Sunday, June 17, 2018

WHILE TRUMP POINTS AT OBAMA FINGERS FOR THE LOSS OF CRIMEA, Russian terrorism intensifies along the border with Ukraine(large Kremlin's military buildup is observed/detected as well) as Kremlin is determined on another war with Ukrainiane - No help on sight to sold by West Ukrainian nation

RED GESTAPO WHICH IS HIDING BEHIND RED STAR CAN BE JUST AS BAD AS WAS AND IS NEONAZI GERMANY(Berlin is still the same old same and one rather then getting involved directly in confrontation is financing those who are willing to engage in one - what is happening in Ukraine today is happening foremost because of Germany)...THE DIFFERENCE IN  USE OF EXTERMINATION METHODS BETWEEN THE TWO IS NONE.

For traitor Trump's personal information in respect to Obama and Crimea only that Donbass was also stolen from Ukraine ;) Obama was nothing more than useful(totally incompetent and hateful) pajaco(pagliaccio/clown) in white house's seat - busy with "black lives matter" case and myself - you, McCain, Bush and others who ran the show behind the curtain, however, were in control of the situation in Ukraine just as the case is today...nevertheless, situation with or without you is still the same Trump....

Am right !!????


Activists release new evidence of Russian military presence in Donbas

Exact locations of Russian Signals units in the Ukrainian territory have been revealed.

Denial is one of the Kremlin's major tools in trying to refute massive bulks of reports claiming Moscow's support for militants in Donbas. The "We Are Not There" narrative is a product of such behavior while Russia constantly demands hard evidence of their military presence in eastern Ukraine, according to Information Resistance, an OSINT non-government group in Ukraine.

In the age of information technology, every secret eventually unravels, IR says, recalling numerous occasions OSINT evidence was used to point at Russia's direct military involvement in Donbas. This time,  activists revealed Donbas and Crimea locations of bases of Russia's Signals, units responsible for communications.

It is about the latest hi-end encrypted communication stations, produced in Russia for and used exclusively by the Russian military. 

The map published by IR shows locations of mobile terminals used to set up encrypted video conference calls. The exact coordinates of said terminals have also been disclosed.

As of April 2018, at least 18 mobile stations operated in the Russian army's satellite communications network. Five of them were based in Russia-occupied parts of Ukraine - four in the occupied areas of Donbas (Novoazovsk and Yasynuvata, Donetsk region, as well as Kruhlyk and Kamenka in Luhansk region) and one in Crimea (Sevastopol).

As of early June, the number of mobile stations in the Russian army's satellite communications network was reduced to 10, three of them remaining in Russia-occupied Ukrainian territories - in Novoazovsk and Vasyliivka in Donetsk region and Khrustalny in Luhansk region.

It is noted that satellite signal is used most intensively to set up communication for the units that have been deployed on foreign missions. In this case, it is about the missions in Ukraine and Syria. Communication with the help of such stations is set up among control units, no lower than the brigade level.

In the Russian Army, satellite communications with its units, including those performing tasks beyond Russia borders,  are provided by the 14th Main Communication Center of the General Staff (Moscow). Mobile satcom terminals in its arsenal have the same type of equipment ("Auriga" type) and operate through a common frequency pool: 1 hub station and 16 subscriber channels of the Russian repeater satellite Yamal-402 (55E).

An interesting detail is that such stations cannot be operated by amateurs and neither they can be "found in Donbas mines" as the Russian propaganda once claimed of weapons and ammunition used by militants in eastern Ukraine. These stations are supplied to the Russian army exclusively, IR says. It is about sophisticated software and cryptographic protection systems that can only be operated by specially trained servicemen of the Russian Armed Forces with the appropriate level of access to work with cryptographic equipment.

Even theoretically speaking, transferring such hi-end signals equipment to militants in the territory of Ukraine know would be impossible, in terms of access requirements to any classified equipment.

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