Saturday, August 1, 2020

Landlord finally replaced totally rusty electric boiler(water heater for bathroom located on ground floor) with new one sometimes in 2008, but in 2010 because of what was acknowledged one installed I believe some other form of heating system keeping on side both(old rusty crap and new one)

Go and prove whatever you want.

Three residents insisted under MK Ultra that I should keep water inside of plastic battles only as they do have on the side plenty rust which would be used in case I would use buckets or some other for of water storage. 

I was told that water will be on two/three occasions deliberately so filthy rusty just to remind me of above stated, but it didn't till just week ago when I found inside of the white buttermilk bottle which I left inside of the car a segments of rusty parts. Yes, it was the first time I have taken water with me in the car which 99% of my stay here was parked at the front of the gated property and yes car was repeatedly entered during my absence - mirror inside car was always set into night driving position - bicycle on the other hand suffered same faith till eventually they broke me even chain on one in-front of the Kaufland store(have proofs for here stated bike situation)

Residence here, however, also was repeatedly entered during my absence - things destroyed/vandalized so car theory has nothing to do with rust poisoning and even less directed energy attacks which were the thing upon my arrival to this location during first two months.

That much about pipes and water heater(most likely was #1 cause).

Under MK Ultra they insisted so much on buying natural food products, refraining from drinking coffee/consuming sugar and/or using artificial sweeteners/creamers, accenting rust on pans used that I totally disregarded despite seeing milky water from what I believed were freshly brought water supplies.

Landlord did played with mentioned rusty boiler upon installation of new one by installing one back and forth, but eventually claimed in 2013 that he made it final solution for which no one will be capable to point finger at him. I wonder...

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