Sunday, May 15, 2022

TO BE VERY PRECISE ABOUT MR. ŠTEFANČIČ MARCEL IN RESPECT TO SLOVENIAN NATIONAL CHARACTER KNOWN AS METOD TROBEC WHOM HE HATED DEARLY, BUT COMPARED ONE TO EVERY SLOVENIAN(also why one brought me to Trobec inside of the jail till 2004/2005 for no less than 10 years claiming me will be my witness and how I alone will end like one as well - just before his execution known as suicide, but tactics indifferent from Borut Pahor's car which burned just year prior to car plot assassination on me): Mr. Štefančič Marcel incited Americans into hatred against me through mentioned character who he dedicated in his shows considerable amount of time on behalf of YUGO fuhrers such as Milan Kučan, Borut Pahor etc.

But once foreigners begun to compare mentioned Metod Trobec character rater to him than myself, Mr. Štefančič Marcel rushed to pull of internet all his shows dedicated to serial killer Metod Trobec 

A profiles of real Slovenian figures(well known today) from this very MK Ultra case thus I have nothing other to say to Slovenia than what is written in title and YOU ARE GONNA PAY DEARLY FOR CRIME AGAINST ME. COULD BE YOUR LAST ONE EVER.


Vsi ste vi enaki gnoji. Danes mene z takoimenovanimi levičarji, jutri pa nekoga ki bo prst uperjal v desničarje z takoimenovanimi desničarji. Vse je okay. Kakor v Jugoslaviji, novega nič v takoimenovani Sloveniji.

Aleš Hojs was involved i crime against me since 1995 and worked in the background accordingly to Milan Kučan's instructions just as other so called "right" fraction leaders. When its necessary to rid someone, they all work together with one another.

Slovenian nation is moving past me and Ukraine in full support of Russia whose Putin is ready to engage for the sake of Trump in 2024(someone has to blamed for coming new dilemma when crime will be handed officially again on shoulders of so called right).

Sometimes multiculturalism issues are closer to nazism than multiculturalism and sometimes the so called communists work for the same cause as nazis. Wearing masks during assassination of someone often benefits masked, but sometimes not even masks are so helpful either as it all depends on whom...


The more you claim in my case its LEFTISTS who are behind crime, the more you neglect fact I fought for during times of Yugoslavia(I fought for independent Slovenia) since kindergarten days - independent Slovenian state existence

Therefore the so called rightists are the one to foremost be blamed for in this case - not so called left. 

Americans and Germans tried to stop crime in 1996, 1997 and even in 1999 if its to believe Merkel(for 1999 I am not so sure), but it was of same importance to Slovenia as described above. For Putin and for Belgrade.

Marcel Štefančič(film critic) was one of the most abusive criminal involved in crime against me who have in 1997 with psychiatrist Zoran Mudža, Pahor, Kučan, neighbors, police incited even in ax massacre inside of garage. Marcel Štefančič was behind HOW TO COMMIT SUICIDE crime in 2002 and he participated every major crime against me along mentioned politicians since 1995 till one was stopped as going too far by whomever in 2004.

Aleš Hojsslovenski gradbeni inženirpolitik in gospodarstvenik * 12. december 1961Ljubljana[1]

Hojs je dvakratni slovenski minister. V 10. vladi Republike Slovenije je kot član Nove Slovenije vodil resor za obrambo, v 14. vladi Republike Slovenije je kot član Slovenske demokratske stranke opravljal funkcijo ministra za notranje zadeve.[1][2]

Življenjepis[uredi | uredi kodo]

Obiskoval je Gimnazijo Bežigrad,[3] leta 1988 pa je diplomiral na Fakulteti za arhitekturo, gradbeništvo in geodezijo Univerze v Ljubljani.[1]

Po zaključeni diplomi je bil najprej zaposlen kot nadzorni inženir na Republiški upravi za ceste. Leta 1990 je bil odgovorni projektant pri podjetju GIVO, kasneje pa direktor sektorjev v Javnem podjetju Vodovod-Kanalizacija Ljubljana. Po koncu mandata ministra za obrambo v drugi Janševi vladi se je zaposlil na izpostavi družbe DRI v Beogradu, kjer je vodil izgradnjo avtocest.[1]

Leta 2016 je bil zaradi notranjih sporov izključen iz stranke Nova Slovenija, kasneje pa se je pridružil Slovenski demokratski stranki. Hojs je bil še v času članstva v NSi član strokovnega sveta SDS.[2]

Je član predsedstva Združenja za vrednote slovenske osamosvojitve.[4] Bil je predsednik upravnega odbora Nove24TV[5] in član upravnega odbora Nogometnega društva Slovan.[6]

Minister za obrambo[uredi | uredi kodo]

V času druge Janševe vlade (2012 in 2013) je bil minister za obrambo iz kvote Nove Slovenije. Njegov mandat je zaznamovala razveljavitev pogodbe s finskim proizvajalcem oklepnikov Patria in poimenovanje nekaterih slovenskih vojašnic po padlih v slovenski osamosvojitveni vojni. S predsednikom države sta ob državnih praznikih sprovedla postavitev častne čete Slovenske vojske pred Predsedniško palačo v Ljubljani.[1][2]

Minister za notranje zadeve[uredi | uredi kodo]

Od 13. marca 2020 je bil imenovan na mesto ministra za notranje zadeve v 14. vladi Republike Slovenije pod vodstvom premierja Janez Janša.[7] Pri gospodarskem ministru Zdravku Počivalšku je 30. junija 2020, ob robu hišnih preiskav, podal svoj nepreklicni odstop z mesta notranjega ministra.[8] Kot razlog za odstop je navedel politično motiviranost preiskav ter zanje kot minister prevzema politično odgovornost. Poleg njega je odstopil tudi generalni direktor policije Anton Travner.[8] Predsednik vlade Janez Janša je nepreklicni odstop ignoriral in Državnega zbora ni obvestil o odstopu, saj da bi izpraznjeno ministrsko mesto v času epidemije koronavirusa državi škodovalo.[9]

18. septembra 2020 je zoper Hojsa stekla interpelacija, v kateri mu je predlagatelj Matjaž Nemec (SD) očital sugeriranje policiji o postopanju v določenih zadevah ter odpravo prepovedi koncerta hrvaškega glasbenika Marka Perkovića - Thompsona. Slednje je pristojnim organom naložilo Upravno sodišče, ki je odločitev Ksenije Klampfer, da se koncert odpove, opredelilo kot neustavno. Hojs je interpelacijo prestal s 43 proti 38 glasov.[10] Po pogovoru s predsednikom vlade je ta odločil, da Hojsovega odstopa ne bo sprejel.[11] Vnovič je bil interpeliran 20. decembra 2021, ko interpelacija znova ni bila uspešna.[12]

V začetku maja 2021 je Hojs zaradi objave posmehljivega zapisa na družbenem omrežju Twitter, s katerim je cinično pospremil akcijo zbiranja prostovoljnih prispevkov "STA5" za obstanek finančno nestabilne Slovenske tiskovne agencije, sprožil burne odzive javnosti. Objavi je dodal zajem zaslona mobilnega telefona, na katerem je bilo vidno elektronsko sporočilo s ključno besedo "STA 0". Hojs je sliko pospremil z besedami: "Sporočajo mi, da ne morem donirati in pomagati STA." Zapis je v času, ko je agenciji zaradi blokade nakazila sredstev za opravljeno javno službo s strani Vlade RS grozila izguba finančne likvidnosti, naletel na kritike opozicijskih politikov in širše javnosti.[13][14] 






Trobec method

Metod Trobec , Slovenian swindler, thief , robber and serial killer , * 6 June 1948 , [2] Planina nad Horjulom , [3] † 30 May 2006 , Dob pri Mirni Prison [4]

He was convicted of the murder of five women . [4] He murdered and burned everything in a peasant bread oven from 1976 to the end of 1978 at a homestead in Dolenja vas near Polhov Gradec , which is no longer there today. [3] [5] He was not tried for the alleged first victim, Olga Pajić, [4] they only filed a complaint after finding her documents in his murder house in 1984. [6] He chose lonely, unhappy, unfortunate, naive and labile women of all ages who quickly fell for his kindness, with the help of alcohol as well . All of them were strangers except Zorica Nikolić. [7][8] [nb 1] From the end of 1978 he lived in Spodnja Bela near Preddvor . [10]

His murders came to the fore in 1979 when he robbed and beat a German tourist . [11] His actions were described as one of the worst in Slovenian post-war criminal history. [8] He stole everything he could. He invited random acquaintances for a drink and then stole their purse. He also stole from basements and cars . Most recently, he worked as a warehouseman in Ljubljana 's Metalka, from which he stole with the help of some employees there. [10] [11]

As a serial killer, he earned the status of a pop icon. He was better known among Slovenes than people in important political positions. [12] At the first trial, he insulted photographers and journalists with sadists . [7] Reporting on him between 1979 and 1984 marked the beginning of sensationalism in a Slovenian newspaper , which did harm to victims and relatives, as the exceptional nature of the case caught the press unprepared. These were the times before the first sensationalist newspapers, such as Maribor's Kaj and Slovenske novice . [13]

He was twice married and divorced . [14] [10] [15] He was described as an attractive man of short, stocky build and pale complexion who did not look like a murderer. [16] [7] He was very attached to his mother , as evidenced by his letters from the remand prison, which were read at his request during the murder trial. They were beautifully designed, in proper Slovene and with the vocabulary of someone who had more primary school classes than Trobec. [17] [18]His mother testified at both homicide trials. The half-brother and half-sister on the mother's side and the sister exercised the right at the first trial not to have to. [17] [14] [19]

Lawyer Stanislav Klep from Kranj defended him until 1984. He emphasized that the electric shocks had damaged Trobec's brain and turned him into a murderer, and that Trobec should be treated in a psychiatric hospital. He was also bothered that they only assumed that Trobec had strangled his victims. [4] He supported the resignation of Slavko Ziherl from the position of State Secretary for Health in the government of Borut Pahor , as he supported electroshock treatment. Klep was also the leader of the United movement at the linden tree of reconciliation. [20]

Metod Trobec is the last to be sentenced to death . [21] She was confirmed at a retrial, [22] which was changed to twenty years in prison by the Ljubljana High Court in 1983. [23] In 1988, 1990 and 1992, he attacked three inmates, extending his prison sentence. [24] [25] He spent 27 years in prison , which is a Slovenian record. [26] It would be released on 5 March [27] or 15 March 2015. [28]

He demanded an astronomical sum for his life's confession in the series "Fates Behind Bars" in Dolenjski list . [29] After his suicide , he was buried in an unmarked grave in Šentrupert Cemetery. [30]


Early yearsedit

He was born to farmer Marija Trobec, a single mother of four , who got a farm without running water through agrarian reform . She raised one or two cows , pigs , chickens and sheep on it . He and his twin sister Cirila were the last to be born, their father helping them only occasionally. They grew up with half-brother Rajko and half-sister Marija. According to his mother, Metod was supposed to walk at the age of four and speak at the age of five. He did not complete the basicsschools due to learning difficulties, namely in the seventh grade he fell again. Neighbors thought he burned hayracks several times at the age of 14 or 15 , which his mother described as slander, which led him to go to West Germany after serving in the army (she first said he was looking for a better income with other boys from the village ). [17] [18]

Work in Germanyedit

He was in West Germany from 1971 to 1974. [10] There he trained as a bodybuilder in an automobile factory . [15]

Return to Slovenia, private life and places of residenceedit

After returning to Slovenia , he met [15] 21-year-old [10] Štefka Kvas [14] and married her. [18] At Trobec's trial, she said at a closed-door hearing that he was a grave to her in her intimate life. [31] She noticed his attachment to his mother. [15] His mother said she had no closer contact with her son after his first marriage. [18] The wife noticed that she was bringing home things she had not bought. He was later convicted of several offenses. [3] [14] He also carried the stolen items to his sister ( a Galtex typewriter and the coat of the murdered Zorica Nikolić) .[32] In 1978, he met and married another woman. They divorced after nine months. [15] The second ex-wife did not come to Trobec's retrial in 1982, despite the invitation. [14]

The house in Dolenja vas was bought by his mother in 1971 or 1972 (for 11 million old dinars, for which he was supposed to sell part of the livestock, part was borrowed by her brother, and some were added by Metod) and donated to him. [3] [18] He has lived there ever since, [15] also with his first wife for some time. [3] He lived there until the end of 1978, (he remained registered), after which he went to live in a house in Spodnja Bela , which he probably bought with the help of his parents. [10] After moving, he returned to Dolenja vas. [10] The house in Dolenja vas was sold by his mother in 1978 [10] (or in the spring or summer of 1979) [16]to some expatriate who lived in the upper rooms but did not care for the lower ones. [3] When the new owner found out what was going on in the house, he wanted the purchase price back. Angry Trobec wrote about this to a lawyer from the remand prison and then worked to get that letter read during the murder trial. [17] During the investigation, he resorted to silence and became aggressive when he learned that his mother had returned 60,000 West German marks to the buyer of a house in Dolenja vas. [33] During the trial for the attack on a German tourist, he was reported in Rovt , at the address of Metod's aunt, his father's sister, who allegedly needed the help of his mother, who lived there, which led to Metod alone. [34][18]

Crimes and convictionsedit

Prior to his arrest for assaulting a German , he had been tried six times and convicted four times. [10]

  • 1967: aiding and abetting crime [10] ( bicycle and moped theft ) [35] [18]
  • 1971: one month suspended sentence for confiscation of a car [10]
  • 1974: one year in prison for fraud and false accusation. He came on holiday in a rented car from West Germany and hid it in an outbuilding in Dolenja vas . He reported the theft to the Kranj police . [10] [7] [35] [15]
  • 1976: theft of electricity (without conviction) [10]
  • 1978: 3 months in prison for poaching (he did not serve his sentence because it was postponed at his request) [10]

Robberies and thefts dealt with in the first murder trialedit

  • After the murder of Marjana Cankar on March 25, 1977, he robbed the Galtex craft cooperative in Ljubljana with her key . He took two calculators, two typewriters, an electric cooker, utensils for making coffee and two paper clippers worth a total of 21,499 dinars. [32]
  • On the night of February 5, 1979, at the Kranj bus station, he offered transportation to a retired Janez V., who missed the bus , then knocked him to the ground on a meadow in Dorfarje and tore a watch from his hand for payment because the victim did not have money. [11] [3] [32]
  • On July 2, 1979, an elderly woman, Jovanka K. from Titograd , was offered transport to Planina at the Kranj bus station with the ease of being a taxi driver . He took her to Srakovlje on Mlaka and threw her out of the car without her luggage, documents and money. [11] [36] [32]

In August 1979, 16 criminal charges were filed for stolen items. [10]

Staying in medical institutionsedit

Treatment at the Polje Psychiatric Hospitaledit

In 1974, Trobec was taken to Polje for treatment from the remand prison (where he was for fraud and false reporting) because he had detention psychosis, Ganser's syndrome, characteristic of a psychopathic personality seeking a way out of distress (he mimicked a mental patient). He was treated twice in Polje, receiving three electric shocks during the first treatment and two during the second (110 volts on Siemens devices ). [31] [37] [38] According to the report, he threatened to kill his mother during one of his visits. During her testimony at the first murder trial, her mother did not mention this, as she was generally said to have had little argument over working on the farm. [18]

On observation at the KPD Hospital Zagrebedit

From 20 February to 8 April 1980 he was under special observation at the KPD Hospital in Zagreb, which confirmed that he was fit and aware of his actions. He also received an electric shock there because he did not want to participate (prison psychosis). [31] [39]

Get tirededit

The manner of the killing and the traces indicated that he had killed intentionally. He selected the victims in inns, took them home and murdered them. [15] They did not know why he did not kill the other women who were with him, but it was assumed that he was looking for those who had health problems, as the two murdered were being treated for epilepsy . [3] He raped and strangled 5 women. [7] He beat two to death. [37] He pushed the corpses into a peasant bread oven and burned them with petrol and firewood . [15] [3] Blood was found in several places in the house (as a result of the victims' defense). [33] He burned the corpses to erase the traces.[15] He burned some of their documents and carried others to Lower White. [7] In the outbuilding next to the house, ashes and remains of human bones were found in a wooden canopy. Similar residues were found in the septic tank while pumping the slurry. [15]

At home, the novel -100 , which talks about the most cruel crimes and cremation of corpses, and the novel Moon and Exodus , which has a thick printed text "I hand over all secrets to the fire", had a shit. [7] [37]

During the investigation, Trobec told three different stories. He first claimed that the women were brought to him and burned by strangers. He then said he was involved in the murder of three by giving them some pills. He then told the investigating judge and psychiatrist that he strangled them during sexual intercourse. His claim that each corpse burned for about four hours proved to be true. [33] During the investigation, he never said that the victims died natural deaths, which his defense was otherwise trying to prove. [33]

The method of death (strangulation) of Trobec's victims due to the consequences of the fire at the first and repeated trials could not be proven. [17] [40] Sexual experts appointed at the retrial could not know if the murders did occur during an intimate relationship and if the relationship did occur. [41]

Chronology of murdersedit

The first victim was Vida Markovčič . [32] Trobec met her in a bar in Ljubljana and took her home on a motorcycle . He beat her, strangled her and burned her. Her white slippers and a piece of dress were found with him. [42] She was murdered in the spring of 1976, when she was eighteen years old. [15] The second victim was Marjana Cankar , whom he met on 25 March 1977 [32] in the Bistro bistro, [42] the Name pub She died between 25 and 26 March 1977. [15] Her coat and burnt gold necklace with a heart [42]they were found in Dolenja vas, and other objects in Spodnja Bela. He robbed Galtex with her key . The third victim was Urška Brečko . Trobec met her at the Istra inn near the railway station in Ljubljana . Later, they found her keys to the back door and the door in the hallway of the inn at Trobec, as well as the key to the closet in her room. [3] [16] [14] [43] [44] The fourth victim, Ana Plevnik , met in the spring of 1978 in Daj-Dam, Ljubljana. She died soon after Brečkovo. [15] Her clothes were found in Lower White. He also took some remains there when he sold the house in Dolenja vas. [3][31] The fifth victim, Zorica Nikolić , disappeared on 17 November 1978 on her way to the doctor. She knew Trumpet because they worked together at Metalka. He found the key to the apartment where she lived with her sister, and his sister's coat in Kranj, lined with fox fur . Her lower jaw , found in the ashes, was identified by a forensic dentist when comparing her teeth with data from the file. [3] [11] [32] [42] [17]

About the victimsedit

  • Vida Markovčič (b. 1957), from Gornja Brezovica. She lived in the Malča Beličeva Home in Ljubljana. [3] [7] [8] [45] For some time she worked in a metal haberdashery shop in Brezovica. [32] In June 1984, documents and photographs of her were subsequently found in Trobec's crumbling house of murders. [6]
  • Marija Cankar (b. 5 December 1924 in Ljubljana), [10] tenant, pensioner and part-time cleaner (she also cleaned the premises of the Galtex craft purchasing cooperative in Ljubljana) [32] from Ljubljana (missing since March 1977). [11] [3] [10]
  • Urška Brečko (b. 3 October 1957 in Okroglice near Sevnica or Celje). She was a kitchen assistant at the Ivanka Mlakar inn in Črnivec near Radovljica , where she lived with her mother. She has been missing since March 20, 1978, when she left work to go to Okroglice to get her mother's clothes and arrange money with neighbors regarding her mother's pension (according to another source, she arranged the purchase of a vineyard). [44] She was permanently registered there and had a house and a vineyard with her mother. After leaving there by bus, where she left her wallet with 350 dinars and documents, she did not return to Črnivec the same day as agreed. She disappeared 500 meters between the bus station at the intersection andrailway station in Breg . Her mother reported her disappearance three days later at the Sevnica militia station . She was searched in vain in the Sava River , in Okroglice and abroad. They could not find out whether she took the train to Ljubljana or not. [3] [16] [46] [47] [48] [49] [50] [50] [14] The locals also searched for her through newspapers. [16]
  • Ana Plevnik (b. 9 July 1935 in Tanča gora near Črnomelj ), a worker from Ljubljana, missing since the spring (beginning) [10] 1978. [11] [3] [31] Her son said that she was an alcoholic , which made them in a bad relationship. [31]
  • Zorica Nikolić (b. 6 December 1945 in Porebrica), [10] worker and housekeeper from Ljubljana, missing since 17 November 1978. [11] [3] [32] She lived with her sister in Štepanj settlement . [15]

Later fate of the homestead in Dolenja vasedit

Špela Sotlar from the first season of the reality show Kmetija , bought the estate with her husband from Trobec's lawyer and demolished the ruin. All that remained were the metal doors of the furnace with her lawyer. [5]

Arrest after the attack on a German tourist and the discovery of the remains of corpses and stolen objectsedit

German tourist Hermann Lampenau first met Trobec at the end of July 1979 in Ljubljana. Under the pretext that he was going to make a phone call to his sister, Trobec drove away with a tourist traveler, while he was looking for accommodation in the Cirman inn in Medno . After reporting the theft, the man was looking for him on his own and met him again a week or so later, on August 5, 1979 in Kranj at the bus station buffet. Trobec promised to take him to his weekend, where he would get a suitcase, and then he took him to the road from Britof to Šenčur, to the forest towards Preddvor, beat him and left with his wallet with 200 marks, 1900 dinars and documents. . A German who had a broken collarbone , a wound on his forehead and abrasions is an eyewitness to the attack, Pavle Arsenovski, who at the timegobaril , got to the phone. Lampenau remembered only part of the car registration (LJ 144-021), and Arsenovski was too far (200 m) to see it (according to another source, the German remembered the registration). A few hours later, in the evening of the same day, Trobec was stopped in Kranj by militiamen in a red stoenka . [11] [39] [10]

Investigators from the Kranj Public Security Administration first went to his home in Spodnja Bela , where they discovered a warehouse of stolen technical items in the house, a third of which was from Metalka Ljubljana, where he had worked as a warehouseman since June 1977. He had little furniture. It turned out that he spent a lot of time on sick leave and that he was able to drive things into his car unnoticed by the doorman because he did not check the paperwork. He sold or donated a small part of it to his colleagues in exchange for silence (7 of them helped him with the theft). [10] 130 different items were found, for a total of 128,000 new dinars . [11] They also found bloodied women's clothing. [3]Criminal investigators published photos of stolen personal items in the media. [10] [51]

Some thefts were daring. He stole everything he could. [10]

Trobec's acquaintances (citizens' data) directed investigators to his previous home (Dolenja vas), where they first found the remains of three people. At that time, they only suspected that it was Cankar's, Plevnik's and Nikolić's (they found their clothes and documents) [10] and they were not convinced that Trobec had killed them. [11] A few months later, 5 victims were listed, whose remains were found in a bread oven, slurry pit and barn container. They also found the remains of their burnt items (metal buckles of lingerie and gold necklaces with pendants) and their outerwear, shoes, handbags, umbrellas and cosmetics. The items of the missing women were identified by relatives and acquaintances, and their documents were also found. [3] [52]

Trobec was detained in the Radovljica remand prison . [53]

Trial for theft, robbery and fight of a German touristedit

On September 8, 1980, a five-member senate of the Kranj Basic Court sentenced Trobec to eight years in prison for assaulting a German tourist for three crimes: robbery (6 years), grievous bodily harm (1 year) and grand theft (2 years). His detention was also extended. Trobec told the president of the senate that he did not remember anything and that he had changed after the electric shocks he received in 1974 in Polje due to abnormal reactions to the prison. Forensic expert, cf. dr. Zlatko Vinek rejected this claim and the court upheld it. Trobec, who had previously been identified as a psychopath , was under special observation at the KPD Hospital in Zagreb (expert opinion was written by psychiatrists Dr. Ivan Košuljandć, Prof. Dr. Nikola Peršić and cf. Dr. Zlatko Vinek), [31 ]who confirmed that he was fit and aware of his actions. He also showed skill and thoughtfulness in attacking the German. Trobec changed the defense he had given to the investigating judge the year before. [39]

A trial for the murder of five women, robbery and two major theftsedit


On April 23, 1980, the Basic Court in Kranj issued a more than 30-page indictment accusing Trobec of murdering five women from 1976 to the end of 1978. [3]


Trobec appeared before the Grand Chamber of the Basic Court in Kranj (Kranj unit) in the Great Chamber on Thursday, October 30, 1980. He was accused of strangling five women during intercourse and burning their bodies in a furnace. On 14 November 1979, before the remains of Urška Brečko were found, he told the investigating judge that he also had a certain Urška in Dolenja vas, whom he had met at the Istra inn in Ljubljana and had missed a bus to Gorenjska. He also admitted to beating, strangling and burning at least five women out of sexual pleasure. He also showed where all the ashes are. At trial a year later, however, he denied any connection to the murdered. He said he felt better, but that two or three years ago it all hurt so much that he couldn’t work or think. He complained of a wound on the duodenum and diseased kidneys. At the end of the hearing, his lawyer suggested that Trobec's medical records be reviewed, with an emphasis on 1974, when he was treated in Polje and later years when he worked at Metalka and was on sick leave several times. The Senate adopted the proposal. Advocate also stated that Trobec's half-brother on his father's side died of schizophrenia.[52] [16] [8]

On Friday, October 31, 1980, Trobec withdrew his defense and stopped answering questions. The president of the senate warned him that this made his defense more difficult, and then began reading the transcripts of the hearing before the investigating judge, which related to the accusation of robbery and two major thefts. He first mentioned the robbery of Janez V., which Trobec picked up at the Kranj station and promised to transport to Dorfarje due to the delay of the bus . Valančič had no money and said he was going home to get it. He gave Trobec an ID card on request, but not the watch, as he was reminded of his work at LTH(engraved with the inscription "10 years LTH"). When Valančič got out, Trobec knocked him to the ground and tore the watch from his hand. She was later found at Lower White. Trobec claimed that he bought it from someone in Ljubljana. Then Jovanka K. from Titograd was mentioned [36]which he put in a car at the Kranj station on 2 July 1979 under the pretext of being a taxi driver. He did not take her to Planina to her daughter, as promised, but to Srakovlje na Mlaki, where he drove her out of the car and drove away with her luggage, documents and money. They were all later found during a house search. Finally, they mentioned the theft on the premises of the Galtex company, where the murdered Cankar worked, from which he received the key. He stole two calculators, two typewriters, an electric cooker, coffee utensils and two paper staplers worth a total of 21,499 dinars. The typewriter was found at Trobec's sister. Trobec said only that the sun did not shine in his life. [32]

At Monday's hearing, November 3, 1980, it was the turn of witnesses in connection with the murders. Franc Plankl, head of the Radovljica prisons where Trobec was detained, said that Trobec started threatening guards, co-prisoners and violating house rules when the investigation spread to murders. They also mentioned the police investigation into Trobec's poaching three years earlier. Hunting trophies and newsprint with dried drops of animal blood were found near him. Trobec allegedly threatened them with a showdown. Trobec's relatives (half-brother Rajko, half-sister Marija Dovic and sister Cirila Banovič) exercised their right not to testify. [32] [19]

On Thursday, November 6, 1980, the sixth day of the trial, Trobec was the most eloquent to date. The president of the senate told him that the pensioner Franc Prajs from Rateče, whom Zorica Nikolić was cleaning up in Ljubljana, claimed that the lady in question had told him that she was dating a murderer. He got up from the dock and was upset because he was unjustly labeled a criminal, as his mother raised him to be an honest and hard-working man. He also stated that he had to flee abroad because he was accused of arson, and on his return he was electrocuted at the hospital. For the first time, he said he was sorry if he really did something. Defendant's defense counsel requested Nikolić's medical documentation, which was allegedly treated in Polje, and the opinion of a forensic expert on her health. Price thought that Nikolic was healthy. Trobec was unaffected when an agitated Marija Nikolić testified about her sister's disappearance. Trobec's advocate demanded medical documentation from the murdered Cankar, who was allegedly epileptic and died of alcohol.[42]

On Friday, November 7, 1980, the last witnesses had the floor. The son of the murdered Plevnik appeared. [31] [42] Trobec's first ex-wife appeared at a closed hearing. [31] [14]

On Monday, November 10, 1980, three psychiatric experts said that Trobec was not mentally ill, that he was aware of his actions, and that he had no consequences from the treatment with electric shocks. Dr. Vanoš Bregant, a psychiatrist, said he found no signs of mental illness, including schizophrenia .Dr. Zlatko Vinek said that Trobec is a psychopath, not a mental patient, and that his silence is also a sign of this, his defense, because he does not want to tell the truth. Despite the expert opinion given while observing Trobec, he believed that it was also possible that the murdered resisted, which provoked aggression in him. However, he reaffirmed that Trobec's description of his actions after the women's deaths revealed (he burned them and wiped their blood) that he knew what had happened and that he was therefore accountable. Dr. Ivan Košuljandić said something similar. Dr. Vinek explained the use of electric shocks and rejected Trobec's defense, saying that it had unintended consequences. At Trobec, an electric shock was also used in the observation in Zagreb, as he did not want to participate (prison psychosis). [31]When asked who gives a psychiatrist the right to use an electric shock, even when it is not a treatment, one of the Zagreb psychiatrists answered that this issue has not yet been resolved in the world. [54]

On Tuesday, 11 November 1980, forensic experts (Dr. Tomaž Jančigaj from the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Ljubljana , Dr. Štefan Stražiščar and Dr. Zvonimir Žajdela, a dentist from the Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic in Ljubljana) explained to the court that that they found the remains of at least five women and blood in the premises and on his clothes, which did not belong to Trobec's blood group 0. Only Zorica Nikolić could be identified from the remains. Her teeth were compared to the data from the file. They also found deer blood and bones. They could not tell how the women died because they only had burnt bones. [17]

On Thursday, November 13, 1980, the eleventh day of the trial, the then 59-year-old Trobec's mother testified, who was not initially summoned by the court because she refused to do so during the investigation. She came at the suggestion of the defense. She was the only Trobec close relative to testify. Trobec stood during her testimony. When she described the difficult life on her farm, the senate asked her how she could then buy a homestead in Dolenja vas. She replied that she had given 11 million old dinars for the estate, that she had sold part of the cattle, that some had been borrowed by her brother, and some had been added by Method. Nevertheless, she lived in Rovt(at the address of Metod's aunt, his father's sister, who is said to need help due to her illness), where she was still registered during the trial. Thus, Metod is said to occasionally live alone in Dolenja vas. That Metod bought a house in Spodnja Bela was her suggestion because he was beaten for one killed deer (at that time she was supposed to propose the sale of a homestead in Dolenja vas). She mentioned his malaise, that he drank almost nothing, that he didn’t consider himself a girl, and that he got married without asking her. She claimed that Metoda had a headache after treatment in Polje. Her statements were different from those in the investigation, so the presiding judge asked her if she had consulted his lawyer. She denied it. At his request, his letters to her, father, sister, investigating judge, defense counsel and lawyer were read, who wrote a contract for the sale of a house in Dolenja vas. At the end of her testimony, she asked her son if he was upset because she had come. He vaguely replied no.[17] [18]

On Tuesday, November 18, 1980, the twelfth day of the hearing, at the request of the defense, which wanted to grant Trobec the status of a person hereditary with mental illness (his half-brother on his father's side, a schizophrenic, died of a heart attack in 1949). [54] expert psychiatrist prof. dr. Nikola Peršić from the Faculty of Medicine in Zagreb , co-author of an expert opinion from the Trobec observation in Zagreb. He confirmed that Trobec was aware of his actions, that he was not mentally ill and that he was a psychopath . He also had no damaged chromosomes to show schizophrenia . The Senate rejected the defense 's proposals for new psychiatric experts (Dr. Lev Milčinskiet al. Maksim Šternič), psychologists and sexologists . Peršič denied that Trobec had the consequences of the five electric shocks he received, as he did not have memory loss and personality changes. He got into a verbal conflict with Trobec's lawyer, so the president of the senate had to intervene. The defense claimed that he received 5 electric shocks with a voltage of 220 volts in the field. The Field report mentioned 110 volts on Siemens appliances . After the trial, Trobec was angry that he would sue the psychiatrists who ruined his life. [17] [37] [38]

November 20, 1980 was the thirteenth and final day of the hearing. The prosecutor and defense counsel gave a closing speech. The prosecutor demanded the most severe, the death penalty, which has not been carried out in Slovenia since 1959 . [7] He also mentioned that Trobec had the novel Lun in eksodus, which has in some place a thick printed text "I hand over all secrets to the fire", which is supposed to suggest that they look into the bread oven. After a three-hour speech, the lawyer demanded the acquittal of Trobec, who stated that he was innocent, that his health had been destroyed and that he did not judge those who should have. The advocate gave a different interpretation of the events. Vida Markovič allegedly died of drugs, Marijana Cankar due to an epileptic seizure, Urška Brečko allegedly suffocated with food while passionately embracing Trobec, Ana Plevnik allegedly died of delirium, Zorica Nikolič allegedly cut her veins because her boyfriend left her. Trobec allegedly burned them in shock and was afraid to admit it due to his bad experience of punishment. It was mentioned that Trobec exaggerates with claims of a difficult life, as he has had his own car since 1975, and the homestead was bought about eight years before the trial. The prosecutor said that Trobec resorted to silence during the investigation and became aggressive when he learned that his mother had returned 60,000 West German marks to the buyer of the house in Dolenja vas. He also said that Trobec never said during the investigation that the victims died natural deaths, which his defense is trying to prove. [37] [33]

The first-instance verdict was announced after a five-day deliberation by a five-member panel on Tuesday, November 25, 1980. He was sentenced to death for five premeditated murders (death), robbery (4 years) and two grand thefts (3 and 4 years). Trobec accepted the death penalty calmly, but was upset by the ordered payment of court costs (51,330 dinars), lump sum (4,000 dinars), theft of Galtex (already sold calculating machines - 10,465 dinars), robbery of Jovanka K. (3,000 dinars) and return of stolen watch (1,500 dinars). [37] [7] [36]

Set aside the judgmentedit

The Supreme Court of the SR of Slovenia annulled the judgment of the High Court in Ljubljana , which confirmed the death penalty and rejected the appeal of Trobec's defenders. It sought the opinion of a sexologist , a psychologist and another psychiatrist from the High Court . He felt that the presence of schizophrenia and mental retardation in the Trobec family, in which a few people were being treated for mental illness , had been underestimated.She expressed doubts that the remains of two people really belonged to Urška Brečko and Vidi Markovčič. He wanted to better clarify the impact of the use of electric shocks on Trobec's psychic abilities. The High Court had the choice of reopening the hearing or returning the case to the Basic Court in Kranj for a retrial. [55] [56]


At the first hearing, on September 2, 1982, Trobec's defense demanded new defenders and protested against the new composition of the senate. They questioned Trobec, who claimed he did not know if he really murdered these women, that he drank alone from time to time and much because of the impact of the electric shocks that gave him a headache, he was weird and out of control. Trumpet was shown photographs of the victims. He only recognized Ana Plevnik. [56] [57]

On Monday, September 6, 1982, the court heard acquaintances Urška Brečko and Vida Markovčič. Vida Markovčič's mother mentioned her daughter's torn white slippers. Her claim was confirmed by her daughter's educator from the Malča Beličeva Home. The mother could not recognize her daughter among the clothes shown. The driver of the bus that took Urška Brečko to Breg, where she disappeared, was also questioned. Brečkova had to take the train to Ljubljana to get in touch with Trobec, but none of her acquaintances, who were there at the same time and knew her well, saw her go on the train at 6.30 pm or 7.34 pm. During the investigation of the murders, Trobec claimed that he met a young girl from Dolenjska in an inn in Ljubljana, who missed a bus or a train. [45] [43]

On Tuesday, September 7, 1982, Urška Brečko's acquaintances said that she had an aversion to men and that she did not have a boyfriend. Again, it was said that they found the keys to Trobec, which opened the door of the inn where she worked, and the closet in her room. Trobec's mother testified again. [14] [43]

The fourth day of the debate, Thursday 9 September 1982, was closed to the public. Trobec's first wife, who testified at the first trial, appeared. The other ex-wife did not come. Trobec's advocate remarked that the public knows enough about sex that it should not be excluded. [14] [58]

On Friday, September 10, 1982, morphologist Štefan Stražiščar from the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Ljubljana , who had already participated in the first trial, appeared in court. He confirmed what he had said earlier that the bones of five adults were in the ashes and he could not determine the cause of death. Clinical psychologist, prof. Janez Rojšek (according to another source, he is expected to appear on 13 September) described Trobec as a personality disorder with a greater dissocial note and slightly below-average intelligence abilities. He mentioned Trobec's emotional immaturity, which he felt was overly attached to his mother, who was unable to provide sufficient emotional warmth due to the situation. He also mentioned his inability to overcome such a state with self-activity, which made him feel threatened. Unable to establish himself in the profession or elsewhere, he felt marginalized and disregarded. It was poorly integrated and without brakes. He could not make his dreams come true. This inability led to tensions that led to the disintegration of his personality, which manifested itself in psychosomaticproblems and other failures that made him feel that his surroundings were doing him injustice and that he had to deal with it with more violence. It was his defense mechanism. Rojšek also believed that this hostility was also evident in his sexual life, because he also felt incompetent in this area. Even before the electric shocks, he was unable to establish intimate relationships with women and affirm his masculinity. According to him, after realizing the consequences, he began to erase the notions of individual actions. As an egocentric personality affected by his surroundings, he was capable of killing. Psychiatric experts were questioned in the afternoon. A social worker from the Malči Beličeva Home said that the murdered Vida Markovčič had not been arranged. She didn't recognize her clothes. [59] [22] [40][60]

On Monday and Tuesday, November 13 and 14, 1982, five forensic psychiatric experts, Dr. Marko Škulj, Ph.D. Janez Romih and dr. Avšeč from the refugee hospital for psychiatry and two specialists in forensic psychiatry (neuropsychiatrist) from Zagreb, dr. Karla Pospišil-Završki and dr. Rudolf Turčin, who had the task of dealing with the defendant's sexual inclinations. They denied Trobec's narrowing of consciousness during an intimate relationship and that Trobec was a sexual sadist. They believed that he was under the influence of alcohol, but this did not affect the actions because he already had a goal. She disagreed with the psychologist. They couldn’t know if the murders really happened during an intimate relationship and if those relationships really happened. They could not extract the motive for the killings from a grain of evidence from the file. Trobec was said to be not mentally ill or retarded, but deviant, dissocial, aggressive, prone to occasional alcohol abuse and with an anomaly of sex drive. They defended electroshocks, which had not been carried out in Begunje for several years. Trobec received too few electroshocks to have injuries (microbleeds). He also did not have these injuries or mental disorders at all. Alcohol could play a role, but not overly large. Proponents also suggested testifyinga pharmacologist and doctors and a treated patient from Polje, which was rejected by the court panel. [61] [60] [41]

The trial resumed after a one-day break on Thursday, September 16, 1982. It was the turn of witnesses. The defectologist from the Malči Beličeva Home did not recognize Vida Markovčič's clothes. [61] [62]

On Monday, September 20, 1982, the prosecutor and the defense gave their final speeches. The defense (Trobec's lawyer was Stanislav Klep) demanded the examination of three more witnesses, but the court panel rejected them. The prosecutor again demanded the death penalty. He was convinced that Urška Brečko and Vida Markovčič were among the victims, as Trobec described them before they were known as his potential victims. On Tuesday, September 21, 1982, the defense resumed, concluding its speech after three days. She agreed with the opinion of a psychologist, not with the opinion of psychiatrists. She doubted that the skeletons really belonged to the women, that Markovčič and Brečkova really were in that house and that the women really died violent deaths. She proposed the release of Trobec. [63] [61] [64] [65]

The verdict was handed down on Friday, September 24, 1982. The Basic Court in Kranj again imposed the death penalty . In the explanation, the senate wrote that it was not about revenge of the company for the committed acts, but about compliance with the provisions of the Criminal CodeSlovenia. The senate was convinced that Vida Markovčič was also among the victims, as Trobec described her before she was known among the missing. He had a similar opinion for Urška Brečka. He accepted the opinion of psychiatrists that Trobec is selfish, deviant, prone to alcohol, aggressive and with anomalies of sexual instinct. As Trobec repeated his actions, in the opinion of the court, these murders were committed with direct intent and without diminished sanity. It took into account the fact that he had previously been sentenced to longer prison terms for several offenses. He did not believe that as a highly dissocial figure he would stop committing crimes after his release. Trobec responded to the verdict with silence and without his usual one-syllables. [64] [22]

Change of the death penalty to twenty years in prisonedit

The following year, the High Court in Ljubljana changed the death penalty to twenty years in prison, according to an appeal by Trobec's lawyer. He considered that in Trobec's case there was no highest level of sanity. [23]

New finds in the murder house and charges for the murder of Olga Pajićedit

UNZ Kranj reported Trobec to the Kranj Basic Prosecutor's Office for the murder of 45-year-old Olga Pajić, born in Dževdželija, living in Škofljica and employed in Rog since 1974. She was often on sick leave. In July 1984, in the attic of the Trobec House of Murders in Dolenja vas , which was unsecured, open and partially ruined, they found an identity card , health card, wallet and photographs of Vida Markovčič and an identity card and health card of Olga Pajić in a brick wall. hollows from which the plaster fell off due to moisture and poor performance. Olga Pajić disappeared on August 9, 1975, when she was due to return to work from the hospital. The day before, she told her partner that she was going to Ljubljanafor shoes for him. She didn't come back after two days, so he looked for her. She did not go to her work organization to look for her income for two months and a workbook. When Trobec was shown the documents, he said that he knew Olga Pajić and that he had collected her documents himself. He explained that they had quarreled and that the woman had allegedly attacked him, so he murdered her and burned her in the furnace. He also said that Olga Pajić was his first victim, that the second victim died in 1976 and that he did not kill Urška Brečko. The new procedure was not a continuation of the previous one, so the Basic Public Prosecutor's Office in Kranj referred the case to the locally competent Basic Prosecutor's Office in Ljubljana. [6] [4]

Knife attack on a prisoner and double transfer to another prisonedit

In the Dob prison , where he was serving 20 years in prison for the murder of five women, he stabbed fellow prisoner Miloš N on Friday, 28 August 1992, at 3.15 pm, during a walk of prisoners, with a knife adapted from cutlery seven times in the chest and three times in the extremities. The reason is said to be old resentments. Miloš N. had a conditional release planned in those days. Trobec was put in solitary confinement after the attack, and two guards with a service dog and two machine guns defended him from the enraged prisoners. He was taken to Novo mesto prisons. In his cell, they found an escape plan, a record of an attack on a particular guard, and the use of his keys to free prisoners who were familiar with his plan. A tear gas canister was found in the solitary confinement.Trobec was a loner and unpopular with his inmates. After his attack on Miloš N., his fellow prisoners protested in front of the Minister of Justice Miha Kozinc and demanded a separate stay for the problematic prisoners and smaller living quarters. The minister promised them that he would propose to the assembly that more money be allocated for this. Trobec was then transferred to the Maribor prisons, which were the safest in Slovenia, due to the increasingly open threats of his inmates due to the latest assassination attempt. There he had a special status and lived and walked separately from others. They could not provide him with a separate part. Due to the planning of the escape, they exercised stricter control over it. He returned to Dob in September 1993. [66] [29] [67] [68]

Extension of sentences by 10 years and 6 months for assault on two inmates in 1988 and 1990edit

After a dispute and a physical confrontation with Trobec, Vinko N. was transferred to Ljubljana prisons. There he wrote several petitions not to go back to Dob, but was returned in May 1988. As he stood in the new convict unit on May 23, 1988, Trobec, who had just been released from the single room by a guard, came up behind him and stabbed him twice in the right side with a 7.5 cm long knife he had made himself. chest and twice to the right side of the abdomen. With one swipe, he punched his wallet in his shirt pocket. Then, after confusion and shouting, he handed the knife to the guard and said he had been ripped off. On 30 January 1990, while on leave in a special ward where convicts had the opportunity to move to other rooms, he stabbed Zlatko K. in the right leg of his room with a 7.6 cm long pocket knife, injuring him 1 cm deep and 2 cm deep. long incision. [24]

At the beginning of 1993, the Basic Court in Novo mesto (Trebnje unit) sentenced Trobec to 10 years and 6 months for these two attacks for attempted murder and causing light bodily harm. Trobec did not defend himself at the main hearing and remained silent. The court also ruled that this would not be included in his existing sentence. On 25 February of the same year, the Ljubljana High Court rejected the appeal of Trobec's lawyer. The Supreme Court in Ljubljana rejected an extraordinary examination of the final judgment. Trobec's 20-year prison sentence has been extended. [24]

Trial for assault on a prisoner in 1992, retrial and extension of sentence until 2014edit

At the end of March 1998, Trobec was tried in the Novo mesto District Court for the attack on fellow prisoner Miloš N. in 1992. Miloš N., already a former prisoner, did not attend the first hearing. The hearing resumed on April 23. The victim then came and described the events. Trumpet wanted to force him an overpriced can, and because he ignored it, he resented it. Some Dob employees and another former prisoner also testified. Dr. Dušan Žagar, a neuropsychiatrist, described Trobec as personality disturbed, labile, aggressive, tense, suspicious and aggressive. He was convinced of the existence of at least minimal provocation by Miloš N. They also looked at the report of the Dob prison, which said of Trobec that he was first manageable and on average successful, but began to cause major problems in 1986. He has been disciplined at least 15 times for insults, slander and attacks on officials and inmates. He made the alcoholic beverage "fly", had a triangular file with him and set fire to his room. He had to be transferred to other prisons and was given a single room. Trobec was sentenced to 8 years in prison for attempted murder. They combined this with the imposition of a 10-and-a-half-year sentence from 1993, thus getting 15 years in prison, plus 20 years of imprisonment, which would expire in 1999. Trobec would thus be released in 2014.[69] [25]

Following an appeal by Trobec's lawyer over the replacement of a forensic psychiatrist, who said at the main hearing that Trobec had become less competent after three blows, the Ljubljana High Court overturned the verdict. The High Court was disturbed by the expert's opinion that there was a dilemma regarding the first blow and that he was more incompetent than competent after it. Counsel also pointed out that the psychiatrist's oral opinion was different from the written one. The High Court requested an amendment to the expert opinion and a more precise definition of Trobec's mental health. [70] [71]

The retrial began on March 3, 2000. Trobec mentioned that the guard allegedly brought him a letter from Miloš N. that he would kill him and that he was drunk and calmed under the influence. The convict educator from Doba denied the presence of alcohol. They also talked about how Trobec got to the knife despite control. Witnesses said the same thing as at the previous trial. Expert psychiatrist, doc. dr. Slavko Ziherl, said Trobec is paranoid, dissocial and narcissistic due to a web of growing up circumstances and that he shows milder signs of brain damage. According to him, he understood the significance of his actions. The composition of the court senate remained the same, as did the verdict and a uniform sentence of 15 years. Due to differing opinions of psychiatrists at the previous and then trials, Trobec and his lawyer requested a new opinion, but the court panel rejected them. The High Court in Ljubljana rejected the defense counsel's appeal. [71] [72]

In March 2001, Trobec was imprisoned in Koper. [73]

Private action against Lea Eva Müller for allegations of animal tortureedit

On March 29, 2000, Lea Eva Müller , an animal rights activist, gave pictorial descriptions of the alleged torture of animals in the 24UR show on POP TV . Trobec sued her for 18.5 million tolars (initially 9 million tolars) for defamation and insulting accusation. Defendant said she only has a pension. Müller mentioned Barbara Juvan (or Jovan), president of the Domžale Society against Animal Torture, as her source, who read an article in a copy of the Jana magazineof April 1988, which allegedly mentioned a statement by Trobec's mother and sister about animal torture. Müller was supposed to make a phone call in the morning that she had to make a statement for television, but she did not know what to say. Juvan did not remember this, but allowed the possibility that she had told her so. Müller also mentioned strangers who allegedly explained to her over the phone during Trobec's murder trial that Trobec was torturing animals. Trumpeter took her for a statement of harassment in letters and over the phone until he was prevented from doing so. Her defense also gave the court an article from Slovenske novice and Nedeljski dnevnik with statements by Trobec's ex-wife. Trobec then withdrew his lawsuit. [74] [75] [76]

Müller made a statement on POP TV regarding three students from the Kranj grammar school who tortured cats in Tržič and its surroundings In 2000, the media competed in bombastic reporting on the case. Torturers are e.g. labeled “cat trumpets”. [77] [78]

Death and burialedit

He died on 30 May 2006 at four in the morning in solitary confinement in the most guarded part of Dob Prison. He hung himself with a sheet, which he tied to the handle of the water valve above the toilet bowl. They found him around six in the morning when they were sharing breakfast. His door was locked with a closet, so they had to push it away. He threw a sheet over it to obscure his view through the peephole. When he committed suicide, he ripped out a toilet bowl, which in addition to moving the closet should have been heard by fellow inmates, but no one called the guards. He left no farewell letter behind. His sister was informed of the suicide. He allegedly killed himself due to the hardships that had accumulated for him. His mother, who lived in the Preddvor Home for the Elderly, died in March 2006 after Trobec's lawyer Stanislav Klep sold the house last year. She visited him until her death. He has recently refused medical examinations, refusing to undergo a specialist examination in March due to suspected prostate cancer. Since December last year, he was no longer visited by his sister, presumably due to illness. He had already attempted suicide a few years earlier.[28] [4] [79] [27] [80]

He was buried at state expense in an unmarked grave in the Šentrupert cemetery. [30]

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