Sunday, April 14, 2024

FOR THOSE WHO NEVER MAKE IT ON THE FRONT NEWS SOCIETY EVEN SPITS ON: We most likely will never know truth about 40 years old Joel Cauchi who had here seen tendencies since his adulthood - 20 people are killed EACH DAY I UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ALONE as homeless for social security payout sake

Joel Cauchi was involved in MK Ultra and so was his "victim" Ashley Good. Did Joel Cauchi who in my opinion was victim of MK Ultra walked in his sleep or was the whole thing in the shopping mall a matter of setup from 2016 when according to Australian police they got one walking in the mall with knife in his hands.... but Australian police who would hijack me to Australia for their bestiality didn't stop there - they demanded from me to see myself in Joel Cauchi claiming me that if I would do bad stuff it would be scenario they would involve when those who participated in MK Ultra would parish under Cauchi's knife. Therefore according to Australian police I must be a bad person after-all...well, I am certainly not about to walk anywhere soon so they better get used to it(also of the police visit which I will pay at their headquarters).

I know that MINIMUM 20 homeless dead each day in USA alone and NOBODY EVER WRITES ABOUT. TRULY ARE DEAD NOT FAKE DEAD. For that reason a news as seen above rather does a lots of bad to them if anything else. Delegitimizes their deaths in eyes of the world with deaths of those who  most likely are FAKE.

day last year

Posted 23 Nov 2022

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 23 November 2022 

Contact: Shelter Media Team 0344 515 2162 or 07850 901142 (out of hours) 


Two people died homeless every day last year 

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has released new figures today on the estimated number of homeless people who died in England and Wales in 2021. The figures show: 

  • In 2021, an estimated 741 homeless people died in England and Wales - 54% higher than when records began in 2013. This equates to two people dying every day. 

  • The average age at death was 45 for men and 43 for women. This is more than 30 years lower than the average age at death of the general population. 

  • The regions with the highest number of estimated homeless deaths were London (154), the North West (114) and South East (90). 


Polly Neate, chief executive of Shelter, said: “A freezing doorway, a bed in an emergency hostel, or a flimsy tent are no substitute for a home. It is utterly awful and unacceptable that two people die every day without any where safe to live – and this number is rising......

Pictured: Sydney knifeman, 40, who ...

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