Wednesday, October 31, 2018
NOTICE: I am moving to a new PRIVATE location
I have recognized this morning even beautiful pensioner with his dog today who gave me a green light about MKultra
Daughter of a pensioner was diagnosed as schisophrenic, and works near Grotiniki in office which deals with people who are experiencing immotional difficulties (Chechen people were mentioned). This is also how we got to know one another. The pensioner is the second person (first one was Mr. Marcin Rau) who agreed (as seeing one).
I recognized yet another lady(doctor) involved in MKultra
Tuesday, October 30, 2018
People do not realize just how mentally sick(dangerous to societies) Donald Trump and his family are
@Trump...Why not to label Auschwitz survivors as insane !!???? You can do it and it's what USA stands for now !!!
Here is how physical examination went
Monday, October 29, 2018
Polish police updated with my situation in respect to KGB
Most Poles want permanent US military presence: defence ministry
Film maker Oleg Sentsov, who has been described by Vladimir Putin as a terrorist is given human rights prize by European Union
Former Russian businessman, who spent six years in a Moscow prison and a mental health unit after having tried to expose corruption in the construction sector in Russia, is now fearing for his life.
Dushutin claims he accidentally learnt about the Russian spy ring.
PUTIN REALIZES HIS FLOATING NUCLEAR PLANT DREAM: Russia launches controversial floating nuclear power plant
Who would be crazy enough to take Putin seriously !!?????
Russia launches controversial floating nuclear power plant
FREEDOM IS NEVER GIVEN, BUT IS INSTEAD TAKEN: Terrorist who already blew Eastern part of Ukraine(murdered more than 10.000 Ukrainians and ripped portion of Ukraine from Ukraine) now threatening with new security issues to those that are unwilling to settle for his new Soviet scenario
Russia will target European countries if they host U.S. nuclear missiles: Putin
Lock was broken for no less than three days and here is the photo of one.
Sunday, October 28, 2018
Another two psychologists recognized/identified in Grotnikah - now keep your word Polish association of psychologists
Video can also be seen at or or
Saturday, October 27, 2018
Message to residents at Ośrodek dla cudzoziemców(Grotniki) - Orchidea where am staying
Same day as I published news about Russian destruction of my electronic equipment
Day earlier, my roommate "experienced" almost same type of issues and so I knew what will follow(Rusky Rostislav did same on what telephones were severed - I shouldn't worry according to KGB logic as is new "normal" that things are falling appart)....
Other than that I had fun with local Polish children for three days and creating seen movie....
VIDEO - Facts about psychologist involved in MKultra with whom I have fallen even in love(things like this happen too)…
Here are proofs about MKultra that involved one of the psychologists in whom I got even inloved(still am and deem her to be a great catch;) with when brought on regular basis to Poland via US government...
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
By far the biggest threat to civilisation is no one else than Russua
Why incident involving two security officers is important even more
It is possible that KGB criminals have only instigated in racism to destroy individual with gimmick mentioned here or is there more in the game....It's what they have done and do since I had first encounter with them in 1996(nothing but Moscowy fascism/Nazism against neighboring nations and the wall if hypocrisy/lies behind which they are hiding)...Moscow is of course innocent and knows nothing about stuff like's Americans who do stuff like I right ?
Moscow = hatred hatred hatred hatred...pure evil.
Related to:
KGB strikes again: The two security officers have NOTHING to do with incident that took place two days ago
Part 2
I have already chosen my side and the name is POLAND. Trump dreamed of picking sides at this point... I DID !!!
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Tomorrow is coming video about local psychologist with whom I have fallen in love under MKultra :))))))
Russian divide and conquer game in immigration center goes on
Part 1
Part 2
Monday, October 22, 2018
Psychologists strike my overconfidence, but truth will prevail
Sunday, October 21, 2018
I hear that I am negative about Islam and other races
Respect goes both ways and laws must be respected.
So who is guessing and who is based on memory so far !!????
@Merkel whose father did to million Slavs just as she have done to me....
How are details so far !!???
Best is for the last...."last" will be played this week...will confront face to face those who participated in MKultra and have tried to challenge with doubts this very issue to the last(for no less than 12 years).
Saturday, October 20, 2018
Anna Rajnd was chosen by social engineers as companion for Ivanka Trump in Poland(spec. this area).
1 of 2 Destroyed android and bacpack by Russian KGB in Poland where filing political asylum...
Grotniki's immigration center neighbor identified
There will be also other psychologists who were involved in MKultra I will go after...
Thursday, October 18, 2018
There was a blah blah on how my case will be only used by Warszaw for private interests and for the state to obtain whatever is needed
THE STRONGEST PROOF YET ABOUT MY CASE(don't worry, you will get hard core proof in your hands): Personal message for US Government(to the Ruskies which wanted another freeby through to me too) who placed in me in present situation
Hunger games AmeroGerman way
So called "whites"(and Israel along with them) have only repeated in my case what they have already done in WWII against our people....thats all.
Tuesday, October 16, 2018
Second Chechen who was transfered to this very location with me from Warszaw was a police officer in Chechnya(Kadirov's cop basically) is what I have found out
Interesting political asylum procedure for me here in Poland...isn't it ?
Chechen refugees in Grotniki area - who are they(not all, but for the most part yeah) !!???? Here is what Russia have orchestrated in AGAIN in Poland with assistance of Kadirov
There are two kinds if Chechen refugees here in Poland, but all are Russian citizens.
Every KGB agent here(and Rostislav and Valerie both involved in MKultra) have records of abuse in Russia/Belarus - don't ask how or why
Russian language us for me temporary dead.
FAKERS ALERT: As for the people who are tortured in their own countries(or exiled due to war what case is with many Chechens) and those no longer know what they immigrated for
Collaborating with your own enemy against someone who has same enemy rates you into category of animals.
I have done something about it...gathered facts and turn them into complain...what have you done on the other hand...not what you are doing in Poland, but what have you come here for !!???? Lies on how you are on the button of the society(discriminated by Polish people) and just need to collaborate with KGB, you can stick in your a***.
Many of you are not real refugees, but here for other purposes. That's all
Publishing with android
PAY UP MERKEL! Poland DEMAND Germany NOT to hand over MORE World War 2 reparations as this ROYAL newspaper from Britain titles article, but instead for one to finally begun paying real reparations for Adolf Hitler's annihilation of Poland
Monday, October 15, 2018
I refuse to speak in Russian with staff or Chechens(they are all Russian citizens and some in bed directly with KGB).
Mystery to me, however, us why Poland is allowed to remain in NATO.
NATO is predominantly operated in English language...if you want Russian, join Russia in that case...declare yourself to the world for what you are.
Today and tomorrow, library was and will be closed
Nearest town with library where two computers are available is 8 kilometers(one way hour and half if walk) from here...
No substitution for librarian whatsoever.
Sunday, October 14, 2018
Except two Russians and two Arabs, everyone here is Chechen
Chechnya officially the Chechen Republic is a federal subject (a republic) of Russia. Source
I wouldn't get into this, but two Chechens who arrived with me and the two Russians from Debak, were involved in demonstration of abduction to Kaliningrad under MKultra...according to stated above from Wikipedia, every Chechen is a Russian citizen. Which are good and which are pro Moscow's terrorists is also not a difficult thing to guess, but it takes want too...some floated with here mentioned Russians already for many years inside of the Polish immigration system...question is because of whom and not even why...
So far in Slovakia and Poland nothing but FREE service to Russia
It is questionable where whole thing is taking to. I didn't get even 18Euros(70) Zloty which are given monthly to immigrants. There is much more that goes on in the background that I can't even say.
I did profit in Poland as I have proven that MKultra existed, but question is who wants to profit from within...
Moscow acts in my case as the one who decides about it if I am owned by one, but who gives one support for such perversion(distortion of reality).
Saturday, October 13, 2018
KGB would prefer my not studying Polish language and physically exercise inside of the gym in Poland or
KGB would prefer my not studying Polish language and physically exercise inside of the gym...more physical confrontation threats recorded which I will serve on Monday with other material to Polish police for international crime prevention.
VIDEO - There was more Russian(Putan Putanowich and his criminal associates/team) rape involved in my case(concerns Poland), but will not release any further details till I get green light from people that indicated under MKULTRA that issues as seen here actually matter to them
VIDEO - 2 of 3 My account was hacked today by KGB criminal via computer which I always use in public library
VIDEO - 3 of 3 My account was hacked today by KGB criminal via computer which I always use in public library
Here is Rostislav's criminal activity during my absence on computer which I always use in local library which clearly shows that he even had my password in his possession.
VIDEO - Facebook cuts my videos to 30 seconds length
VIDEO - 1 OF 3 My account was hacked today by KGB criminal via computer which I always use in public library
Thursday, October 11, 2018
By Nkosi Zwelivelile: My grandfather Nelson Mandela fought apartheid. I see the parallels with Israel
Poland Honors Diplomat Who Saved 800 Jews During the Holocaust
'Russia is the only conceivable threat to Poland'(Former Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski told DW why he sees Russia as a threat to European stability – and why he supports a possible US military presence in Poland.).
Moscow buys Hungarian alliance(Budapest even wonders why Ukraine moved military on border with such a great neighbor) in war against Ukraine for about 10bl. Euros
Russian terrorists(UNCIVILIZED/BARBARIC UKRAINOPHOBES) murder another 4 Ukrainians in Ukraine and open fire on Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
This feminine predator feels as being most bullied person in the world
Her father who murdered(individual has a criminal UDBA record) numerous natives in Slovenia feels the same...
Did you know that even Belarus has NUCLEAR bombs !!!??????
Wednesday, October 10, 2018
VIDEO - Polish assistance program for immigrants changed temporary on behalf of director - I understand
Monday, October 8, 2018
Russian UKRAINOPHOBE(a regular terrorist) in UKRAINE definant in the face of over 10.000+ murdered Ukrainians - calls Russia a friend(NOT agressor).
Sunday, October 7, 2018
Both videos on KGB
Saturday, October 6, 2018
2 of 2 KGB second physical and public slender attack with idea to stop me from filing political asylum in Poland in 2018
Related to part 1