Tuesday, February 20, 2018

The worst enemy is the one that presents himself as per being something that is not - what biggest problems of "church goers" and "communists" are

Slovenian military is even freezing to due lack of equipment(few are deciding for military career while many are leaving, legal system is totally crippled as you see from case of my own and is suggesting to the world that Slovenia is incapable(incompetent) to rule own affairs, police is protesting policisti-protestirali-pred-vlado-stavka-se-nadaljuje-foto-videoCroatian and Slovenian neighbors(borders goes between middle of the villages) need passports and to report themselves to international crossing points to visit one another(public transportation system is crippled/ruined - you now need taxi to get to Novo mesto from Zagreb) and we have war with Croatia in tiny gulf of Piran

In port of Koper we host Israel instead of China, and have just insulted Serbia straight in the face in respect to Kosovo srbska-premierka-neprijetno-presenecena-nad-pahorjevo-izjavo-o-lobiranju-za-kosovo/446557(sorry mate, but Serbs are our brothers just like Croats are and so we are here foremost to please their legal requests in respect to Kosovo which always was and will be part of Serbia - what became super minority from what was greater majority will not and must not disappear from Kosovo - while incorporation of Kosovar, Albanian, and Bulgarian people into new South Slavic state a via peaceful integration should be on the greater picture together with Russia, we can't ignore fact of holly Slavic bond in this part of the world - his statement came out in a very bad time for Serbian population in Serbia and on Kosovo vucic-kompromis-s-albancima-zivotni-interes-za-srbiju-i-srpski-narod-nas-najveci-problem-je-99-stanovnika-manje-dnevno/)....I could go on and on...

And where the real problem is...

Real problem is in people who are concentrated on who is supposedly what...because of Borut Pahor's past, people have illusion that he is a communist and will save people against corruption(real word for corruption is a capitalism as word capitalism is only used to confuse people on issue per what one truly is)...therefore what some see in him is and is not and what others hate based on stereotyping(there is a whole bunch of people out there who doesn't know that Jesus Christus was the first real communist - people who hate communism hate one because they have never ever even experienced one in reality) created totally polarized society to which we witness more and more(it was like this already under Yugoslavia and have grown into greater and greater conflict/polarisation)....


"Church goers should believe more in communism" and "communists" more in something greater than and communism are the same...the problem is not in communism or belief in something greater than yourself, but in people who suffer from lack of belief in anything.

Communism was created with sole purpose and that was to preserve national identities as well as to preserve humanity in people from corruption to which we witness today. No wonder AmeroGermans and AngloSaxons hate one so much and are separating(polarizing) two issues at all get it !!???

He is Bastian Schweinsteiger in SS uniform when he sees himself in the mirror and she a Japanese empress....

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