Thursday, February 1, 2024

MK Ultra - The first time Russian Constantine played chess in here seen Dutch restaurant was in 2008 - Boy did completed university degree probabaly in 2008 with 2010 as the latest and does have direct connections with Putin/Mevedev

Constantine also possibly has a beautiful sister who, however, is older than he is - married already. I know I had constantly had hit on his light haired blue eyes mother and what made his father a bit angry. Constantine possibly have even two brothers(one for sure) from first marriage or whatever on fathers' side. 

As for Anna Cramling and her family, she was delivered to this world by her mother after she met husband(divorced from family in Spain where Anna has half brother) from Spain via chess competition at wherever place - two met probably in Italy or Greece at some hoetl where they played chess and where some chess players would also book for overnight stay. I tried to interact with her and her parents but at n/a response. Her mother appeared was interested in me and as much as I tried(she is older than myself), she never crossed line till she met husband who at my request wouldn't let her to waste - she aged and it was either to make child or let all go. This way Anna Cramling was born to Swedish mom and Spanish father and as you see looks really great. Constantine is the youngest in family. Constantine is not a violent person and became at one point assistant on why to participate further in the so called MK Ultra due to degree of violence involved in one - Constantine figured out that it won't make any difference weather he will be polite or not as I would come to conclusion that everyone acted same and what consequently according to him would have him loose contract in Amsterdam with another connection he made using my case. Constantine didn't appear as politically motivated person and was doing his best to stay out of politics despite previously mentioned connections. Appeared as freelancer architect or something like this and could have something to do even with floating farms in Amsterdam. I recall Medvedev boasting about his success abroad at one point in our house where Constantine would also pay visits and so did Anna with her parents with numerous other people. None of this, however, EVER WAS OR IS OKAY WITH ME. Violence was present everywhere. of which worst part was heart burning procedure - all this went on during my being poisoned. Participants were forced to pull dirty stuff to remain on picture and/or to get contracts going. Constantine and his family is from Moscow I believe - his father is originally from outside of the Moscow(another city).

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