nuns if those perform public duties as is case with my friend...again, while I wouldn't allow all priests and nuns to be entitled of stated above, I would go as a state to certain extent to accommodate certain people if interest for family or partner would persist in them... and yes, if you serve in Lord's lines - porn shouldn't be option for you as is your lifestyle you have chosen to follow. This in my opinion while you may say would break church, would create society more dynamic with younger people eager in some cases to get involved directly and steer away from porn often times rather physically/mentally exhausted church servants...this would give church stronger grip on reality when it come service and possible punishments(exclusions) of those who steal Lord's time. I am against idea that one must enter church at 18 and exit via death bed at age 80....fine with me if its his/her choice, but one should(again in my opinion) also have the right to above stated option - stay in one for as long as one feels is productive to Lord without compromise - if departing from one to rather leave positive feedback on institution for newer generations to maintain tradition of work...
Slovenski duhovnik uradno ne prejema plače
V primerjavi z drugimi evropskimi državami, kjer se dohodki duhovnikov urejajo z različnimi sporazumi med Cerkvijo in državo, so pri nas duhovniki sofinancirani iz državnega proračuna samo za pokojninsko, invalidsko in zdravstveno zavarovanje. Država prispeva približno polovico, medtem ko drugo polovico sredstev prispevajo duhovniki osebno, s pomočjo zaupanih jim vernikov. Sofinanciranje omenjenih prispevkov ureja 27. in 28. člena Zakona o verski svobodi (v nadaljevanju ZVS).
Duhovniki v Sloveniji plače ne prejemajo, zato se med ljudmi toliko bolj pojavljajo vprašanja, kako lahko duhovnik brez plače sploh preživi. Zato bomo v tem prispevku v grobem spoznali duhovnikove prihodke, ki sicer niso uradno zagotovljeni, ampak temeljijo na prostovoljnih prispevkih vernikov.
'The devil enters from there': Pope Francis admits even priests and nuns watch pornography
The head of the Catholic church admitted that watching porn was "a vice that so many people have".
Pope Francis has said that “even priests and nuns” watch pornography. The head of the Catholic church spoke as part of a conversation with priests and seminarians at the Vatican earlier today.
During the conversation, he took a question on how technology and social media should best be used by members of the faith.
He went on to warn that watching online porn “weakens the priestly heart”.
The 85-year-old Argentine pope – who has held the post for nine years – said it was “a vice that so many people have [...] even priests and nuns”.
Pope Francis added: “It weakens the soul. It weakens the soul. The devil enters from there.”
He said: “The pure heart, the one that Jesus receives every day, cannot receive this pornographic information.”
He advised those gathered to hear him speak to “delete this from your phone, so you will not have temptation in hand”.
The Catholic church requires that all ministers remain celibate, and it advises against watching pornography as it deems it unchaste.
However, Pope Francis said that digital tools should be used, albeit cautiously.
He told the gathering: “It is not my world, but you must use them.”
The Vatican leader recounted being given a mobile phone when he was ordained as a bishop, which he used for a single call to his sister, before returning it immediately.
Despite having 19 million followers on Twitter and nearly 9 million on Instagram, the pope said he did not use social media as he “arrived too late” to it.
Instead, a team of people manage his social media accounts.
He told the gathering: “It is not my world, but you must use them.”
The Vatican leader recounted being given a mobile phone when he was ordained as a bishop, which he used for a single call to his sister, before returning it immediately.
Despite having 19 million followers on Twitter and nearly 9 million on Instagram, the pope said he did not use social media as he “arrived too late” to it.
Instead, a team of people manage his social media accounts.
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