And his show of insanity went on for whomever one video recorded lunacy $$$$...
CAR IN EITHER 2011 OR 2012 AND THIS IN MY PRESENCE....HE WAS ABOUT NOTHING OTHER THAN VIOLENCE, ALCOHOL, AND POSSIBLY DRUGS IF ALCOHOL WASN'T ENOUGH....the one who came to rescue to Zac was no other than his patrons whose main patron was no other than Lou Ferrigno
(it was all about call this one call that one in 2011 - he can't do he will call Lou) and who listed one on his page - crime records disappeared...just three years latter Zac was handed movie role where arrested - black police officer lady who ran evidence unit told me,
"you will not remember"... all these people claimed being discriminated against by myself - its what best part is...loaded with money torturing drugged up politically persecuted individual and claim one discrimination in his face...interesting how people make careers in Hollywood and with what....
Lou Ferrigno participated as police officer wearing real uniform in case you didn't know...
In as early as in 2000, Lou guaranteed me I will have to have surgery to survive due to cancer(during MK Ultra)....strange concern when I consider stated above - on each occasion sleep deprived for days took place before introducing me to him for his bullshit show sake....and one even complained angrily about how if not totally sleep deprived, to not deliver one - ohhh, he was desperate to get his hands on me...strange customers Lou...chaps from New York - movie producers a real killers I will tell you for crime YOU...this crime commenced in 1997(perhaps even 1996) when I promised you in face will squeeze life out of you like out of mosquito when we meet in real life(still was time when I loved nothing more than bodybuilders inside of the boxing ring where I would crush their bones -. muscular built baboons with broken bleeding to death noses and traumatized brain)....remember who was there with us !!???? I remember whole crime some from Slovenia(Kapš) and some from America ✡✡✡
How did Putin penetrated America !!???? You can tell whole thing how it went with me who escorted and whom they used afterwards....Israel had long long knives back then(they pushed Putin all the way - he identified himself as Jewish back then), but its okay...they learned some day.
@Netanyahu - we are both lucky for you to have that little sexy niece....I admit was lost in hatred at that point in 2017...
Updated same day...
Few impressions from today and during last two days - NON EXISTING Slovenian state instigates in repeated violence and mother into sheer lunacy(together with mother I should say)
Israel learned that Russians and Serbs on whose behalf Jews performed violence(AS THE ONLY ONE ALLOWED TO PERFORM BY US GOVERNMENT - NOT ITALIANS, NOT GREEKS WHICH PERFORMED FAR MORE CRIME AGAINST ME NOR ANY OTHER GROUP), weren't that innocent - it became evident Russians preferably would delete Israeli state TOGETHER with American Jews as whole if they only could - back home in Slovenia where hijacked from US, it was all about Jews hiding with snipers on hills and at gas stations awaiting me for hijacking - in radius of 60+ kilometers of Novo mesto. Inside the house, "Netanyahu" and his Mosad crew were about nothing but teaching me on how to use cheap door alarms when in good mood - when in bad mood, gun barrels were pointed in my forehead....There was no anti semitism, but there was heavy crime in the name of the Jews without any Jews on picture - police station Novo mesto where beaten up(repeatedly tortured under MK Ultra) obtained direct link with Israel according to director police and his Ljubljana associates and begun to VIDEO surveillance me 24/7 on behalf of Israel in the name of Israel....I met Netanyahu there on many occasions except that Netanyahu I met at police station Novo mesto under MK Ultra had silicone mask of Netanyahu. There was mafia inside of our house in 1995 - Russo Israeli mafia led by Putin and Roman Abramovich which was certain for my new homeland to become state of Israel - except that these were Rusians not Jews who used links to Israel for business sake...antisemitism which they anticipated(my crime was to want to have nothing to do with either of them - and it remained like this till 2012 when I declared war on "antisemitism" by exposing myself with sheer online lunacy - Jews needed no less than 18 years of torture to get me inside of the psychitric institution with their Russian and Serbian collgues and took no responsibility for crime whatsoever) was further fortified by Polish, Ukrainian, Czech, Slovakian and other eastern European MK Ultra majorities - Belarus - good old times when Ukrainians saw themselves still more as Russians than in anyone else...antisemitism they anticipated further extended into Israel where brought and where some extremists went on to even demonstrate me guns in my face, but those weren't really really 100% Jews at the time - they had firm Russian links in their background just what Vladimir Putin needed(became a frequent visitor of Israel and endless searcher for stated) in Israel and in USA from where at times American Russians would take hijacking tasks to for Jews or real Israelis, its people like everywhere else - trying to connect with rest of the world and date. Israel had deep reason to fear. I know so because I would too under given circumstances. As for Netanyahu, I am glad one was involved in MK Ultra. Glad for Bennett, glad for all others including those with Russian background - they all got good idea about how it ALL works.
American Jews promoted violence against me on behalf of Putin till one no longer had to be promoted by them is what quite a few MK ULTRA STARTERS wanted me to view issue as(including some Jews), but all in all its not truth...truth is that US alone needed someone stupid enough to hide behind - someone willing to wage war on Jews and everyone else over and over again so they could look better in face of the world - so very very awkward Putin alone could look good - legitimate in face of the word on his political stage which more and more visibly begun to crack due to more and more military conflicts with for Jews, they didn't have choice. Actually, they chose time and again to offer me Israel as new homeland - they knew about what went on from different perspective. Truth is that I cite, "Jews promoted violence against me on behalf of Putin till one no longer had to be promoted by them" that part "no longer had to be promoted by them" defines the whole story...Greeks were Christians no !!??? Italians, British, and all others who performed just as much crime against me should be to a least some extent closer, but appears were not - it appears I and Jews became a chosen one - will not even get into issues of Slovenes other than what is stated in title as NON EXISTING...issues such as just how much money Israel made with me were injected in MK Ultra brainwash, but surely makes me sick when I think about Greeks and their lies because they did made money and a lots of it(ALL) kept to themselves pushing me further down endless hole...Lou Ferrigno can keep his Zac Efron game to himself with his new Austrian accent included - almost just as someone I have spent good deal of time under MK Ultra with when hijacked to Russia time and again, but now sides with Ukrainian side what I welcome....yeah, you get above was selected to push in me anger - retaliation on what local psychiatrist Peter Kapš with director of Novo mesto police and all others have worked on for the last 28 years....
@Ferrigno - that approach via endless beatings and I cite, "yes, but there is nothing you will ever be capable to do to them" wouldn't appeal to real Hulk or would !!????
(best friend of Vladimir Putin - Putin loves one more than Milan Kučan) tortured under MK Ultra with Domonika Švarc and other clowns on issue of Slovenian existence - issue of Carantania which they referred to me as and what is evident compared one
(have already demonstrated me this very symbol of new prison in Slovenia) with me....Today(same day) news main news in Slovenia reads "
The foundation stone for the new prison in Dobrunje, worth 73 million euros, was laid
The thing is, I don't give much fuck about Slovenian national existence any longer - that zest of mine which I displayed under MK Ultra prospered free coffees of Peterle, Rupel, Janša inside of the Slovenian parliament and in Brussels where they freeloaded themselves and through them Kučan/Pahor/ Fajon ...Slovenia which accussed me in 2013 of attempt to exterminate Slovenes along with Jews and Roma - accused me after 18 years of nothing but physical torture and forced unemployment so I could be institutionalized into psychiatric institution Ljubljana Polje and rated as mentally ill so more crime could be used against me who got psychiatric gag on my mouths....Slovenes rushed to vote again without solving their biggest problem - this very case. If others will solve one, it could well be Slovenia HOPEFULLY will cease to exist as nation and as state. You can tell - I don't like idea about so called "Slovenia" any longer can can tell, I want one prosecuted to its full extent and this beyond Slovenian confession about crime committed against me - the homeland I was forced to depart from and which went ahead to use my citizenship with idea to hunt me down in US and other countries - used Russian hunting in the name of nazism to create bridges for the sake of wars/more crime....

Nice back sock next to flowers....
Nice black tape right there...
Candles are everywhere - and angels are rather facing walls - same on graveyards(same shit - angels were turned the opposite side when I visited graves of my relatives).
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