Saturday, January 20, 2018

Slovenian government violates Chinese and Slovenian state protocols to favor human trafficking/criminality against Chinese in China, and AmeroGerman(Buckingham) occupation of Taiwan(conman Dalai Lama #2 type of artificial state created by neonaziimperialists to divide and conquer Asian part of the world with ideas to rule one with terror and death = just as the case is with African continent and so on).

Human trafficking(hijacking/abducting anywhere from tourists to natives) story doesn't start in Slovenia, it goes back to 2011(and even earlier as it always have same old same actors in it) in Barcelona where Spanish police finally arrested 39 members of a suspected Chinese mafia and have freed 30 young Chinese women forced into prostitution(numerous Eastern
European as well as African were also rescued during the mission). The main cause for criminality(in this case) was Spanish state alone at the time as one seems to have distanced itself from state and international laws(it was large operation on territory of Spain and one went on for a bit too long without authorities noticing anything suspicious/unusual/illegal). Then similar French scandal in 2013 exploded and son on....However, in 2016 - we notice almost identical to present Slovenian situation in Spain(Madrid, Barcelona Alicante)....During 2016 sting in Spain, over 200 individuals of Chinese origins were arrested in Spanish / Chinese police sting that involved 16 call centers(16 million Euros fraud) which were used by Chinese mafia based in China to enslave via human trafficking Chinese citizens(lock them in buildings) and then use them further as an deadly instrument to rob/plunder(and as a sex slaves) Chinese victims back home in China !!! HORROR which, however(again), was solved via Chinese Spanish cooperation.


First of all, it seems that Slovenian state haven't learned anything from other European countries(much larger and important than tiny two million state Slovenia) when violating both state protocols(Slovenian and Chinese) as well as international laws(treaties)

Slovenian diplomatic fiasco(instead of involving China in one as victims were foremost Chinese and China state alone, Taiwanese product of neonazi imperialism was given an advantage) is obvious and to make things even worse, Minister Erjavec(Minister of Foreign Affairs since 2012) makes inappropriate(questionable/awkward) statement even about Chinese integrity after China submitted today a protest note to Slovenia I cite, "Chinese diplomatic protest in respect to incident that have involved solely Taiwanese/Slovenian investigation in respect to Chinese call centers in Slovenia is unnecessary as we support one state solution/integrity in China"(duh, I thought so too as countries much bigger that Slovenia see one as only viable option for the piece in that part of the world - Taiwan is nothing more than reminder of British/AmeroGerman IndoChinese occupation that is used to condition China with existence even today...while Chinese mainland was under forced opium addiction for centuries, Spain and Holland exchanged bullets for territory of Chinese province known as Taiwan)....
Taiwan, officially the Republic of China (ROC), is a state in East Asia. Its neighbors include the People's Republic of China (PRC) to the west, Japan to the northeast, and the Philippines to the south.... 

What most of the Slovenian media(rather articles as bellow RTV Slovenia alone admits that issue were also 8 Taiwanese police officers involved in sting operation and not only two Taiwanese translators) claims is that during sting into one of the call centers, Slovenian police experienced there problems with translation and so Slovenian police officers hired two translators from Taiwan, thereby violating the rule of a single China(its what most of Slovenian news sources report).....however, RTV Slovenia reports on one of the articles also following, "Slovenia received sharp Chinese diplomatic protest note from Chinese ambassador due to 8 Taiwanese police officers involved directly in Slovenian police investigation/sting operation....Chinese state even rescinded cooperation relationship with Slovenian police over the incident".

150 police officers worked(investigated 11 call centers in locations Maribor/Celje/Ljubljana - other article claims up to 16 houses/residential objects) on case/operation, 36/32 people(either 32 or 36 victims while two Slovenian citizens and four Asians were arrested on criminal charges) involved...

Victims will be provided with a 30-day period of recovery(supported and given chance to determine where from here on with their lives) - if they wish to do so, they will be allowed to join the Safe Setup program.

Conclusion: Very unprofessional work from Slovenian government that doesn't reflect views of Slovenian people on China. China is seen in Slovenia as an extremely important(geopolitical/strategic) future partner with much anticipation by local people as cooperation between two states is inevitable if Slovenia is to survive(even Germans who are economic owners of European Union or Americans go on knees in-front of one - China either guarantees national strengths or failure to largest global economies today while in case of tiny Slavic Slovenia, we are bound on mutual dependence due much more than just economic interests that involve WWII issues)...

Slovenian politicians will just have to become realistic and take glows off(treat one with little more than respect as waiters do in restaurant with important customers) when handshaking with China...Slovenian economy is as a result of such arrogance losing astronomic amounts of money(in trade and transportation sectors, no one on this world can match Chinese anywhere even near, and the possibilities between the two countries that would benefit also Poland/Belarus/Russia/Czech etc. are endless)

WITH INTELLIGENT APPROACH, PORT OF KOPER COULD CHANGE ITS NAME INTO ITS REAL NAME(just saying purpose wise and not to change name literally as one is not used one right now anywhere even near to its full potential = we have wrong customers in that port and we keep doors locked to the right ones = we rather lose money by offering one to Germans and Israel almost for free and who sell us afterwards Chinese imports in our stores than to use one to sell them instead) PORT OF CHINA(from where Golden Silk Road could run all the way to Russia/Belarus/Ukraine/Poland etc. - it would also have tremendous effect on EU as Slovenia could become finally self reliant importer and not as the case is = buyer of Chinese goods from Germany/Italy etc.) AND WITH RUSSIAN FINANCIAL INVESTMENT, CHINESE COULD PROVIDE US WITH MUCH NEEDED TIR 2 TECHNOLOGY(its how problem is properly solved)

Something that so far only Belorussian Lukashenko had balls to get into, but something without which we will not be capable to survive in this part of the world as future will be more and more competitive. China is after-all the future(today's technological marvel of the world which will gain even much much greater impact on tomorrow)....

Slovenian diplomacy owes Beijing serous apology(never mind financial damages to victims in China, this case involved extremely sensitive issues such as human trafficking with Chinese people and even Chinese state integrity as a whole nation - not funny at all)

V kitajskih klicnih centrih po Sloveniji izkoriščali žrtve trgovine z ljudmi. Kitajska protestira.

Policija je razbila mednarodno kriminalno združbo, ki se je ukvarjala s trgovino z ljudmi. Tuje državljane so silili delati v nezakonitih klicnih centrih po Sloveniji, ki so se ukvarjali s finančnimi goljufijami. Zaradi preiskave je Kitajska MZZ-ju poslala diplomatsko noto.

Preiskave izvajajo mariborski kriminalisti, skupaj s kriminalisti in policisti policijskih uprav Maribor, Ljubljana, Celje in Kranj ter ob koordinaciji uprave kriminalistične policije. Sodelujeta tudi specialna enota in posebna policijska enota. Preiskujejo 11 različnih stanovanjskih objektov in pet osebnih vozil.

Vodja sektorja kriminalistične policije na Policijski upravi Maribor Robert Munda je v izjavi za javnost pojasnil, da so osumljeni slovenski državljani skupaj s tujimi sostorilci azijskega rodu na območju Slovenije od leta 2015 najeli več stanovanjskih objektov, v katere so naselili tuje državljane in jim omejili gibanje. V objekte so vgradili telekomunikacijsko tehnologijo, ki so jih žrtve potrebovale pri izvrševanju goljufij. Dozdajšnja preiskava nakazuje, da je bilo takšnih objektov v Sloveniji do osem. Po poročanju medijev naj bi bil eden v Mariboru v garaži, ki je pred kratkim zgorela, največji center pa naj bi bil v Ljubljani pri Dolgem mostu.

Goljufi prepričevali ljudi, naj prenakažejo denar?
Munda sklepa, da so se goljufije izvajale na podoben način, kot so jih pred časom razkrili v Španiji. Tam so se klicatelji predstavili kot policisti in od strank pridobivali identifikacijske podatke, nato pa so jih skušali prepričati, naj svoj denar prenakažejo na t. i. varne račune. Večina oškodovancev je bila državljanov azijskih držav.

Preiskovalci so v tej fazi pridržali pet slovenskih državljanov in tri tuje državljane. Ali je med storilci tudi kdo izmed tistih, ki jih v tej fazi obravnavajo kot žrtve, pa še raziskujejo, je še pojasnil Munda.

Izredno zahtevna kriminalistična preiskava je trajala več kot pol leta, je dodal pomočnik direktorja uprave kriminalistične policije na Generalni policijski upravi Boštjan Lindav. V okviru preiskave so si pomagali s prikritimi preiskovalnimi ukrepi, izdatno sodelovali s tujimi policijami in si z različnimi državami izmenjevali podatke.

V akcijo 150 mož postave
Zaključek preiskave je bil in je še vedno zahteven tudi z logističnega vidika in z vidika obremenitve kadrov, je poudaril Lindav. V današnjih dejavnostih namreč sodeluje okoli 150 kriminalistov in policistov iz različnih enot, vodi pa jih sektor mariborske kriminalistične policije.

Kot je še dejal Lindav, se policija vse pogosteje srečuje s kaznivimi dejanji trgovine z ljudmi. Ta se najpogosteje pojavi z namenom izkoriščanja za spolne usluge, vse pogostejša oblika pa je tudi prisilno delo. Pri preiskavah takšnih kaznivih dejanj so dejavnosti policije na eni strani usmerjene v zbiranje dokazov, na drugi strani pa v zaščito žrtev, je povedal.

Se je pa s takšno obliko trgovine z ljudmi slovenska policija po besedah Munde srečala prvič. Po njegovih informacijah sicer določene dejavnosti danes izvajajo tudi hrvaški policisti, saj so se nekateri posamezniki, povezani s temi kaznivimi dejanji, pojavili tudi tam.

Interpol, Europol, Kitajci in Tajvanci
V akciji poleg tožilstva in policije sodelujejo tudi tuji varnostni organi in Europol, po poročanju Radia Slovenija med drugim tudi Interpol ter kitajska in tajvanska policija. Po nekaterih informacijah naj bi policisti že pridržali 36 ljudi s kitajskim ali tajvanskim državljanstvom, vendar gre v tem primeru za žrtve.

Kot je policija še navedla v sporočilu za medije, pri zaščiti žrtev trgovine z ljudmi sodeluje z nevladnimi organizacijami v okviru programa krizne namestitve. Žrtvam zagotovijo 30-dnevno obdobje okrevanja in razmisleka, v nadaljevanju pa jim, če žrtve to želijo, omogočijo vključitev v program varne namestitve.

Kitajska poslala diplomatsko noto
Med preiskavo naj bi se po nekaterih namigih, ki so jih sicer viri na zunanjem ministrstvu dopoldne zanikali, pojavil tudi diplomatski spor med Slovenijo in Kitajsko. Ob vdoru v eno izmed central so se namreč pojavile težave s prevajanjem, zato naj bi slovenski policisti angažirali dva prevajalca iz Tajvana, s tem pa naj bi kršili pravilo enotne Kitajske. A so z ministrstva za zunanje zadeve popoldne sporočili, da so diplomatsko noto s kitajskega veleposlaništva v Ljubljani v popoldanskih urah prejeli.

Vsebina diplomatske note je povezana s preiskavo in dogajanjem okoli nje. Ministrstvo bo odgovor pripravilo po posvetovanju s policijo, ministrstvom za notranje zadeve in tožilstvom, so na ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve povedali za MMC.

Aretacije v Španiji konec leta 2016

Podobne akcije je, kot so tedaj poročali nekateri tuji mediji, konec leta 2016 izvedla španska policija, ki je odkrila 13 nezakonitih klicnih centrov v okolici Madrida, Barcelone in Alicanteja ter aretirala več kot 200 ljudi kitajskega rodu. Ogoljufali naj bi nekaj tisoč kitajskih državljanov za več kot 16 milijonov evrov.

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