Wednesday, January 17, 2018

President Borut Pahor have individual involved in abductions deliver backpack ordered from Chinese ebay 66 days ago

After posting previously mentioned news(at night), my parents rushed in panic(mother nervous talked to herself and have walked like lost/father in panic) this morning(at 7am already) to local is wired with micro-cameras to which access have even Slovenian psychiatrists(not only Slovenian government, but also here mentioned psychiatrists - all explained in new video documentaries). I sadly have to say that Andreja Jeric/Tatjana Prokselj(all the Ljubljana psychiatrists involved in my case) is involved and so are others(they created real $adi$tic $how out of my situation and it seems one will not stop...Hollywood, politicians, elites worldwide have access to one - this is why my neighbors are "jobless" - both Berger/Kolenc and many others as well - was told this by someone, but will not say whom)...

1) Backpack incident - after 66 days, I receive backpack(model that no longer is even produced) all cut/ripped/chopped from individual who was involved in abductions via president Pahor...I have proofs for my claims(individual is from Maribor city, but he lives in Novo mesto and is using van with MB registration).

2) Video on Shoigu's security desk(either packed with radioactive material or simply designed to amplify/absorbs electromagnetic radiation) sold to me in Jysk for discount(35/50 Euros - I detect radiation about one meter away from desk when laptop is on one and at least 40 cm when laptop is down as one possibly absorbs/creates radiation - you have to see this to believe it, am just shocked that Shoigu who was in shock when told about table have decided to pass one along to me since he is such a sincere dude...he wasn't happy with Americans back then)....

3) Video surveillance of the house - CIA equipment from Texas, but may be two/three cams also from Israel if I remember details well from MKULTRA. Installed according to MKULTRA in main door entrance and second glass door.
What new backpack looks like on ebay and what I ordered(

What I got after 66 days....

All cut/ripped....

Front entrance installed in 2005(I was brought from USA and was show one - suggested what was placed in there).

Closer took to what is inside in there(everywhere - in all windows).

And a bit closer - am sure you can see it...its like this in everywhere where glass is...

Second door....told by Rick Perry how cams are hidden inside of the glass(TX company - made on special requests for special people only) and it sure did look like back then as it did yesterday/today...

Locations of cams - was told that I will be taken out of the house to mental hospital when I publish this news during MKULTRA, so they will be capable to change everything back to what it should be...will wait and see how things will come along...

One meter above the table after computer is removed, electromagnetic detector still goes off above the table !!! Notice security type of the table that was sold to me - I didn't pay attention to such details when purchasing one two months ago in Jysk(Scandinavian family furniture store)....

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