Sunday, October 31, 2021

Ambulance vehicles often times appear with sirens near me(when not ?), but today one passed me in 50km per hour residential zone with speed of at least 120km/hour and

 It did happen right in front of late Rudi Moravec's house. Ambulance appeared to have turned at least sirens off(sirens blasted and lights flashed as one passed bye in rather insane mode) as soon as one reached other road...insane ambulance fire rescue sirens game from Poland goes on...I suppose it's a part of rescue game ;) Under MK Ultra they incited me in violence against ambulance vehicle drivers by repeating me on how there will be so many that at one point I will at least(minimum) wish for reaching out with fists for one of Poland and in Slovenia, next to ambulance and fire rescue vehicles security patrol cars were used to blast as substitute for those sirens...

On Charles's question whether Slovenes would sell me for the cost of creation of new Yugoslavia

 According to two brothers and father, I was brainwashed with on how they did through extensive torture procedures which involved even Novo mesto's graveyard. I am only asking law enforcement agencies to stop Londoners from further involvement in crime against me as they ruined me 28 years of life and health.

BUCKINGHAM PALACE'S PLAY WITH MENTAL ILLNESS CONCERNING MYSELF AND OUR FAMILY: In 1995, 1996, 1997, and even 1998 - local psychiatrists and psychologists didn't know how to hide far too evident mental illness presence in my niece Urska(Ursula) Golob Veber while at the same time torture held ZERO PROMISES in respect to my case of which main goal for psychiatrists/ psychologists who LOUDLY COMPLAINED ABOUT UNSUCCESSFUL ATTEMPTS DESPITE HARD MK ULTRA WORK was to create one in me

In 1995, 1996, 1997, and even 1998 - local psychiatrists and psychologists didn't know how to hide far too evident mental illness presence in my niece Urska(Ursula) Golob Veber(Weber) while at the same time torture held ZERO PROMISES in respect to my case of which main goal for psychiatrists/ psychologists who LOUDLY COMPLAINED ABOUT UNSUCCESSFUL ATTEMPTS DESPITE RELENTLESS HARD WORK was to create one in me !!! ITS WHEN PRINCE CHARLES JUMPED IN TO HELP AND BEGUN TO ENCOURAGE WHAT LATTER BECAME ASSIGNED AS TASK OF PRINCE WILLIAM AND HARRY. Claimed that mental illness doesn't exist, but is rather created within environment - guaranteed me personally will create one in me while instructing psychiatrists and psychologists to teach my niece on how to hide all to obvious and ever-increasing eccentric(psychotic) reactions of hers. And so it was on horror and dismay of even some Russian KGB agents. A "workaholic" loser(nor did his two angels) as he loves to be seen as never ever succeeded other than proving world this sentence.

@his Buckingham palace's nobelty prince Charlie for whom his mental crew guaranteed me at the time already managed to destroy even his brother Andrew - A reminder for you buddy just to set things straight ;) You will see where things take you three in respect to law breaking from here on. 

CASE OF PRO SLOVENIAN INDEPENDENCE POLITICIAN ANDREJ VIZJAK INVOLVED IN THIS CASE SINCE 1995: For 70 grand(70.000 Euros) and silence in respect to my case/Slovenia

Minister Andrej Vizjak not the only or first PRO SLOVENIAN INDEPENDENCE politician who exited through somewhat naive public self incrementing statements a world of politics - Vizjak indicted himself utterly just after my calling one

out (published on October 26th, 20121) due to his involvement in my MK Ultra case since 1995 - one in fact even participated in Polish hunger games in Lož/Zgierz area. Vizjak indicted himself in similar fashion to prior 
Slovenian PRO INDEPENDENCE politician Zoran Thaler who exited world of political affairs via British IMPERIAL

  scenario during year 2011 - not before one molested me severely with issues I had nothing to do with, but at the same time have omitted truth about my torture infront of the world for no less than 16 years(who sane would go otherwise to discuss issues as such in public if one had real intentions for wrongdoings - the answer in Vizjak's case, Mr. Vizjak)


Saturday, October 30, 2021

A wakeup call to reality for one of the Oberhäupter von Idiotengemeinschaft's MU MU LAND members: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says now is the time to 'bring the heat on Biden' to cancel student debt: 'He doesn't need Manchin's permission for that'

I like when people wear business attire to get administrative legislature issues done per duties rather than to act as idiots turning our societies into dumpsters for the sake of greater Idiotengemeinschaft from Londonia and Berlinia. 
@AOC = Go for it kick-ass girl from real world and other real people !!! STOP THE STEAL - TURNING REPUBLIC INTO DEBIL-IADA STATE.

@Yahoo news - you listed A DEMOCRAT Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez(a so called AOC as you like to refer to one as) AGAIN as republican.

AOC says now is the time to 'bring the heat on Biden' to cancel student debt: 'He doesn't need Manchin's permission for that' 

V NEMČIJI NIČESAR NOVEGA: Londonarski opijumaši(Battenbergerji - Windsorji - Oberhäupter von Idiotengemeinschaft) so MI NAMIGOVALI IN OD MENE ZAHTEVALI da vidim Milana Kučana kot partnerja že iz stališča glede na leta(število let češ da...) katera je sodeloval v zadevi MK Ultra

 Od mene zahtevali da delim denar z njim etc. v Londonu pa so večkrat poskušali z mano opaviti glede Slovenske samostjnosti kar z verbalno agresijo češ kaj da mi bo Slovenija da zdaj delamo skupaj etc...

To je z eno besedo golazen ki pretvarja normalne ljudi v debile in narode v brezdomce(narode kjer gostujejo zahrbtno uničuje za dobrobit od njih večjih sovražnikov s katerimi trgujejo na račun zaupanja).

Milan Kučan je pripravljal vrnitev v politični ring po svojih LASTNIH BESEDAH MENI OSEBNO V NAŠI HIŠI MED SREČANJEM BRITANCEV NEMCEV AMERIČANOV RUSOV LETA 2015 na post(PO SREČANJU) G20 katero se je zgodilo pred dnevom. Se pravi glede na ulična kričanja da bomo priča vse bolj odprti ustaji NOTRANJIH sovražnikov ki so nam prokrito stregli po samostojnosti zadnjih 30 let

VOJNA ZA SAMOSTOJNO SLOVENIJO PRED NAPADI UDBE KATERA JE POVEZANA Z ZUNANJO DIPLOMACIJO: Slovensko UDBOVSTVO v skupnih točkah uničenja Slovenskega naroda z nacizmom uresničuje svoje namene preko Janeza Janše in ostalih osamosvjiteljev

Vojne za samostojno Slovenijo katera se je začela pred 30 leti ni konec. Sovražnik se je znotraj Slovenskih prostorov še kako okrepil. Notranji sovražnik nas Slovence prikazuje kot narod svetu v popolnoma napačni luči, se povezuje proti nam z tistimi katerih Slovenija

pridobila status priznanja samostojne države pred 30 leti ker so jim bile od strani Slovenskega izdajalstva in vzhodno Evropskih politikov globalne težnje iz preteklosti kolonializma/nacizma, pa , pa barabinstvo ki je pomagalo soustvarjanju napetosti v svetu(vi Kučan in Pahor, Janša) prav tako tako ZAKRIVA PRIKRIVA SENČI moj primer MK Ultra - se pravi zrcali zunanjo sliko diplomacije v sami Sloveniji češ da so druge debate bolj pomembne/celo trendovske kar je značilno za politična prikrivanja. Tako kot Janša nima ničesar z Slovensko samostojnostjo prav tako tudi Slovenski "levičarji" kot se protestujoči ki kličejo na pokol nimajo ničesar z komunizmom - se pravi hočejo da jih tuji protinacistični krogi vidijo za temelje Slovenske pravne diplomaciji čeprav slednnji nimajo nikakršne veze ne s Slovenijo ne z komunizmom(UDBA se pravi je ustvarila 360 stopinjski smrtni krog okoli Slovenskega naroda pri katerem je postala njim predhodno dobro znana COVID19 kriza še dodatna motivacija pri ustvarjanju nezadovoljstva v samostojni Sloveniji - velikočetnika diplomacija v Sloveniji, na Hrvaškem, v Bosni in kakorkoli še seže Rusko Srpska smrt).
Video can be also seen at 

Pope had no place to run this time - aka President Joe Biden Jokes with Pope Francis About Buying Drinks and Getting Older

I already have the name of Slovenian individual who used silicone mask with Joe Biden's permission(video/audio recordings in Slovenia were given to Biden afterwards by American staff member) and also know who police officer was I mention in video in respect to "Vikings" incident

 Related to

Neonazi FAIL: Leaders from China, Russia, Japan, South Africa and Mexico skipping an in-person G-20 appearance.

I would also rate failure as epic COVID19 f****p 


A Very Unusual ‘Family Photo’ With Stand-Ins for G-20 No-Shows 

Amid crises in Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro, and Bosnia - China and Serbia praise 'steel friendship' amid growing ties

I stated "
Amid crises in Slovenia, Croatia, and Bosnia" because I like China, but consider Serbian chetnik state as a ultimate threat to at least five Balkan nations with Albanian(Kosovo) as the fifth one. 

BELGRADE, Serbia (AP) — Serbian officials praised their “steel friendship” with China during talks on Thursday with China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi amid fears in the West that by heavily investing in the Balkan state, Beijing is trying to exert its political influence in that part of Europe. 

Day after Novo mesto/Sevica trail started with mother's yelling at me in the morning as per why

 do I change rooms(it was a good sleep by the way and its why I do it), explaining me that no bananas will be purchased any more(1.3 Eur per KG) as only I eat them and since I no longer am a baby, car not allowed for chestnut pickup, my spine not broken - had specific route to Bela Krajina region that I had to take where there was no store along the road only as was told will be a specific bakery shop where they rated food as junk(main thing that sends people on obesity trail is depression not food as is food mistake done accordingly with depression issues - and this instrument was used against me at large by parents - the worst player in depression play was my mother who was explained by psychiatrists in super details on how to do it/how it works), individual involved in MK Ultra aggressively 

Friday, October 29, 2021

About Joe Bidens and Barack Obamas that spoke Slovenian language(100% INTER governmental agreement)

Video can be also seen at 

This "bestseller" as prince Charles referred to one as has major flows in my opinion.

NO NO NO(remember ? Its better) - IF IT BLEEDS, WE CAN KILL IT: Humans can solve it — we can kill it, we can terminate it

Another great saying of Arnold was
(at least used to be under MK Ultra - wonder not where one came from), “The more we do to you,the less you seem to believe we are doing it.”

Ja ja(for news source):

Arnold Schwarzenegger brands leaders who prioritise cash over 

West used for torture in SLOVENIA companies where TARGETED BOSNIAN CROATIAN SLOVENIAN people worked

 Its nothing but a blood trail from Novo mesto to Sevnica because of people that were here over teh course of the years. Whole thing was UDBA war operation supported by West against existence of Slovenian, Croatian, and Bosnian states. Just as I explained in details They used NUMEROUS females whom they promised my hand and $$$ if they marry me to murder people - divide and destroy them and country for the sake of Belgrade Moscow. Numerous females next to political lies they accomplished with beatings. Interesting enough Von der Layen insisted me on how I will not be capable to talk about this or that company because one is related to sensitive issues(explained above), but evidently RECOGNIZED CRIME FOR GERMAN SIDE about absolutely everything - from spine breaking to stated above.

Did Sevnica trail where taken for a walk with Americans on numerous occasions

Von der Layen(loves hiking) told me to take some photos when the there, but that if I make there SPINE WILL BE CONSIDERED AS NOT BROKEN. Mother repeated me same this morning HEHEHE - we will see what is and what not and what will be and what not. I did this to survive for one thing due to circumstances and second because has to be done - for you to know in advance spine will be broken to one as an EU official, it makes things even worse for you(they all knew incl mother).
How about this company my dear Americans and Von See Layen(all of you Western freedom loving people) - do you remember - I will have recent video about Pahor Merkel Kucan perhaps translated for you, but here seen company 100 percent proves your Moscow/lobbying Belgrade for new Yugoslavia in Slovenia. It's why you did - because of Bosnian refugees in there. Dared me to even talk about here seen company where almost all the workers were involved in my case since the beginning of the company hehehe

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Learn to purchase old garbage cars

 And to find cancer cure spine cure dentist free family free all NEW humanity who muzzled yourself again volunteraly. I know it's a lack of chip production in's West that is far worse than what USSR was...enjoy tornados tonight heading your Florida way ;) 

From case of my own

 First was a torture - physical destruction brain burning procedure accompanied with powerful drugs - psychiatry withing torture was growing stronger and stronger job game was becoming stronger and stronger - systematic forced unemployment grew into total shutdown of employment opportunity of any kind since was time to go but clowns followed and whole thing turned via forced unemployment during all savings were exhausted on two continents in 2012 finally into psychiatric ward imprisonment on what spine breaking and cancer routines followed up along psychiatry against me - in final stages I learned about COVID19 tourist bones incentives next to threats with psychiatry in case I would only approach to employment agency...lost 28 years like this. You people are on your way to lose humanity. Related to 



Andrej Vizjak was in Poland - involved in my MK Ultra case since 1995

 Flew me from Belgium palace to Slovenia in 2013 - is my kind of man(good man - real Slovenian), but told me I did go too far with it under MK Ultra and became dangerous for Slovenia with my MK Ultra issues. 

@Andrej Vizjak - with kings and queens is a no no. Lenin RETURNED US HUMANS faces for us to even look ourselves into mirrors(liberated us from Romanov tyranny - liberated us slavery, so we could also choose a republic) on what people choose between Hitler and Stalin and its now that people are AGAIN placing back on their faces muzzles - mouthpieces or  masks if you like as a sign into voluntary surrender of their humanity. 

Did you folks learn to live with tourist incentives, "free state assistance" rather than jobs - prosperity based on your work etc. !!???? They are turning you into cretins - debils, RETARDS, DOGS, BOORS, BUGGERS....they are systematically killing God in you. There is a very different you growing within YOU behind that mask they made you carry over your faces...HORROR !!!

Prince Andrew was/is associated with special forces department(is clumsy, but always had around him top special forces soldiers - Charles told me because he is clumsy and needs safety) - is a head of special forces

 I was promised by Londonia "royals" would be hijacked if using Novo mesto - Sevnica trail, so I thought this info is useful for me to leave on here prior to use of one.

These people are wealthy because they turn world around them into world of cretins. Money they make is made by milking victims to bitter end for the sake of enemies they acquaint themselves with once victims are labeled as good to go - never "lose" because victims are always proven through first part of this paragraph as cretins - wrong in another words(lost 28 years of life on lunatics to realize what Russians have told me I deal with already 20 something years ago)

Z DEBILI opravka nikdar in nikoli ni dobro.

 Denar služijo s tem da pretvarjajo svet v svet debilov okoli sebe. Vedno zmagajo ker vedno obstajajo sovražniki večji od žrtev katere molzejo.

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

The more squeezed against wall with truth, the bigger gains they reported

I's a world they created(in their heads and on our screens), where they never lose - almost world which they referred to me as a therapy rather than most severe torture based on spine breaking and cancer stop of forced unemployment. 

Therapy where for each abuse I cited them with they acknowledged one with also as is seen above to point me at financial claims they made to me in front of domestic and eastern politicians. A possibility against which, however, Milan Kucan Borut Pahors UDBA KGB protested against till London Berlin begun to insist me in only, 2015 since,  if I get along with them as they are main witnesses of agreement - thus again undermining existence of Slovenian nation my right to Slovenian nationality for the sake of Moscow and Belgrade 

V SLOVENSKEM JEZIKU/IN SLOVENIAN LANGUAGE: Borut Pahor Milan Kučan sovražijo bolj od nacistov SAMO svoj lasten....

Video can be also seen at  

When 90% of people gets vaccinated, COVID19 will slow down is what they claim - but they also promise us new viruses which will in future require same approach

 In fact more and more viruses. When certain race gets wiped out(or DNA as DNA mapping very very much exists), it will be turn for another one and another one and then withing chosen nations turn to wipe-out will come till finally chosen beasts will eat one another. End - so its how they picture whole thing will take place as, but I think somewhere in between reality will intercept dreams of few(this world will blow itself up) because of whom we the humans have again chosen to place over our mouths a masks - chosen to instead turn our-self again into disposable pencils rather than to retain human image in mirror our ancestry have fought for through slavery and even for bare existence during WWII.

 Bye bye Lenin - hello Hitler/Stalin THE PEOPLE HAVE CHOSEN


 Not as Western politicians from USA specially referred to me black race as, but West as whole. Far far worse than USSR heard nothing, saw nothing, know nothing FREE WORLD. Vacuum world of lies and dementia. The point of no return(certain death) for ENTIRE humanity.

Purchased Anti Radiation EMF Shielding Faraday Fabric Item is still on sale - same item from same seller, but no available to me for what seller claims is severe defects on the item you ordered before we ship it out.Sorry for the inconvenience.


Don't lie to me with...

Perhaps Mr. Bill Browder who sworn vendetta against me under MK Ultra for what he claimed was my working for Vladimir Putin can elaborate on issue



A TEST FOR ME IS WHAT HARRY CLAIMED: Prince Harry was deeply disturbed(claimed I caused Americans misfortune with drinking ideology and this would be used as test to see if I will drink as much as I gestured them to drink)my drinking what he referred as "enormous quantities of water which possibly can result in deadly seizures - death and cancer etc."

Lets check facts

Perhaps its time for someone to address a mental expert and cousin of Romanovs(specially, since there are so many dead Russians in UK who came to UK to seek asylum) who claimed as stated in title will see if drinking liquid shit is coming from me or someone else in East  - something that causes ear drums punctured alike effect and confusion during what rather is sleep deprivation procedure than rest if not even severe pain in legs area in case I decide to sleep in my room for which I was told to not be there by several top sources involved in MK Ultra....ask one if use of cellular phone which I don't even use for other than recording(I make call per month  - two) also swallows brain and what exactly is outcome of radiation on brain itself...makes no sense for me to read about Putin or dead Russias in UK till you guys actually ask questions those who next to obituaries publicly claim were are related to Romanovs....its a main stream media bull - you heard this from someone who never gave Putin a green light.  

Got 5 hours of sleep today as I did during day time at repeated location in well controlled residence...funny how always ends with peek 3, 5, 6 hour sleeps...

ps. I totally got read of lymph nodes problems(no pain whatsoever) some time ago, but not directed energy attacks which frequently leave me with swollen brain.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

WE SORRY TO DISTURB YOU: We apology that we find some severe defects on Anti Radiation EMF Shielding Faraday Fabric ordered before we ship it out Sorry for the inconvenience says Ali-express on behalf of Berlin and Buckingham palace Washington DC cousins of Moskvich Romanovs Putanowichi

One order probably did go through while second one was/is blocked.
Video can be also seen at

They appear were victims and I whom they tortured drugged up was abuser

 Its their logic as was to everyone else they included in war against me - including imperial uncle Toms(black and white) in Hollywood - human rights billionaires who pro-calculated I owe them $$$ for my claim to get through. AM I RIGHT OBAMA/ TOM CRUISE !!???? 

Andrzej Duda and Kaczynski that had to save my life - lie

 Used due to crimes against me and to apologize just as others, more crimes against me. Had in American made limousine in 2003 with polish flags waving on car traveled from town to town till attack occurred on no longer present Trump, but instead only on Duda, driver and myself...attack was organised by Duda alone who wouldn't allow me as drugged up as I was to confront with fists a bunch of Duda's supporters who called me a nazi....I enjoyed limousine with flags waving on one do. Trump would at my request always travel with Mercedes S class. Angela too.

YES I DID: Donald Trump upon good night rest in our Novo mesto house accused me of being nasty to one after IDIOT CONSUMED ROTTEN POMEGRANATE APPLE

 Italians brought in 1998 fruit to Slovenia which never existed here before - pomegranate apples(Berlusconi did). Donald Trump, however, did not observed after consuming already for a while while preparing himself one the difference between rotten and normal fruit on what one got as he claimed, "terribly sick". It looked as someone poisoned poor guy on what I addressed(guy to whom I gave Melania's hand - he asked me if he can is why I say so) as idiot in the face infront of everybody. Yes neighbors did as they promised would and tried to plant me one as well and even I never consumed before any in my life in real life, it was evident what normal and what rotten was.Idiot is idiot and as they say in my country, "lošem kurcu svaka dlaka smeta"

Prince Harry insisted that I brainwashed MK Ultra staff members to drink 20 liter of water a day

 Nope, they even brainwashed me to drink 10 liters of coffee a day to cure myself from cancer To prepare myself coffee concentrates and drink one during exercise to clean this way lymph nodes during what Lukashenko referred first as dialyses through water -  30-40 kilometre a day marches. Americans brought on surface even news from to remind me to drink a lots of coffee during exercise.

Prince Harry(the mental expert) claimed how I drove him deliberately insane by liking BLUE dresses of Camilla Parker infront of prince Charles

 Its what according to Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex(mental expert), would led into future retaliation against me. 

TRUTH: Charles did laughed on Harry's infantile objections(regular schizophrenic outbursts during which he saw me doing him as drugged up a mental clusters), but this most likely was excuse for coming crime on steroids against me and for his criminal past against me. They video recorded all this stuff to themselves.

ITS A MALICIOUS LIE: Angela Merkel insisted that I brainwashed under MK Ultra(when they subjected me to MK Ultra) a now European Commissioner Ursula Von Der Leyen and her family into eating fried bones

That German government therefore let her handle the case on behalf of Germany is what Angela claimed me. Blamed me for her family members(even kids) that had to attend dentist to fix teeth because of my instructions.

That I told them how eating fried bones is healthy due to minerals and calcium in there.

IT WAS BEFORE ABOUT DEMOCRACY; IT'S SINCE ABOUT COLONIALISM(total poverty where no one cares about democracy any longer): Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi and as Pope Francis refers to migrant detention centers as Libyan centers 'concentration camps' rather than Gaddafi's water plan for northern Africa

Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi along his family which participated in my MK Ultra case unfortunately did campaigned against me on behalf of Vladimir Putin just as Castro brothers, BUT there is no reason any longer for the West which had  Gaddafi  removed with military intervention to keep Libya impoverished any longer - even less so to use as Pope Francis gestured impoverished people inside of so called "detention centers" which in reality are concentration camps. 
@West - Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi is gone, so do your second part and allow his plan of artificial(Israel alike) lakes to water African continent for those who fought for your believes(Gaddafi's opposition) as of up to date since his fall you are running nothing other than colonialist politic.

West claimed destroyed Muammar Gaddafi because of myself - not really. Romanov cousins from Londonia who used Putanowichi Moscowia and who ran two different sides same coin screw me up to have excuse for revival of neonazism. With Putin gone from libya and your running same politic as the one whom you claimed was against Putin makes ZERO sense to me other than here explained - toxic ehehehe.

Already name "Tatiana" under MK Ultra, was something I wouldn't tolerate anywhere near me

 Who individual was, didn't really matter to me

Something that stunned prince Andrew more than his and his family's approach toward me. This is how far war with Vladimir Putin Russian KGB sponsored by Buckingham palace  and Washington DC took me....Tatiana princess appeared as very nice lady even as told interested in me, but this explains traumas they caused me. I did dated Tatiana during 2017 in Belarus....Andrew figured out best for me not to marry any Tatiana....


Sunday, October 24, 2021

Last directed energy attack on me was part of British special ops test since 2001 a personal gig of prince Phillip who always was military enthusiast

Video can be also seen at 

NOT MY PRESIDENT AND NEVER EVER WAS: George Bush who became personal assistant of Vladimir Putin in United States of America(his waiter) INSISTED for me to marry in 2004(conditioned me stay in USA) one of Fidel Castro's femle in Miami

Vladimir Putin has on pick of his power across USA guaranteed me in fact, I will marry Cuban female associated with KGB - George Bush presented under MK Ultra torture circumstances in my face entire pallet of KGB Fidel Castro associated females from Cuban underground intelligence. Either this or you will be thrown out of USA where life was already completely trashed since day 1 of my arrival - its why I wondered idiotic words of delusional George Bush(how much more could it be !!????)

Don't come here

 I told you and Kate already in 2017 there is nothing for you here left a n respect to "friendship" - there never was actually 

Saturday, October 23, 2021

To go into grave with Jaga Baba insanity follows me arround next to marrow bone cancer radiation

Clearly lunacy surrounds me - this lunacy brought individual who was hospitalized next to me inside of Ljubljana Polje and involved in my MK Ultra case into mindless crime against his own mother who was just as in my case instructed by psychiatrists and police on how to corner him to obtain for system desired results. 
Video can be also seen at

To go flash someone before his eyes to go pickup mushrooms with Yaga Baba in situation as is mine as is an insane as it gets. It goes beyond border like insanity which in this case absorbed from me 28 years of life for psychiatrists' play with sanity. THIS CASE CLEARLY IS USED TO POINT OUT PUTIN AND HIS CREW ON HOW IS SAFE AND REWARDING TO ENGAGE IN EXTERMINATION AS LONG AS ONE FOLLOWS RULES OF BIGGER DOGS.

@Slovenskemu narodu - poglejte kje se nahajamo po osaosvojitvi oziroma kaj Evropska unija nam dokazuje zavoljo Putina in zločincev kova Milana Kučana, Slavoja Žižka, Pahorja in ostalih udbovcev. Mar ne vidite da nas pobijajo kot narod v lastni državi 30 let po osamosvojitvi in to preko Evropske Unije - preko Evropskega sodišča za človeške pravice !!????

Related to US president like no other. Involved against me along Putin(for Putin's sake) for no less than 28 years.

Everything is my case that is happening have happened against me via black American community on behalf of their

 masters from London/Berlin and Washington DC who compensated them for kill based on human rights crimes and lies against me really really well. Just so you know about IMPERIAL UNCLE TOMS. This is the #1 reason for everything that have happened against me in USA and were the first to collaborate with Russians in war against Slovenia for the sake of Putin(he had USSR idea at the time) under MK Ultra. They did this and they need to pay for their crimes against humanity also in respect to WWII past as they breached all ethics world fought for during WWII. IMPERIAL UNCLE TOMS MUST PAY THE PRICE NEXT TO THEIR MASTERS !!!

ADDICTED TO TRASH/TOXIC POISON: It is SAD to observe young European people to reach out inside of the trash bins in search for their hope day after day - because this is what European Union became due to its expansion where Germans no longer need to worry about others' opinion outside of the box(outside of EU)

NEW EUROPE FUR DIE WELT - FOR BETTER AND WORSE(is there like tomorrow ?)
Its just a 24/7 German news(modified and prepared for Germany only - totally non relevant to the rest of us) delivered to us who have become in this trash bin a observers of opportunities(lies) and is becoming worse and worse by the day because of GREAT COLONIAL PLAN - idea is to push through one many of you to other continents in search for more and more trash till we all eat one another and only few selected stay around.

Got another 3 HOURS OF SLEEP attack for which I was told could be my last related to marrow cancer in form of health recovery was insisted under MK Ultra will be case for the sake of my royal title

Video can be also seen at 

@Ursula von der Leyen(GERMAN TRASH NOBODY AND NOTHING) - that you who was a regular nobody and got everything in life through me would let them know in London to stop procedure in case I would bitch against you !!!????? Huh !!???? Okay okay - there is no "yes mam" in this case for one thing unlike you presented dude with whom you believe will make impression on me in 2017.

Not a single one - ZEROS

Germans, British, nor French legion(only in movies), not Soviets or Americans and all others along them have had a single battalion as those from Slovenia during WWII 

Our Slovenian people who lived homeless in freezing snowed hills to retaliate night and day for occupation during WWII, pride themselves when compared to others on never surrendering weapons in hands of the neonazi enemy. Short 10 day war for Slovenian independence in 1991 was not the first Slovenian war(and to tell you the truth, some of us wished for one to escalate far beyond regardless - you know every here and then you have remember to know). Nowhere in the world have Germans suffered losses equal to those in Slovenia. The only place worst even than eastern front where all that mattered even if loosing finger(s) in a single day due to frost temperatures is where our partisans slept was that Germans counted corpses in their lines same day - its why Germans took on Slovenian civilians(women, children elderly) were hiding behind civilian hostages.

@Black Lies Maters(imperial servants) - Just so you know from where/who !!! 

News about march of global neonazism which I insisted on throughout entire Trump's presidency appears is making its comeback with what some see as Donald Trump's 2024 elections and Joe Biden's presidency for whom I claimed prior to becoming US president what scenario will be with him

Despite my posting yesterday unique to this news site news "if not"  as brainwashed under MK Ultra, some insist on my previous news in respect to neonazi Irish terrorist which took from Donald Trump as US president in 2021.

NEW/NEU: 100 x times worse than a nazism is all new AmeroBritish German uncle Tom's imperialism - to murder/plunder through human rights / black race alone

 Yes !!???? Yes yes....feminism Angela Merkel's way and black rights matters and gay right matters etc. and universal declaration of human rights under act I see/hear whatever I want to see/hear and murder(let rotten in pain and in vain) whatever/WHEREVER WHENEVER I feel needs to be murdered so I can progress my agenda - well, lets see how that will go.

I absolutely have nothing against above mentioned groups, but I pledge to destroy their corrupt ethics along masters they serve to against core principles of human beings - society.

It was three hours of sleep inside of my room today and my falling on floor three times before being capable to go on about the day

 Sharp as if with laser cut through bones pain surrounded with spasms - body sweat - took me 20 minutes to gather enough strength to go on about day today. And just as was promised case will be. Mother and father discussed as I finally managed to approach(all recorded) the deaths of my family members -  I never ever mentioned to any of the two(incl. today) anything about what goes on in respect to my health because the two demonstrated all along nothing but problems fro  MK Ultra scenarios. 

@Norwegian crown - what did you start to fantasize in 2015 that I caused you harm and deserve to die AND EVEN DEMANDED FROM ME TO BETRAY MY OWN PEOPLE AFTER BLAMING ME I BETRAYED YOU

 for my wrongdoings/damage to you personally !!????

Never understood why they referred to them as vaulters, comedores de carroña , carroñeros, scavengers

Google appears translates "scavengers/ vaulters" according to its own views as it appears they knew this issue will arise in my case. I had to enter word in foreign language to get wanted result as seen above in English language - its real appears on my desktop as you see on here...

TO SET RECORD STRAIGHT: Conor McGregor kept bringing(flying) me to Rome with sole disco dancing purpose - its where he shined and have next to some chick banged also some Italian or two on his noses without having to respond to police for a single scratch since he had me next to him

But main idea of Conor McGregor's clashes with otherwise very gutsy Italians who had a lot to tell also with fists in face of drugged up myself was concentrated on obtaining special favors from them in return for stated here - favors in return for his precious delivery to Rome from Italians and future myself  as he insisted me have banged this one and that one on nose for me his whereabouts to Rome's night life went on since 2010, but since 2012 he shifted to fifth gear in respect to Rome/Napoli's night life disco dancing scene....went on till one was stopped by top Italian government which no longer could handle 

Phone pouch is chopped inside too

Last night's stay(overnight sleep) inside of the room next door DUE TO DIRECTED ENERGY ATTACKS resulted in my father's chopping me last set of original Wiko Y60 headphones(the third headset)

My father was known as mentally ill men among his coworkers throughout entire stay at Krka pharmaceutical where he claimed others caused him damage. Known for stressing his issues in form of violence against me and my mother for whom I can say is guilty for my problems just as much as he is, people such as police and psychiatrists have instead of assisting one with proper guidance used his illness for advantage in crime against me. So not his fold all in all. I just realized have left telephone pouch in other room and thats that. 10 Euros gone. NOT HIS FOLD. Related to
Clearly pilled off wire....

As far as Afterlife people - people officially gone with newly issued gov. ids

 Once pronounced as dead, DO NEVER EVER approach to me anywhere near as if you do I will consider you as direct life threat of highest possible degree. There is none and there never ever will be an exception to this rule. 

German government invested in Cuba through me into real estate worth probably in billions - through me and that includes top German officials(likely Angela Merkel's worth $500.000 residence) purchased in 2005

Canadian translates also London royals and Trump and so know $$$$ Best kept secret till well - tonight ;) 

If I take my time, I can demonstrate you where Angela's residence in Havana is - know what one looks like(white modern building). That much for MK Ultra on Cuba....

Friday, October 22, 2021

ABOUT ME, FIDEL CASTRO, AND HIS BROTHER OR HOW I WAS BROUGHT TO CUBA THEN CALLED TRAITOR BY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY: When in Miami, job corps head begun to wave me in my face UDBA KGB file in Miami after I disagreed being discriminated against my nationality religion race in 1996

Video can be also seen at 

Perhaps Canadians can elaborate on this very information as they had me on board when travelling to Cuba to Havana as one of the first from West....

Weather modification and paranoia life patters play what effect on you

Video can be also seen at 

PUTIN IS RIGHT, BUT: Putin says Western military backing of Ukraine threatens Russia

But Russia's backing of Putin for me to finish above line is a threat to the world and Russia must understand stated here. 

@Ukraine - US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin who participated in MK Ultra(met Russians and myself in this house) was and is very elegant individual who, however, is a multimillionaire republican and problem with one could be that first part of the sentence - very elegant man with title "US Defense Secretary". I am saying this because he made a very good impression on me as far as paying visits to Ukraine accenting how one is in need of military assistance(I couldn't agree more with one and I thank him for it), but sometimes elegant men are placed on positions to distract with reality. All am saying is don't get too cozy with it and keep alert despite his presence on the stage. Finally keep in mind, US president in the moment is American democrat(compare this to 2014 Crimean Barack Obama as president and republican Chuck Hagel as acting defense secretary) and that makes possible screw-up situation 50/50 as per whose fold.

ps. he told me has daughters and took me to his place Thomasville in Georgia too and told me has a two daughters. The thing is, I haven't seen a single info on internet about his daughters.

NIH Admits to Funding Gain-of-Function Research in Wuhan, Says EcoHealth Violated Reporting Requirements

I told you(and pointed out few proves) I was brought under MK Ultra to Wuhan by US Government - Donald Trump in fact. 


Serbian chetnik Milorad Dodik insists on new war in Bosnia - demands termination of Bosnian state for the sake of great Serbia

Serbian chetniks and their UDBA associates used to call us Slovenes, Croats and finally Bosnians as those wouldn't agree to complete wipe-out behind barbwire(Bosnia was the last one Serbian tanks roamed over with Balkan war which they declared against 4 "brotherly" nations) a "separatists" and "nationalists" - after committing most horrendous crimes against humanity, they now plan on yet another act of separatism for the sake of greater Serbia. Dodik's calls for new Balkan war were preceded by remaining fraction of UDBA from Slovenia
Related also to - Serbian play with refugees on Croatian and Bosnian territories.

Michaela ;p Jackson was involved in MK Ultra with also her brother Prince and rebel Blaaannnkkkit;p=)

Rate her horror story as positive.

Ohhh no !!! 

Heavily abused and lost innocence under the shower and now I will tell the truth to the world and everybody will listen to me...

Hutchins, 42 and Souza, 48 whom Baldwin(involved in MK Ultra since 1995) apparently shot on movie set were ultra violent thugs

They harassed, intimidated me next to Baldwin on multitude of occasions. And so I am not too much surprised Western style end took place on a magic ranch - if it did happen in reality and not in main stream media only that is 

Got 8 hours of quality sleep outside of my room

Sleeping in another room is what again resulted in. With zero pain in legs.

My niece bagged in Slovenia on knees Ursula von der Leyen on multitude of occasions for causing me problems

 Whenever she was present on her knees literately. Niece knees sorts of rhymes together. Her name is also Ursula if translated from Slovenian. Ursula Pigeon and also Veber since marriage. Two happy Ursulas.

"IF NOTHING": Direct recolonization plan of African continent accordion to BritoAmeroGermanRussoChinese pact now POSTPONED ONLY

If "nothing"(they got from my side beyond their wildest dreams, but for them who know price of everything and value of nothing, everything is  nothing - I cite Serbian Aleksandar Vućič, "you gave them whole world on the plate and they treat you this way imagine we...." - Vućič in this case was 100% correct) then will "defend" Taiwan - Joe Biden's personal words to me.

I did this by exposing REAL DEAL BEHIND TAIWAN (Hong Kong and Taiwan was a precondition from Chinese side for colonization agenda with West just as Russian Crimea and Donetsk from Russian side) as main sentence is listed at I cite:

As far as Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos only that two in 2018 didn't feed me with ice cream only, but that they had me inside of some meeting room at probably Musk's residence where I was demonstrated South Africa with country with over 200 million people already - extorted me to either run racial war against blacks or let title fall in hands of Donald Trump with on their mind how I should have advantage since I have seniority in war against blacks due to cause which I ran for the sake of white minority in South Africa where exposing genocide against one... 

Thursday, October 21, 2021

US Government commenced with nazi brainwash already in 1995(after two visits to Europe) by involving top American nazis in one and top German government took me in 1995 across the border even to Denmark

 where Gauck was. For a visit to neonazi Gerhard Lauck with whom as well as with others I never ever wanted to have anything to do with in real time. Not 1996 as I initially thought, but already even in 1995 therefore. German and American governments along Buckingham palace DEMANDED from me a nazism as the one and only acceptable option. I did stopped at local employment office in Miami already in 1995 - not 1996. Not to work as was told yet, but to get information about work on what first job in early 1996 at Publix along America Job Corps commenced which was everything except job - head of the group held according to him my entire dossier from Slovenia previously known Yugoslavia and waved me in face with one(bullied me) - it was first moment of real insanity I experienced in USA alone. UDBA UDBA and Ruskies AND IMMEDIATE WAR RESPONSE(I told them in the face on a second or third day of work, they are over with even with assistance of Americans on US soil) TO ALL OF THEM FROM MY SIDE IN SUNNY MIAMI, FLORIDA USA.

Got another three hours of sleep on what I barely got up(pick myself up on feet) with spasms in fit which reminded me of thesis under MK Ultra how muscles can tear apart

 and I could die. Hear some machines outside for which I was told will remind me of "die" - farmer next door involved in MK Ultra, so its not a secret about what goes on with Mr. Aleško Hojs, Slovenian police and others from ministry for interior. I was told case will be with me.

Its different than in Poland where Pollack from Canada whose friend was even Canadian PM(and royals), have used on me as roommate weapon which made veins twist all over legs - extremely painful procedure, but this is just as Ursula von der Leyen stated me will be -  unbearable.

Finally the probability my WANTING TO BECOME MK ULTRA PIGLET used to earn billions through proving case as real in minds of those(WASHINGTON, LONDON AND BERLIN) who created Musk/ Bezos/ Trumps and others

 as is as big as Jews and others(Slovenians were there too just for me to remind you as Germans had them displaced all over German and also inside of Polish concentration camps - nazis murdered 6.5% of Slovenian population during WWII) wanting to become humans on whom Joseph Mengele experimented on during WWII ;) 

@Black LIES matter - In post WWII legacy when other nations and races built their well being for the sake of better world through work and solidarity, you have instead relied again more and more on those who attempted to wipe us all out. And as your poverty exploded throughout African continent and similar followed your path to wherever you found yourself at, your masters found even the way to expand through you to otherwise unlikely countries and continents - in this case as you both hoped for through an individual like myself in the name of human rights you both praise so much. You are disgrace for human race next to your masters. 

This whole thing was financed against me by London and German state via Washington DC

They earned lots of "bloody money" for which I paid for with my own pain. Pain which went on sale once money was earned in a form of payback to black civil rights groups and/if/or better than black civil rights option, portion of bloody money would become open as an option to those willing to recolonize next to Aryans a black African continent. It could be like this or it could be like that system.

Was told under MK Ultra when subjected to radiation in the his very room that

 One can have muscles torn appart - American psych.  Daniel Smith Rex. This is how painful this is. This individual was also up to no good - on opportunity I told American filth(all of them) to no longer come to Slovenia. This individual shares fold for 2012 psychiatric hospitalisation in a great way. Torture in which Americans engaged in this house  at times  in respect to pain, exceeded one in Guantanamo. Bush claimed it's easy related to natural cause can't be proven as such in case of death would be hospitalised prior to death etc...that much about bad luck follow one around. They did this for Russia blacks involved in it raged in anger and sworn done in the name of their rights, butm initiators were are from Berlin and London - those purchased blacks and stimulated Russians in crime for the sake of $$$$$ used them as an excuse for old German lie 

Torture at partisan memorials was commenced in Slovenia when brought for the first time from USA under MK Ultra on the first day by local state owned employment agency

 On first day which I remember clearly when brought to Novo mesto city, I was assaulted physically already by local employment agency staff which insisted me years ahead of this event to marry daughter of local private company owner Jože Črtalič affiliated to Serbia via his wife - head of this employment office gang was Matjaž Verbič whose violence consequently led to torture at partisans' memorials either as an excuse or what most likely was man task of the group - war against Slovenian independence for the sake of second Yugoslavia. This is how issue with nazism commenced in my case Once violence against me exploded in Slovenia, Slovenians involved in violence against me begun to bag American side and insist on how it will not work if only they will perform violence against me - Slovenes bagged for violence American side till 1997. My neighbor Berger can confirm just stated here. Appears for Slovenian side to suffer from real nazi issues in my case far more than American which had to catch step with one per agreement with Russia despite my officially not being here since 1995.

There is only one thing I learned from Bush and other elite involved in this case

Thats how to see a terrorists through eyes of a human being. Something I knew nothing about prior meeting you guys through worst nightmares in which I lost 28 years of life. Please in respect to Mauritius etc. - wonder not about me as per how I see you as - what I want to do with you all.


MK ULTRA - FACTS: Just as "newly retired" Mike D’Andrea who ran CIA operations remotely, now "JAILED" Alexei Navalny ran Vladimir Putin's covert operations against me in the background next to Germans and Putin alone

Newly "retired" Mike D’Andrea who had me in Mauritius in his private residence(wife's house) about 30 minutes from Grand Bassin's lake.

I was for the first time on Mauritius in 1998 with ROYALS and entire Trump circus as well as Western investment delegation and then with another American government official in year 1998 for which Mike D’Andrea knew not when he met me in 2003 - US and UK Western economic circus delegation would stop going in there in meanwhile....this was a bit sturdier white American government official with whom I would already pay visitations to Mauritius about year before Mike D’Andrea finally paid me real attention. I mean while, I paid visitation on many occasions throughout years with others of which Thomson couple from Florida might have also been the case. Alexandra falls remind of Alexandra I met again in Budapest in 2017 who was on Mauritius - in MK Ultra prior to 2000...

Trump demanded from me in 1998 to lobby for him as much as possible on this tiny island infront of royals as he claimed was lagging behind with his investments in respect to good deals !!! HE BECOME HIS WHOLE TRUMPETING ON THIS ISLAND - WANTED AT LEAST TO GO LARGE, BUT HAVE NO CLUE HOW FAR HE MADE IT.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

EUROPEAN UNION CULMINATED INTO COMPLETIONS OF GENOCIDE COMPLAINS AGAINST OWN CITIZENS INSIDE OF THE MICROWAVE OWENS THANKS TO GERMAN GREATNESS: Sleep deprived waking up in unbearable pain consuming loads of food to get going somehow spine broken cancer blown and reset reset reset over and over from beginning

 with thoughts on 28 years of torture in respect to complain and writing one over and over again because each time like this you need to vent take time away from complain or go mad and then rturn to read one over and again - since 2007 when I was accused in the face to be even traitor before I landed with car almost dead in place called Hell if translated from Slovenian with brand new tires replaced with old warn out tires etc...Its a process that can go one for years before can be completed if ever at all. 

@Bundestag and London

I am certain(and finally) that as civilized as you are as leaders of your nations, this complain of mine which you craved for all these years as you repeatedly accented me for over two and half decades is not pleasant task for me to complete and would like to do so as fast as possible(nobody wants as you insist through murderous even sleep deprivation methods to go over one again and again) according to my own standards despite you accented through MK Ultra rage yours.