Sunday, March 25, 2018

I moved back upstairs - have had headaches and ringing in my ears entire day(now possible chronic tinnitus), neighbor Dane Kolenc burned my micro SD card on android with taser gun or more likely special clothing

I have no idea how this will end, but did purchase two EMF meters with last dimes. Would like to stay down there away from parents, but they did make sure I would go back upstairs as explained above.
Neighbour burned me SD card when moving back upstairs as cameras were down(mother pointed me telephone on the furnace in the garage where I didn't even place one)...police refused to assist again when on the police station on Friday.
Neighbour is using teaser clothing(clothing is wired with electricity, so you couldn't even touch him for his protection - they played this types of Hollywood stupidities between 1998 - 2006 in this very house) and has in his possession also police teasers(teaser guns). He destroyed me a load of batteries and watches this way...I know so because they demonstrated me under MKULTRA on what will be done with my personal items if I ever leave them around. Special thanks to Novo mesto police for all of the above...

@local police... I have to inform you, however, that Friday's conversation was audio recorded on the second device as well...not only android ;)

Basically, I see the pattern of depriving me from money and at the same time causing me tremendous financial damage(using financial struggle and causing physical damage to my items - same as the case was in Belarus, Hungary, Ukraine) right to police or courts(legal system)...I am almost 47 years old and wonder what is left for me to live this it !!????

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