witness to Trump phenomena(Grab them by the pussy hire fire Klux Klux Klan boss) that left us with semi mentally disabled people on top political stages to whom issues such as PAEDOPRISTS lets say or their own corruption issues(am I right Morwaiecki ?)...racist, filled with hatred, bigotted, expressing tolerance for crime/corruption, pedophilia issues that either less important to them as basic human rights which state healthcare alone should cover(at least first abortion and every rape) or its just that beasts are afraid to be seen as they are and are using finger-pointing as a technik to steer away from own phenomena - I think is both.

According to Merkel, Germans love nothing more than play with sanity on other human beings

and why not...its money they have no ?

If I ever was considered as a human being by these creatures on the first place.

After exposing IMAGINARY SCHIZOPHRENIC GAME BETWEEN KACZYNSKI AND DONALD TUSK earlier today, German response in respect to WWII damages comes quickly quickly to Poland


The scariest to Merkel, however, is my plan to rebuild Poland. Related to

Here is what Merkel and her team belive would be in best interest for Poland(not money, but instead exactly as I have explained have done with Russia for which Putan Putanowich signed off all debts that Germany owed for WWII's reparations - they gave Russia blueprints for modernized and now already totally outdated tank toys/ planes etc., so one eventually assaulted Ukraine - Germany cashed war with oil purchase)...I cite German freeloaders from Bundestag where brought on knees today by me personally, "Berlin jest gotowy wypłacić odszkodowanie za straty wywołane podczas II wojny światowej w innej formie niż reparacje wojenne" - Translated = Germans are now ready to pay to Poland for war reparations, but in form other than $$$$....

Finally got new old car of Czech automaker Skoda

Sk😗da 1999 with VW 1.6l engine, 1st owner car with real 145.000km(90.000miles) is as nice as it gets for the year.


2010 Crash, Lech kille on plane - so it must be that his brother Jaroslaw(supposedly even looking for vengeance against Putin) is not Russian agent...Not Kaczynski not - for sure Kczynski and KGB NOT !!!

"Not Donald Tusk !!! Not that a German agent !!" is what we can hear screaming from Warszaw on daily bases, but what exactly are facts about 2010 plane crash and imaginary German agent Donald Tusk...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Despite all, I am staying Poland

Idea of creating political Party that would unite all Poles regardless of their backgrounds remains the strongest factor to which my present relates to the past.

The chosen one got G7 cancelled when attempting to use his personal theft as a hosting site for G7

Individual is not a deluded racist KKK bigott only, but also a thief as we all know. Before getting involved in my case, his debt exceeded 10 billion Dollars already - was drowning in debt

He now wants to become American royalty - Queen Elizabeth #2 accross the pond. What a sick country would that be...its bad now, but I cant imagine what consequences would become for people there and globally if lunatic would trully manage to overthrow the state.

This indivual was involved in MKultra an have conditioned

This indivual was involved in MKultra an have conditioned present torture of me with existance of Polish state. IF YOU WILL NOT...IF YOU WILL SAY...IT ENDED NOTHING I COULD DO KACZYNSKI WON and so on...he supposedly investigated plane crash inSmolensk for which every Polack knew from thecday it happened whose fold one was.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

All I wanted was to help through understanding, but was wrong about it

Polish police had different plans, so be it then.

I cite police officer from ul. Dolga in Zgierz whose son is in Norway, "we will help you unless you go against Trump...if you go against Trump, we will destroy you".

But it was Trump who financed my ruin in Poland via Polish police.

Lets see if we can stop this violent thuggery once and for all.

Poland tortured for 25 years to demonstrate me and accuse me of own blunders

If they would go on for another 10 or 20 years, I bet, they could demonstrate me even more ruined lives for which I would be accused of ruining...

Related to

They live

to HATE literatelly.

I am not a match to state, and as such dont wish to compete with their lunacy.

I feel as persona non grata in Poland and as such dont plan on stay here

Hatred toward me is impossible to describe. Police organized along with broader Polish government a totail haist against me. They dont control residences only, but also car market through to which mist sadistic methods used to disturb and mentally destriy were implemented. Yes, I was in Lowicz today and was again demonstrated just what I have done(caused division and hatred) here via MKultra, by meeting and identifying licals, but all in all its Poland which commited most horrific autricity known to human kind to me personally.

I complerelly reject notion to barry any kind of responsibikity for being tortured by Polish state and causing as such harm to other human beings. I in fact accuse state of Poland of hurting me as well as other people intentionally for the sake of filthy political game to which we wittnes in Warszaw via Mr. Kaczynski, Morawiecki, and Duda.

Thus Polish police as explained in coming video tortures and looks into personal wallet 24/7. I cant live in country like this and reject idea to accept responsibility of any kind for lives of others that were effected by such misdeeds.

Poland owes me appologee(will not accept one), and I owe myself to hold one responsible for ruining me 25 years of life and all other issyes which took place in 2018/2019.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

New glasses after being 50% blind for year and three months

This alone created totally distorted picture about myself when for the first time seeing myself in mirrior guys have no idea what I have just gone through.
Video can be also seen at

Worke at times required precision. Have no idea how, but I made it through.

Watch yourself Israel

Putin is a funny dude - think his daughter's husband husband...

Who knows what Turks(allies of Germany for many decades) may have in b background and it may not even be Turks that would could be delivered from Russian side which might have been given deadly cargo by US or who knows whom...people in game are people on whom I never ever would rely upon. Cause itself is a global imperialism in the name of neonazism.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Too much sanity may be madness and the maddest of all, to see life as it is and not as it should be.

Found news just as you did average

The slave quote which Americans seems have FINALLY embraced for the sake of own redemption in front of the world...
And what is life !!???? Enemy to them is what one represents...anything differing from these beasts that God created either is controlled or must be as Schwarzenegger stated If it can bleed, we can kill it.”...

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Hear Poles will now be capable to enter US without visas - great news for


Genetic purification of Poles will this way enter the accelerated mode. Of families which are offered new financing per additional child will get to chose between life in US(done via employment and other issues) and stay in Poland if classified as appropriate. Same was already done with Roma people in Czech rep., Slovakia, and Poland and so on...nothing to worry about employment statistics and low wages either. Nice 500+

According to Kaczynski, plan is to make Poland totally blonde so Jews which travel to Poland would feel alienated here....

I have no intentions on leaving Poland any time soon and likely EVER

Just to answer speculators from abroad and domestically. Nor are US or London of any interest to me. At least till US of which citizen I am, proves world that I(my life) matter - basically thaat I am more than a slave certificate(known also s US citizenship) given to me in 2000 for purpose of most severe torture that ended depriving me off 25 years of life via forced job search and psychiatric torture...

Complain submitted yesterday on 12th to inspectorate for work in Lodz, Poland

Will repeat this post as is very important for me / Dont't want modified mainstream media junk to cover one.

Download complain at

or see one at

Old picture in this(present place) room already am certain at least for 9 years

Dont need to tell you of what one should remind me off and does.

STRAIGHT OUT OF GAMBINO'S BOOK: We were just a nice real estate family

But then again I don't know IF any gangster with whom justice caught up in the past have/would differ from Eric Trump's view on himself and his family as NICE. We were just a nice real estate family

I wonder what minimum wage paid mexicans whom Trump would shut in legs to have them ran back across the border and die in suffering(agony) there or in desert think about their KKK boss..."nice" definitely became the wider option of use when seeing themselves infront of mirrors on daily bases for the worst of the worst under Trump's presidency, but don't know about women whom president would just grab for the pussy, minorities on general, Slavic people from whom family demanded to open to neonazi ties and so on...and why not, Lucifer was/is "nice" too. Mr. Nice sees nothing wrong with pedophilia(raping even underage boys and not only girls), rape on general, curruption theft and even torture of American citizens for the sake of the personal interests. Reality show in which people really get hurt and killed. Cool family if ever was anything worse in US.

Hospital identified as well as two physicians of which one was retired in either 2005/2006 or perhaps 2008

Exact timing is a problem when MKultra lasted for no less than 24 years...I also remember now stuff members(nurses - the one who was there also for the day in fact told me they will place her in hospital perhaps two years before we will eventually get into personal contact). The present doctor is from Lodz as I reminded myself of...older doctor who no longer is there I can point out from photo + contrary to present one, he was leaner, has worn frequently ironed shirts and pants(black/brown ironed on edge pants)...Its the same with the registration office of Wojewódzki Szpital Specjalistyczny im. Marii Skłodowskiej Curie w Zgierzu and mental hospital attached right next to one out of which psychiatrist came out with gray hair - he was my first psychiatrist in Zgierz(year 2002).
Recognized doctor without doubt(from Lodz and had nothing to do with what Russians brainwashed have worked in an imaginary building located next to lake and where now parking lot is)...I remember changes done to hospital sometimes in 2005/2006...modification of side entrance into bigger one...SPINE INJURY A PLANNED EVENT !!!

Lasted on this job so all that wanted this to happen

can sleep in peace. Foremost to award Zgierzan community...Lodz. Share with them painfull past( many are crippled in Zgierz) and to remind of importance Zgierzan sawing tradition.

Opposite of Kaczynski who argued with Netanyahu a coming monument which is standing next to library in center of Zgierz(McDonalds), when conditioned by Israeli investments if not dedicating one to 5000 Zgierzans/Lodzans whom Hitler murdered, I praise exustance of DNA which persists in about 80% of Poles...I love Poland for what it is and for the way people look. And you Poland have to love yourself as such as well or you will not exist. Cleansing presence of any DNA from Poland(what Kaczynski does) is a crime and ultimate betrayal of all others. It shows weaknes to the outside enemies at the top of the state.

Love yourself Poland.

I have no regrets...I would have done it all over again. Am glad I did.

Related to

If I am the worst Poland have seen, then

Poland is a fortunate country.

Never ever had a single bad intention for her people. Exactly the opposite. Incl. after all here mentioned.

In respect to car assasination plot in 2007

My cousin from Austria was in ind. Boruta park...I remember where and so on. Was his mother that Pole from Germany begun to exhtort for more money after stealing from me $500 worth in car parts.

Kaczynski sells election lies in same fashion as time share is sold in US

Gets paid group to cheer him for others to learn on how one should be seen with his Gestapo party

Happy voting Polska

No longer certain about 2007 assasination plot which involved my car

Seller of parts for my American market made Mazda was Polish who lived in Germany...paid parts which never even arrived. Upon stealing $500 for car parts, he continued to exhtort inSS fassion my old aunt and uncle(was on dead bed) for more money what reminds me of my attempts to register in Zgierzan gminna during 2019...

Could as well be Poland that organised hit. Perhaps not...Poland has to come out crystally clear about my MKultra case or it will be very very bad.

Borut Pahor was great supporter of crippling in Poland(was individual whom Polish state used for psychiatric torture and forced unemployment in Slovenia) and its what he suggested would make me understand better Milos Zeman...

2003/2004 Grotniki

Medical rescue and police orchestrated for Kaczynski three times what would be future bike accident...would create noice have me lay on asphalt floor and insist I have accident...rescue and pokuce would come abd Kaczynski would laugh as a mad man on each occassion - fascinated with my looks obviously and questions...continued to suggest what hurts me, how I should see myself as and so on...

After what happened in this factory according to Kaczynski, a big car would crash in the rear of smaller car I would purchase and tgat would be it for me...

Crippling an organised event of Kaczynski/Trump. Nothing more...according to police from Zgierz injury will be Lumbar harniated disc...we will see.

Israel warned me about attempted Polish police crippling in Poland

Lead by Kaczynski and organized by Zgierzan police future crippling was organized event already in 2008/2010.

When in Israel, they demonstrated me vidos if factory premisses gesturing me organised future crippling. Local police officer from Zgierz told me that has to be done due to number of people hurt under MKultra - his son is in Norway.

Local hospital with doctor(there since 2006/2008) in one recignized few days ago...I, however, remember even first doctor in this hospital hiw he looked like before he retired...I remember also modification of building entrance when he still was there.

Crippling according to Xgierz poluce a MUST event because of my causing such a great pain/misfortune to people of Poland under MKultra.

Leaving even your own brother behind like this not nice at all

Racism does no good to anyone out there. Feel for Harry and Meghan tonight
One of the worst pictures ever...reminds me on what loyal dog left out on the rain would look like regardless of how hard one tries to get in...royals also split consequently now on issues per how they crave to be seen in the world or more importantly on how world should see itself according to them.... Well, hope world will reject to see itself as seen on this photo :(((

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Because of Donald Trump

I don't feel even like being person with white background.

This is why racism.

I have heard about CIA turning people into communists, so their countries could be destroyed - but never into what you witness on here...and for this matter, you will eat your past and future financial investments across the Eastern Europe and Asia. We Slavs are white only per convenience. Other than that its just as you have listed us in the past(whiteout) for...

Melania Trump Visits Grand Teton National Park

Not allowed to post comments on youtube where you can see modified hypocrisy(the biggest one world has ever seen - can Melania - a native from Slovenian Sevnica/Novo mesto save the bigotted US from yet the biggest disgrace world have ever seen is how I see it and here is why) either...


Comment, "Second 24 of video, "heil Hitler" !?????

YOU KNOW MY NAME: US Gov. changes mind on Syria within 3/4 hours after my revealing plan

There is nothing to add to this - Trump left isolated as Republican allies revolt over US withdrawal from Syria

Related to my news posted 3/4 hours ago

Laptop just as tablet is/was(over year now) saturated with job offers in Germany for which

However, I never expressed any interest. Never ever clicked in Poland on a single German job offer, so I wonder how could my gadgets be so populated with all sorts of adds from German job market...Its HATER Kaczynski who should consider one; not myself.

They look abnormal when you see them on the big screens, yet you all accept them in real life

Word is about Jokers

Think about it and ask yourself why !!?????

Don't know about you, but for me, its heavy to watch them dancing on political stages on a daily bases...want to see/feel/hear something normal(not watch creeps)...wife/kids I thought because of these creeps I could never possibly have...

Save the world and say to yourself "the hell with them" or it will be you(us) who will end there instead of them..

Kaczynski - a Polish traitor just as Putin is Russian traitor

When Ukrainians take German side as a result of Warszaw's politic, it will be too late for all of us....ll that will be left for us Slavs is to wave goodbye to one another...

End of the Slavic world is coming.


Related to news bellow about which I have warn first already in 2017 is United Nations' consideration of this MKULTRA case

UN just doesn't see/hear know about one regardless...

I call on Erdogan and other Muslim leaders to recognize my MKultra case as a fact undeniable. Turks knew ALL ABOUT MY CASE. Its now or never Mr. Erdogan...the further down the road, the more you will be intimidated and bullied in corner(all of you).


Monday, October 7, 2019

War known as Israel is Kurdistan is coming - Syria never ever again - DELETED 4 EVER

YOU ALSO GET AN IDEA HOW OTHERWISE WEAK STATE CAN TAKE ON MUCH BIGGER RIVALS(bombarded preliminary by Americans and Russians - Syria nothing more than pie served on plate to Israel).

Have I told the future game as planned by Russia/US/Israel/UK on te mid-East and what obviously will follow with Ukraine or not !!????

The one who did this is Mr. Fort Trump(also known as Kaczynski).


Sunday, October 6, 2019

"YOU ARE FIRED"/POTRZEBUJEMY JESZCZE JEDEN RAZ TWOJ OSTATNI RAZ - Video in Polish/Ten film jest w całości w języku polskim

"YOU ARE FIRED" <==how my first job ended in Poland
Video can also be seen at

POLAND 2019 ABOVE MENTIONED JOB EXPLANATION – here is what last 3 months after Polish Immigration system where I applied for political asylum in 2018 declined me the right to file for one:

PPH Legs Sp. z o.o. - Dział farbiarnia, Zgierz 10/7/2019 to 2/10/2019 Packaging position.
First employment in Poland ended with litigation(am presently in complain process)with employer as of October 2nd when fired on day off for(according to employer) not immediately answering single phone call, because of my not meeting with employer in respect to extension of job contract(was never informed about meeting), and my not performing according to employer's expectations at work.

REALITY: Theft of issued work related items accured within first two days(from pen to markers, and even scalpel knife – whatever was left on workplace table – thefts on pens then repeatedly continued throuhout stay). Worked first two months almost 75% of time on other than packaging(SSM – manulally supplying production lines with production material and removing one from production when completed) as hired for and would hand lift(move) at times even 15 or more tones of material per shift(20% of which higher than my own hight 183 cm – boxes weighted frequently 20kg or more) till I would experience real spine injuries(pain in lower portion of spine, regular numbness in middle right hand finger and lately as well in left, and even spine related pain numbness in right leg). No training was provided on how to handle material – in fact improper handling of material was demonstrated/ encouraged(from begining even for boxes which weighted 45kg were encouraged to hand lift and all the way to pushing them manually to production lines – supply was from begining served by pulling manual forklift which weighted up to 800kg or possibly even more). At packaging department computer system used to enter item information would disconnect online processing sessions on every 3/4 times per 15 processed boxes which needed to be weighted(till last week of work). No work manual was ever given on how to properly process work(forget about few binded folder with few pages non related to work opearation demonstrated last week for no photokopy was issued or would be allowed to even take photo of) and if one would manage to direct his mind to proper sequence of packaging operation, coworkers arrived to ensure furher distruption of mental process as soon as I would manage to recollect mind from confusion. There was no information on items location stored in warehouse either. Obvious desired outcome was well anticipated dementia/scattered mind all over the place(total lack of concentration on work during rotating 12 hours early monrning and overnight shifts). Employer was further assisted by selected private settings(housing rentals) where all sorts of violent activities went on according to Mkultra scenario(frequent destruction and theft of private property as well as physical violence – several wrist watches destroyed, as well as telephone and work computer timing modified to misguide on time – employer wasn't shy to modify/forge and lie even about work schedulle with idea to reprimand me) which I have undergone in Poland between 1998 to 2017. An angry moode swinging paranoid schizophrenic approach(positive smiling - but job dedicated attitude discouraged) was continuously incited by demonstrating me(exampling me) job performance(on how its done) with certain work attitudes(expanded into workers relations related activities).  

MORE REGARDING MY JOB PERFORMANCE IF TEMPORARY CRIPPLING DOESN'T EXPLAIN ONE ENOUGH(I wouldn't end up in pain if I would perform and care) - never ever was I late for work for even single minute and that included impossible situation during which I was compelled to sleep/lodge in the local forest(accomplished via impossible rental market and proven so after I moved to next designated location - same location which I visited prior to forest lodging). None of the tested American subjects can repeat here stated. A MORE PRECISE VIDEO ABOUT MY JOB PERFORMANCE IS STILL COMING...JUST ASK YOURSELF FOR HOW LONG CAN YOU KEEP JOB FOR IF YOU GET CRIPPLED(never mind your performance) !!????? 

Despite here mentioned, I am eager to take on next employment opportunity in Poland as soon s possible and continue with an outstanding performance which above mentioned company attempted to deprive me of for the sake of here mentioned politicians. I will never rest at what was done to me, but instead strive to climb back up the letter and higher. Thanks to this very company(owners and co-workers), I still managed to obtain very sensitive data concerning MKultra procedure which led all the way to Ukraine - now proven and would like to thank them for that.
In 2013, complaints from Zgierzan locals about huge number of disabled people in Zgierz related to Boruta industrial park financed by European Union began to appear to me under MKultra...

Saturday, October 5, 2019




Friday, October 4, 2019

Like Harry for sticking with Meghan

I can confirm that Harry was subjected to real humiliation/degradation from all sides(not only British media, but Putin/MEDVEDEV/Trump side as well) for his involvement with half black American girl.

American Ku Klux Klan boss(his word is as good as water in your hands = hatred = corruption) rejected/warned by Finish president to not touch him

Finland - THE country which was left behind during Winter War by everyone except her sons/daughters and God, demonstrates feeling toward corrupt hateful American coward

I salute Finland and always will because I know what it means to be forgotten - left behind for dead by entire world. Rather than laying down in ditches to bag for mercy, they took stand against aggressor which outnumbered them with population ratio 50:1(170 million in USSR vs just 3.5 million in Finland) to beat one up in Finish forests as hard as one could be beaten up(Joseph remembered Finland as the biggest lesson for the rest of his life). Misery loves the company and no one any longer wants to associate with one(bye-bye Trump - ITS HOW HIS OWN REALITY SHOW ENDS:)))))).

Today, I feel more Chinese than anything else.


70 years ago you burned entire Europe to the ground - AGAIN !!! Technology and money came from US.

20 years ago via my case, you started to take from European nations(Spaniards, Italians, French, and British) the creativity desire - gesturing them via corrupt politicians willing to sabotage own economy that everything is run better under your flag(good bye Seat, good bye Fiat/Lancia/Alfa/ Rover etc)...that people as people should see themselves in mirrors more like you(they did and numerous were turned as a result into wondering vagabonds).

Audios in Polish language are coming as well

There is no secret that I LOVE Polish language. One reminds on Slovenian in many aspects nd I find one fascinating for many other reasons as well. s much as I was deprived from one, I managed to preserve enough to engage in somewhat decent conversation with state employee yesterday at the location described bellow...all these(for Polish people to understand in Polish language issues touching my case and their lives) are now coming live...I have immediate recognized state employees at mentioned location and even more important, ZGIERZANS CONTINUE TO SUPPORT ME :)))) They now recvognize me as someone from far past...I have also recognized geantleman from Zdunska Wola  who started optic(sale of glasses frames, lenses etc.) and whom we with Americans visited since play with glasses started...that means I have proof also for claim in respect to well ahead planned play(destruction) with about that😉

Was at Powiatowy Urząd Pracy, Henryka Barona 10, 95-100 Zgierz

To work inspectorate in Lodz city(Okręgowy Inspektorat Pracy w Łodzi)

On October 1st of 2019, I have received SMS and phone call in which I was informed from businesses manager about being fired for not answering phone call, for not appearing at meeting related to work contract extension, and due to what she claimed were unsatisfactory grades from immediate supervisor. I am referring to company known as "PPH Legs Sp. z o.o. - Dział farbiarnia" located at Benzantronowa 4, 95-100 Zgierz.

Theft of issued work related items accrued in this company upon by beginnings in one within first two days(from pen to markers, and even scalpel knife – whatever was left on workplace table – thefts

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

CURRUPTION KILLS: United Nations and curruption issues

Here is how to stop one(my advice to real America):

Reject division from all sides - including the one of Barack Obama. Remember that curruption starts with small insults...ends with divisions and breakups of entire nations.
I reject notion to see myself as Polish prior to human being
Video can be also seen at

Will regard Mr. Trump from now on just as "Mr. Kill Them All"

Workers, women, immigrants...he has a deep mental problem(a real lunatic) and needs to be addressed properly.

Working on new job search - here is my resume and what will be outlined on one

As far as coworkers and owner - I still don't think they had TRUMP'S option within Trump/Kaczynski's option in this Dutch owned company(in Poland owned by Polish family) to choose from. I have a positive view on them as people, but do have to disagree with criminal company's conduct. Will stop at state office tomorrow(perhaps today) to submit claim as I have other stuff to do today. Resume where bellow will remain outlined can be downloaded at 

Mr. Trump doesn't hate immigrants only, he hates workers as well(its what he came to teach to Poland on how can be done).

Tuesday, October 1, 2019