Friday, January 5, 2024

KNOWING THE BRITO GERMAN GENOCIDE HOW: Slovenian police investigators and what appealed to my mother utterly were tearing apart my underwear infront of me - at demanded from me to watch and pay attention to on at least 20 ocasions

What saved my life was to act for 52 years as a mentally ill rather than responding crime as a normal individual. My life became a life of mentally ill individual depicted in movies via Hollywood - someone hiding inside of the house without any presence in outside world for what employers on both sides of Atlantic Ocean ensured would be the case. EVEN ACTING AS MENTALLY ILL INDIVIDUAL WOULD, HOWEVER, DIDN'T SAVE MY LIFE AS IN 2013(AFTER 41 YEARS OF MK ULTRA BESTIALITY PERFORMED ON ME AND TOTALLY IMPOSSIBLE LIFE CIRCUMSTANCES) - SLOVENIAN POLICE OBTAINED THROUGH SLOVENIAN COURT ORDER BASED ON FAMILY LIES AGAINST ME A WARRANT TO THROW ME BEHIND WALLS OF PSYCHIATRIC INSTITUTION LJUBLJANA POLJE. Thats when acting/responding to real crime even as mentally ill no longer helps you...GET TO KNOW BRITISH GENOCIDE/EXTERMINATION PROCEDURES IN NEW ERA ON HOW/WHO/WHERE AND WHY

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