who would find themselves in home for elderly people and which I have already identified - this would happen right after my absence from home. As I would go for a walk. Then director of home for elderly would release them back home to me if I would sign document and so on and so forth...100% from MK Ultra game pertaining to my case. Mother bought game yesterday as she stated would want to ensure if they go father would know how to play there with other people. Thanks but not thanks.
Sunday, January 31, 2021
Aleksandar Vucic had a local individual of Serbian heritage(family friend and NOT guilty as one was forced into) report to parents with fake videos on how great it was in Serbia on each abduction
First it was a death threats(more than what I could even count as I stated - once perhaps 50 death threats) and then as ended in 2015, I ended drugged up handing envelope to him on what there was an applause and so on...just example. But already at home in Novo mesto as one of the Serbian chetniks complained, they were video recorded torturing me at this location by locals.
Aleksandar Vucic eventually came to Krka pharmaceutical and all other companies where introduced by Borut Pahor ad collected "contributions". Contributions for you to understand in Serbian language is like "give or die". It was the money for what you see now(another war).
WHERE IS OLEG: Arkady Rotenberg says owns large Black Sea property - not Vladimir Putin. Really !!???? And where is owner of former tsarist mansion located in Vyborg Bay and who made Arkady Rotenberg(not only long dead Oleg Rudnov) !!!????
I will continue to support US democrats(American democracy option vs nazism what republican party firmly stands for) but Joe Biden as far as myself no longer exists
Aldo not in same criminal rank as Trump(not anywhere even near), I will press criminal charges against him as well. It was a long long week in post Biden election, but even longer was pre-election period during which Biden profited and extorted via this case while ignoring one at large. No more.
Joe Biden will not be solving this case as for me JOE BIDEN = DONALD TRUMP(the same neonazi s*** in different political association)
Donald Trump is more likely than not taking a "well deserved break" only prior to his return - but there will be no one to stop him next time
Where Slovenian money went - Not for Kosovo(primarily this is meant for Bosnia and Croatia)
Father goes on to protest my news into my room via pissing spree at 0300 am - he refuted question per whether he did or not after washing himself in bathroom.
Going on a surgery would be like going on a shopping spree
Fix one and damage another one or do something even worse while police covers up whole thing for them against me and am blacklisted on employment market !!???? I don't think so. I don't throw health away like this as I am not that wealthy. Chetniks will have to wait a bit more for that matter.
2400 hours to 0200(am)
Going from almost zero pain in just at our to severe pain and mentioned sound in my head. Two doors bellow me(garage and main entrance) in unlocked position. Door upstairs locked and key hidden. I also heard from bellow sound as if someone would push through hall something into my room area - I heard this sound numerous times(have two holes to room - one from bellow and one from room next to my room). I shouldn't even talk about this as brainwashed under MK Ultra because and told in real time with mothers' tears in her eyes both of my parents would go into home for elderly people and I would stay without income as I am most severely blacklisted(police didn't even clear false accusations about me nor did they correct as I asked them, mental hospital's claims) on job market. Car from neighbor Andrej Uhl parked on our parking lot up to today's date.
Saturday, January 30, 2021
As for the photo seen here, I was ORDERED(LIFE THREATENED) to not even approach
Told on many occasions by chetniks in Slovenia even per where I am allowed to walk ad where not - this included streets in my own city as well as forest area in vicinity.
MK ULTRA - Bosnian EDEKA Jusić(store is located in Munich in Germany) was also involved in MK Ultra, but far back due to political pressure on Bosnian and Croat involvees(Serbian and Slovenian government didn't want them anywhere near)
MK ULTRA - @Discovery Channel - here is a talent for you and unmatched(TOP) if you ask me
Facebook's hidden chats marketplace feature
Friday, January 29, 2021
According to Joe Biden's priorities
I don't think I am priority of any kind that should count on his help or he has priorities completely upside down. He build his entire career on this case do and was involved in it since 1995 along his family.
Donald Trump's enemies continue to die
https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/larry-kings-cause-of-death-revealed-153609329.html appears as if rate would even increase.
How is this https://www.politico.com/news/2021/01/27/second-officer-suicide-following-capitol-riot-463123 possible !!?????
Polish youth is poisoned with lies and often times directed toward self destruction - Donald Trump thought Serbs on how ethnic cleansing is done the right way
Money to Poland is money to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chetniks and for that information I have to thank Mr. Kaczynski ;) your interest Mr. tsar - not mine.
Thursday, January 28, 2021
MK ULTRA - Local girl reminds me of MK Ultra trip to China
Trije narodi ki so podprli novo Jugoslavijo(kakor so jo imenovali) so Slovaška, Češka, in Polska - po besedah njihovih politikov "ker je najbolj potrebna pomoči"
Tuesday, January 26, 2021
MK ULTRA - China now also demonstrates I was not and am not insane paranoid - 謝謝中華人民共和國
I was SEVERELY ASSAULTED with directed energy weapons - despite everything, day of diabetes in my case about which Borut Pahor, Vucic, Putin and others dreamed about still didn't come so they could lie
About neighbor Andrej Uhl for whom I have stated have murdered two people in traffic accident
Mother claims now he never did, but everyone knows HE DID. Accident took place most likely in year 1986/1987 when he raced his motorbike(could have been also car Lancia) and have smashed one into vehicle coming from opposite direction - two young people were killed on the spot and from what I was told few years ago the police from this very city covered crime for one once one got involved into this very case to the point that entire family(whatever remained) from deceased was somehow bullied out of vicinity of the Novo mesto city. This individual is in my eyes regular reckless killer - assassin.
Western media MESMERIZED with scam - amid genocide(extermination) accusations, royal Battenberg family from London finds new puppy to worry about(is Britain today the most serious threat to the world !!???)
OTHER SLOVENIAN TRAITORS(disgrace/shame/sellouts to Slovenian nation): Zoran Thaler Slovenia Slovenija SDS Janez Jansa
Plan(revealed entirely on how THEY planned on with betrayal of West) to build new Yugoslavia or was it perhaps CHETNIKOSLAVIA ????
Facebook censorship update
NOT IN CZECH REPUBLIC TO WHOM WE SLOVENES AND SLOVAKS ARE RELATED THE MOST: Slovenia and Slovakia at the top of the world in respect to colon/Colorectal cancer rates - in Slovenia MEN GET TO BE MURDERED FOR the biggest part
Monday, January 25, 2021
In 1997 with William, Harry, and Diane
Sunday, January 24, 2021
MK ULTRA City Klagenfurt in Austria identified
AMERICAN PEOPLE ALSO KNOW WHO WAS/IS BEHIND ATTACK ON AMERICAN DEMOCRACY: Prince Harry is irrelevant. I do not need him to tell me it was an attack. I AM AMERICAN. I KNOW THIS. why doesn’t he go just go back to princing?
Saturday, January 23, 2021
Trump's golf course in beautiful Scotland because
Royals deemed South of Scotland to be just a ugly dirty shithall. Pardon my words, but conscious of dramatic sexual escapades royals have made since begging of 1995 when I first participated in their private circles(they wouldn't even vacation south of Scotland), wouldn't forgive me. Prince William struggled with wife search till he encountered Kate and prince Harry was according to Queen Elizabeth a sacrifice to me da goat - she blamed me for it ;)
Psychologists Daniel Smith's code name was Rex
Its name he used on his MK Ultra missions. I have forgotten to mention this earlier somehow.
US Government should implement law concerning job application as for employers' requirement to submit competed application confirmation upon submission of one
Its an utter abuse to spent time on job applications upon which no confirmation is ever delivered to your email for completing one. Not only such jobs don't exist from my experience, but insanity is returned for the cost of stolen time from job applicant as one have no actual proof on how he/she searched for job.
Sending out resumes for purpose of employment was a hell too
Friday, January 22, 2021
BERLIN'S NEONAZISM MARCHES ON WITH OR WITHOUT TRUMP: EU Court for Human Rights expresses TOTAL DISDAIN for lives of Georgians destroyed in Putin/Bush'S neonazi pact prior to 2008 war with Georgia
Thursday, January 21, 2021
Some of us may never cross that bridge/river, but for mentioned cost many will - my personal thoughts dedicated to Whitney Houston(relentlessly believed in me) who was involved in this case and consequently lost life
MK ULTRA - Vladimir Putin is using porn actors for his missions - purposes(will use them to seduce foreign or domestic diplomats or even enemies who can afterwards endup drugged up under MK Ultra or even poisoned - used to spread misinformation to the world about state itself).
Wednesday, January 20, 2021
The bigger you are(the best of the best), the bigger your liability even for existence of your race can be become
Related to https://ausertimes.blogspot.com/2021/01/what-means-be-subjected-to-mk-ultra.html watch what you do as your actions don't carry implications for your deals only, but possibly for much much more in fast changing and super challenging world in which many don't know if tomorrow will even exist for them and their families.
THERE NEVER EVER WAS REVERSE DISCRIMINATION IN MY CASE EVER: What means be subjected to MK Ultra - well, its not only implanting you with cancer and latter poisoning you for one to explode or brainwashing you after 15 years of forced unemployment to break your own spine via work you are compelled too
Monday, January 18, 2021
GREAT GERMAN PLAN FAILED: Putin's agent Alexei Navalny(THE FAKEST MAN EVER) decides to fly straight back into "trouble" since there was nothing left for him to do in "Europa"
Sunday, January 17, 2021
Political massacre in independent Slovenia after 1995 my own Novo mesto village Krka on who how why
THE MAN(also) who knows all about my case anti British anti Canadian(specially anti French) racist neonazi royal Buckingham palace behavior is Mr. Mark Felton(Mark Felton Productions)
As explained at https://ausertimes.blogspot.com/2021/01/political-massacre-in-independent.html
Saturday, January 16, 2021
@Karađorđević - you are gonna get sued to(I never ever agreed to be tortured for the purposes of your family blunder which ceased to exist 80 years ago after siding with neonazi regime on what you ran to London on plane)
You tortured and even attempted to mislead about jobs brought to Serbia. Related to https://www.24ur.com/novice/slovenija/karadzordzevic-tozi-slovenijo.html
Lukashenko audio recorded in NON EXISTING EXCELLENT OUTSTANDING(as they claim) audio recording from EURO OBSERVER in which one threatens to kill opposition but then again its his whoever who does it without my being capable to find any LEAKED audio recording on internet
Slovenian CHETNIK Zmago Jelinčič signed with war criminal Vojislav Šešelj even a contract on how Croatian state will be divided between two CHETNIK states
From https://reporter.si/clanek/slovenija/rado-pezdir-jelincic-in-seselj-dva-udbovca-z-desnice-650950
Slovenia - a country not big enough as we Slovenians are tutored(brainwashed) to govern own affairs, but lethal to the point of endangering others globally. This isn't about Croatia only - its about war on Ukraine and in Bosnia. Its about neonazism which new eastern European autocrats support in an great effort to destroy democracy worldwide.
Friday, January 15, 2021
US is a 330 million people country - not a lynch mob of 15.000
I am proud of police officers(CAPITOL HILL) sustained use of arms during assault as human blood was prevented from being spilled all over magnificent structure erected in 1793. Yet another Trump's scam stopped on time and this time by best of police force US has https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jan/15/police-officer-capitol-mob-kill-him-with-his-own-gun something Black Lives Matters have done throughout Trump's presidency time and again - assault on Capitol Hill was the last in his book of scams against people of US.
Jack Dorsey was/is a #1 supporter of Donald Trump in case you didn't know - Jack Dorsey got Trump 80 million IMAGINARY TWITTER supporters of which SOME WERE REAL and numerous totally FAKE ACCOUNTS
Norh Korean Kim Jong Un is one deadlier than dealy NEONAZI FASCIST SUPPORTER(maniac) arming Japan and fueling global tensions for the sake of 卐 卍.
I met Roma girl whom I have fallen in love in 1998(I think ?) when brought to Novo mesto City from US for MK ultra sessions
For Trumpets it was a horror - a panic a NO NO and would make her disappear from picture for several years...
Thursday, January 14, 2021
Polish psychologist learned to speak also Slovenian language
I mentioned my niece's husband who learned highly improbably Polish as is the case with Slovenia, but Justyna learned Slovenian what is even more improbable for Polish individual...I wonder what made up her mind about that...
DIE BY THE LIE OR LIVE UP TO THE TRUTH: First American doctor involved in my MK Ultra case now KILLED(murdered make no mistake about that) !!!
Wednesday, January 13, 2021
MK ULTRA - Home for elderly in Slovenian city Novo mesto identified
People were hurt badly via this MK Ultra case - people "believed"(often times faked hate against me as they knew precisely who, so they could help me somehow) wrongfully in some cases I hurt them
Zdaj se vse lepo vidi vse lepo ve zakaj sem bil ničvredna baraba - resnica je Slovenske države sovražnik #1
Joint Chiefs Affirm Election Results, Condemn ‘Assault on Our Constitutional Process’
Entire FIAT factory in Serbia built via this case - Italian Fiat CEOs and investors built one because of this very case - my case
Tuesday, January 12, 2021
THE WORST CRIME CASE IN HISTORY OF THE WORLD: Why beatings in Slovakia, Poland, Czech rep. and Slovenia !!???? Because Trump who became authorized by London/Berlin to blow my case out of proportions and this with proofs, attempted to blackmail entire Congress with it into total compliance gesturing them that
IT WAS THE DEADLIEST STUNT EVER THAT COULD COST US AND ITS ENTIRE WORLD WITH ITS EXISTENCE. HIS ENTIRE PRESIDENCY WAS A STUNT BASED ON WORST CRIME CASE EVER.With violence against me(next to proofs I provided), he signaled to congress alone on just how capable one was - how much one was in control of the situation.
If I don't see dems AT LEAST impeach Trump TODAY, I will consider ENTIRE party to be corrupt to the core - consider one even as initiator of crime against Capitol
Trump should have been arrested for his criminal deeds against US already, but lets seen if they can at least call out impeachment.
Monday, January 11, 2021
1995 - its when war of the cancer pills entered Balkans
Update on Tuesday, July 30, 2024 - CROATIAN FRANJO TUĐMAN NEVER EVER WAS POISONED AS I WAS BRAINWASHED BY HIS FAMILY TO SEE AS(AND CURSED OUT FOR DECLINING TO MARRY NINA TUĐMAN - FRANJO'S GRANDAUGHTER) https://ausertimes.blogspot.com/2024/07/croatian-franjo-tuman-never-ever-was.html
You can get translation yourself https://www.vecernji.hr/vijesti/franjo-tudjman-bolest-bolnica-1213072
It was not Slovenian president Janez Drnovšek only. Death was present everywhere on every step and worse yet, people didn't know where-how one entered !!!
It was typical 3 years earlier(prior to detection) and survival rate afterwards as well...
Things you didn't know about Tuđman and something Putin's army of murderous bots prohibited me from mentioning ever(threatened me with death if I would and this in this very house):
On 10 April 1941, when Slavko Kvaternik proclaimed the Independent State of Croatia (NDH) Tuđman left school and started publishing secret newspapers with
MK ULTRA - 3 of 4 Ratež Novo mesto - Political massacre in independent Slovenia after 1995
Sunday, January 10, 2021
@World - and now you know the whole(almost watch coming videos about what was done to Slovenian people during my absence when supposedly abroad) truth about BAD MAN Avsec Boštjan
https://ausertimes.blogspot.com/2021/01/about-vojislav-seselj-and-slovenian.html - man so evil that even enemies of Serbia according to Vicic invested in one. Am I right Ilham Heydar oglu Aliyev !!???? And this TWICE to make myself clear(second time to cover up for the first time - money which Vucic obtained from you via this very case and via which his bankers and even he alone as told became wealthy) !!!
About Vojislav Seselj and Slovenian president Borut Pahor who latter exclaimed to people around us(whenever he knew one is recorded by international audience) how he hates both Ustashas and Chetniks
Borut Pahor had me visit Vojislav Seselj via Aleksandar Vucic on regular bases since 1995 up to 2001 while at the same time Pahor brainwashed Slovenian partisans on WWII partisan commemorations how cooperation with Serbian chetniks IS IN THEIR BEST INTEREST !!! UP TO 2001 AS BARACK OBAMA AND OTHER US DEMOCRATS LEARNED ABOUT BORUT PAHOR'S DEEDS IN RESPECT TO BELGRADE TO WHICH THEY COMMENCED TO PROTEST !!!
I TOLD YOU SO: Alexei Navalny NOT DISSIDENT, but instead Putin's agent - Yale World Fellow's student lobbyist for Berlin's NWO in Berlin to exhort Russian government per Putin via "human rights"
HAHAHAHAHA: Jack Ma's PRIVATE VACATIONS now a matter of political disappearance and all sorts of CONSPIRACIES FROM THE WEST
Real conspiracies man - not 9/11 alike Al Gore FACTS which are referred to the world as "conspiracies", but real conspiracies....
Saturday, January 9, 2021
Vojislav Šešelj before taken to court in Hague just for you to know
MK ULTRA - 2 of 4 Ratež Novo mesto - Political massacre in independent Slovenia after 1995
1 of 4 Ratež Novo mesto - Political massacre in "independent" Slovenia after 1995
Friday, January 8, 2021
WARNING: Practically NON EXISTING Trumpets were never ever stronger in US history(since fall of confederacy) and its thanks to democratic party who rigged not only US elections for the sake of Trump, but also US congress
Thursday, January 7, 2021
Luckily my loving young niece and her husband warned me about danger to spell truth about my old father
Janez Drnovšek knew Putin got him poisoned and Slovenian politicians insisted for him to become president in return, so he could according to them alone
retaliate to me as number 1 reason.
Out of his anger and sadness(bitterness) as he alone told me, took his "big secret" about me into the grave - he knew very well why/who whacked him and whole thing got even better as Russians loudly confessed that he was murdered by mistake and unfortunately was nothing they could do for him - too late they claimed...
Najbolj izpostavljena po besedah Pahorja(rečeno z velikanskim priokusom posmehovanja) je Dolenjska regija in osrednja Slovenija - najmanj Gorenjska regija vendar
se je Pahor hvalil da jim je uspelo prebiti čez leta 2015 po dolgotrajnih naporih. Namen je dobesedno uničiti Slovenski narod - hišo po hiši. Glavni instrument pa je prisilna nezaposelnost vzporedno z delom drugih javnih organov kot sta policija in psihiatrija. Tako je to dragi moji 30 let po "osamosvojitvi".
In this very video I have explained in details who seeded in me cancer when/how
Video will be translated from SerboaCroat(Bosnian) language into English https://ausertimes.blogspot.com/2021/01/tuzilastvu-unsko-sanskog-kantona-u.html
Serbian and Slovenian CHETNIKS in this very case despite all the violence against me didn't manage to accomplish absolutely anything - and this with all the help of Donald Trump/his Rep. party and eve some confused(not guilty but confused on issues) democrat party members
We can say today they failed 100% in this case while they did managed to grab lots of money via lies and murder lots of people...as far as myself nothing.
After mob disrupts proceedings, Congress turns back Electoral College challenge, certifying Biden as the next president
Na Bosansko - Srpsko - Hrvatskom jeziku: Tužilaštvu Unsko-sanskog kantona u obziru pogleda na doktoricu Nikolina Balaban koju sud usudio na 4.5 godine zatvora
Wednesday, January 6, 2021
Trump's "Fight like hell"(he is 100% behind criminal mob attack on Congress) came into reality as few hundred armed violent thugs descent U.S. Capitol building
Tuesday, January 5, 2021
Same people who "cured" doctor Nikolina Balaban inside of psychiatric institutions made her visit funeral of Arkan and set her up with false accusations after she proudly accented her Bosnian heritage in 2016
It is safe to conclude Bosnia lost its media compass https://stav.ba/vijest/arkanova-jaranica-doktorica-smrt-i-njeni-ratni-zlocinci/293 entierly - I am not surprised as disinfo behind is humongous(next to Vucic, its entire Putin's initiative pushing forward to eradicate them, yet they prefer to fight ne another and even more so if those are women).
I cite "Prije izbijanja afere imala je status "zvijezde", zbog bloga koji je pisala o ratnim dešavanjima i kritike vlastima RS-a zbog nepriznavanje zločina u Srebrenici. Čak joj je i Face TV dodijelio priznanje "Ličnost godine", po glasovima gledalaca". from https://faktor.ba/vijest/nikolina-balaban-priznala-da-je-nesavjesnim-lijecenjem-tesko-narusila-zdravlje-pacijenata-u-bihacu/104361 <==those who senteced her into prison admit that her writing benefitted Bosnian people, but still rather stick to photos which they produced to lock her up one day if still not fit for greater chetnik agenda.
Na Slovenskem plebiscitu 1990 smo volili za PRAVNO DRŽAVO o kateri državni zbor od leta 1995(če sploh kdaj) ni imel nikakršnega pojma
Pravo in Slovenija sta dve popolnoma različni si stvari med katerima ni nikakršne povezave.
Tam kjer policija "ne zmore" morajo prevzeti v roke mladi fantje
Največji problem v Sloveniji je denar ker ga je daleč preveč - ne premalo kakor trdijo
In ta še denar nobenemu Slovenci ni naredil ničesar dobrega. Se uporablja za izsiljevanje in izseljevanje Slovenskega naroda iz Slovenije. To je denar ki pobija dan danes po Bosni moril pa je prav tako po drugih delih Evrope ker pač "Slovenija je premajhna zase".
Brata Kaczynski sta na pobudo Boruta Pahorja celo IZBRISALA SLOVENSKI NAROD iz evidence Zahodnoslovanskih narodov ker
so jih prepričali preko mojega primera MK Ultra da je tako za Slovenski narod najbolje. Kacyznska šizofrenija pa se je nadaljevala v ranku Putinove ki je zahteval popolen izbris Hrvaške kakor Slovenije zavoljo nove "Jugoslavije". Politiko Kaczynskega nadaljujeta na Poljskem Andrzej Duda in Mateusz Morawiecki - Kaczynski je bil mentor obeh kakor Borut Pahor ki je inštruiral Marjana Šarca.
V Sloveniji se bojo postavili še ene vrste spomeniki in to žrtvam pobojev v samostojni republiki Sloveniji ki so tukaj načeli čas od leta 1995.
Monday, January 4, 2021
URGENT APPEAL TO EUROPEAN COURT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS: Immediately FREE Bosnian Doctor Nikolina Balaban from chetnik's imprisonment
WAR AGAINST BOSNIA TODAY IN 2021: Why problems with immigrants in Unsko-sanski kantona !!???? Because its leadership is engaging in crime even against own Bosnian population - MK Ultra became number ONE chetnik tool
Aleksandar Vučić used to come to one by using masks as he used to brag about it(he had his individual who would drove in and out same height on what he used obviously a mask so that guards wouldn't detect one in entry and exit into the state). He is very very good relation with top boss of Unsko-sanski kanton where as a result immigrants are persecuted tortured like animals and Croatia blamed for it all. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-55427750 Its a CHETNIK's massacre that goes on and this against all - including African immigrants.
Problem niso Slovenci u Sloveniji - problem je četniška politika Srbije
Thousands of National Guard Troops Set to Descend on DC to Support Biden Inauguration
Looks like tough times for totally schizophrenic US president Donald Trumpet(regular neonazi puppet Benedict Arnold#2) https://www.tasnimnews.com/en/news/2021/01/04/2426029/thousands-of-national-guard-troops-set-to-descend-on-dc-to-support-biden-inauguration