Friday, October 15, 2021

Borut Pahor failed YET AGAIN - this time with ultra violent car parts shop almost next door(Bartog d.o.o. PE Novo mesto) - must note than Harald V of Norway INVESTED MONEY IN THIS VERY COMPANY IN 2003 OR SO - These people, however, were involved in torture longer even prior with old store there

 King Harald V of Norway who knew all about torture inside of this very store have a lots of

questions to answer, but today's technical car examination, didn't go through as many anticipated - with street fight. Store so violent that shift supervisor involved in MK Ultra since 1998 gestured would probably have to close store down, but thats all according to him. Mitja - local mechanic who was selected by police to take care father's car(have 
modified also electricity on car for car to behave in unusual patters - am 100% certain had cameras installed in one), have prepared one for technical examination(was told electronic part - VW Polo with 40.000 miles having electronic issues hello !!??? Nothing was told what kinds) by possibly installing broken rear bulb(could also be done during car examination itself as technician drove car during inspection inside of the station by himself) on what mentioned store was handy next door to technical examination. Borut Pahor was specially aggressive with use of violence against me whenever foreign investors pledged money for projects, but same was the case in Poland with Polish state where for everything under MK Ultra European Union was guilty for.

Mechanic Mitja - nothing but a psychiatrist Peter Kapš's private tool - Mechanic Mitja a police which is not police, but instead Slovenian Coup d'état tool's fool.

Norwegian king Harald V of Norway with his son Haakon, however, did knew all about mentioned violence in the store. Was all good according to the two. 

No street fight today - sorry for you guys ,) you all FAILED at technical examination.

Unlike crazy Rusky(Belarus) Sergei, I did managed to changed that bulb and with help of otherwise extremely aggressive individual - MK Ultra rooster boy...

@Aleš Hojs - you and I are gonna plow field, but you don't understand my words written here(yet).

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