Friday, August 17, 2018

Long but productive day

Didn't know how to start one(project properly) and it finally got to me this morning...

wasn't too happy to tell you the truth when I departed to suburb of Warsaw, but it did paid off...its not that I had fear or felt uncomfortable(I knew how to get it done properly) about it, but question about meaning of life appeared - 23 years of life thrown away in a trash can because of few criminals who seat on taxpayers' money - even my sanity was conditioned through the extreme forms of torture(if I would just quit struggle for a moment, I would have missed the future possibility of what other takes for granted - beyond disgusting) for no less than 6 years...

A bit more about Mr. Kaczyński...
I feel Mr. Kaczyński is into Polish identity, but far more needs to be done...I know also that Mr. Kaczyński is not(should say was not) alone...I know there are many Berlin/Moscow traitors within governments(not just Polish government, but instead through entire Eastern Europe); however, Polish people must take the lead in world of Slavic affairs...

If you want war in Europe(world), finance Russia or Germany...if you want peace, finance Poland. 

Poland must become economic engine(administrator) of Slavic nations and obtain nuclear arsenal to protect not only own sovereignty, but also offer sane alternative to other Slavic countries which are left with no choice other than Moscow(DISASTER).

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