Thursday, December 20, 2018

In Warszaw exactly what I suggested case would be(most likely transfer) the day earlier

Was accused by my roomates of destroying holly Muslim(where they pray) rug and being aggressive toward residents(Russian Chechens) of Grotniki's immigration center(incl. children who used to chase me down the hallways and in other areas - can be seen on video just how "aggressive" I was with them)

For above listed claims, immigration didn't provide any proofs.

Certainly is none of my interest in engaging in any bizarre behavior(sacrilege of religious objects during absence of those who utilize them for the sake of their faith is to me a sign of insanity and not something that would even cross my mind) toward other religious groups and don't know how I could be aggressive toward such a large community of people in which even children are used for their radical purposes(they have used on several occasions small 7/8 years old girl to gesture me how Christ is no good and disliked and so on due to my cross pendant).

I have suffered from serious food poisoning and consequently have diarrhea for already last three days. This too was exploited(was reminded how Muslims fast themselves on Sundays and I will have to do just the same). Video is coming on this subject.

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