Tuesday, March 5, 2019

100 Euro camera also broken on last interview with Polish immigration in Lodz

Related http://ausertimes.blogspot.com/2019/03/entire-interview-with-polish.html

"Knife...knife I found one" is what can be heard on audio recording alone as I placed all my items on xray machine - incl dygital camera and other belongings for which no normal time was given afterwards to have them properly retrieved - taken and placed back to designated areas(just grab them).

"Take we must go" can be instead heard and my camera smashing floor as a resolt of criminal behavior from side of Polish immigration officer.

"Its okay; dont worry" are my words on his nasty criminal doublefaced "ohhhh sorry"...

Because I didnt realize in all these(whatever is that you want to see thisvgarbage as) up to day that camera could have broken on that occasion.

The day ended with Polish government declining me the right to use public transport services when I attempted to pay one via debut card - video recording$$$ was more important for that matter and so I ended walking 30 kilometers at freezy night and in rain(wet frozen socks and in snickers) back to Grotniki.

Yeah you are great. Thank you for everything.

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