Sunday, October 30, 2022

MK ULTRA - I was at this very location with Vladimir Putin, Medvedev, Lavrov and AMERICANS for over million times(brought and at times incarcerated more than anywhere else in Russian prison system) due to beauty of lake elites enjoyed(their security too)

Where terrorist war criminal Puto Putanowich and his associated guaranteed me will spent rest of my life at...beginning as early as in 1995 with top elites involved...Наши американские партнеры....
Hijacked by CIA from sunny Miami and landed exactly at what you see - very very nice...a real road to American citizenship. You bet I met guards/prison personnel(even spouses of guards) and prisoners. The first one of British who made it to this place was British Andrew(fall of 1996) on what Charles joined as well sometimes in 1997 as well - two years after I was already brought in there for by is more than idyllic...old house you see was the first housings in 1995, 1996, 1997....Americans were "shshshshs" in respect to British royals who gradually joined....I immigrated to USA from Slovenia and shortly ended even in what you see above(sunny Miami was a hell hole shit hole with magic bottom from where I disappeared time and again to impossible to even think about locations worldwide - wouldn't want to consider them even with finger on map)...Donald Trump could tell a lot about here stated(Fire Island) as one arrived there already in 1995, late John McCain whom I promoted heavily made it to Fire Island in 1997...senator Lindsey Graham's(was one of MK Ultra favorites from US side) first arrival to Fire Island I recorded in 1998...obviously Amero British sentence to spend life jobless and write complain out of torture while infected with cancer also was is a special kind....republicans only !!???? Hell no - Nany Pelosi's husband suffered blow to head few days ago and was the one who repeatedly blocked republicans in early stages of MK Ultra from stopping MK Ultra crime due to lucrative contracts one yielded since 1995...Newt Gingrich, Peter T. King...biggest tool to Putin in 1995 and since was Gerry could be that special MK Ultra deputy of Clinton, Mitt Romney arrived as second American on Fire island in 1995....Mitt Romney was actually very sharp in respect to my whereabouts. He traced and reported straight back to Clinton. RUSSIANS WAS TOLD HIJACKED DURING SERBIAN WAR ON BALKANS QUITE A FEW PEOPLE OF WHICH SOME NEVER WERE RETURNED BACK TO CIVILIZATION - THATS WHAT MEDVEDEV WAS CONDITIONING ME WITH AT FIRE ISLAND IN 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 - COLLABORATION WITH SERBIAN CHETNIKS FOR COST OF LIFE....




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