Saturday, July 13, 2024

Joe Biden "STAY IN RACE" gimmick was involved in MK Ultra with Joe Biden posing at the exact same location as to photo you see on screenshot gesturing me during his mentally ill "games"(MK Ultra bestiality)

that one doesn't do flags, but instead real stuff.

Perhaps Joe will understand me more once I get one behind bars, but his attitude is indifferent from all others who occupied presidential seats before him. I bet am not the only one, but sure am the weirdest test of reality in present - if something like this(that a victim of Western genocide had its own website monitored by CIA and FBI and other police departments where pointing out crimes against one) took place 20 years ago, you wouldn't see nasty crew on a political podium for much longer....this also goes to show how FASCIST DICTATORIAL society became. This is not authoritarianism any more...authoritarianism in my case is a mild word for total bestiality.

This murderer hiding behind White House seat(immunity from persecution as they refer to one as) and London Godfathers actually believes he is exceptional. Beneficial for US constitution by violating/raping one. If I can just remain a little longer is what Joe told THEM in 2021 and I know so....

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