Sunday, March 17, 2019

With this type of training, I will soon reward whoever will spit in my face on street with smile

Damage(used to dement person with frustration or anger issues core idea to make one totally insensitive to issues arround him) and children...repeated damage(used to dement person with frusration or anger issues) and children...repeated damage(used to dement person with frustration or anger issues core idea to make one totally insensitive to issues arround him) and children...repeated damage(used to dement person with frustration or anger issues core idea to make one totally insensitive to issues arround him) and children....

Children are used to calm and revive one(as I love children just as every normal person should), but to calm so more damage can be done to one and so in final stage one becomes a total idiot who can be manipulated by the system as pleased...idiot who will rather see crime(curruption) from others as an acceptable way to go about and not source if evill which needs to be controlled via punishement.

Above seen have happened to me on numerous occasions during past 7 months and I only hope it doesnt involve girl of my interest as if it does, it all ended right here. 

Eventually it breaks down to basic issue such as sanity, and I clearly choose to refuse dealing(why would I have to trade sanity for curruption or even commence hating children because of crime) with such psychopaths. I am not impressed and am less and less interested in anything more than solving problems of my own which Poland have created for the sake of Moscow.

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