The situation in Slovenia have gone under Slovenian president
Borut Pahor into the extremely dangerous one and how not - there was not the slightest patriotism in this individual that I possibly could recall(he even dreamed of immigrating to Israel with his family in the future and was making arrangements with Benjamin Netanyahu, but not before handing the country to Italy - part of the deal between him, Italy, and Israel was stated here).
Yesterday, two main candidates had the presidential elections discussion and main Borut Pahor's lie which was used effectively during the first presidential round, have already fallen out...the opposite of Slovenian government has suggested voters to boost Pahor, but yesterday Pahor alone has openly compromised himself to NEONAZI NATO venture(rather ZIONAZI venture as Pahor even talked about Kurds in Iraq on behalf of Israel to whom NATO serves - Israel wants to expend itself to Iraq and even Turkey accross the Syria to reach Kurds which would be used

as new Isreali expansion territory - Jews claim DNA relation with Kurds and Kurds are as brainwashed with AmeroGerman "human rights" issues as anything in this world possibly can be - there will be war make no mistake about that and Slovenian president Borut Pahor aleady is assiting Israel in one - anything to destabilize together with NATO entire region = Turkey and Iraq) - as stated above, RTV Slovenija reports Slovenian soldiers abandoning Iraq and yesterday Pahor suggested not only stay in Iraq, but also deployment of Slovenian soldiers to Latvia where they would defend with AmeroGermans and others a genocide against Russian native minority(he even calls Russia a DANGER).
I cite Pahor's views from slovenija/grem-volit-2017, "According to the international mission of the Slovenian army, Pahor stressed that Iraq is currently the biggest challenge for the emergence of Kurdistan, which is a complicated security situation for Slovenian soldiers in Iraq, who would be threatened by Pahor, if their security was threatened. Pahor stressed that Kurdistan is also the first issue regarding Turkey, which the international public will have to address.
Regarding the deployment of troops to Latvia, Pahor stresses that although we have good relations with the Russian Federation, it is necessary to understand the fear of the Baltic states against the danger. If these friends call us, let us at least symbolically show that we are ready to support their posture, then we must understand this."
Glede na mednarodne misije slovenske vojske je Pahor poudaril, da je v Iraku trenutno največji izziv nastajanje Kurdistana, kar pomeni zapleteno varnostno situacijo tudi za slovenske vojake v Iraku, ki bi jih Pahor, če bi bila njihova varnost ogrožena, poklical nazaj domov. Pahor pa poudarja, da je Kurdistan tudi prvo vprašanje glede Turčije, ki ga bo morala mednarodna javnost nasloviti.
Glede napotitve vojakov v Latvijo Pahor poudarja, da je, čeprav imamo dobre odnose z rusko federacijo, treba razumeti strah baltskih držav pred nevarnostjo. Če nas ti prijatelji pokličejo, da vsaj simbolno pokažemo, da smo pripravljeni podpreti njihovo držo, potem to moramo razumeti."
Pahor's "Join the so called French-German train" issue(issue of total insanity which pahor wants - no longer EU, but what is now known as French-German train)...
I cite Pahor's views from slovenija/grem-volit-2017, "Regarding the future of the EU, Pahor points out that the question of the classification of countries within the EU will also be opened very soon
when the issue of the Paris-Berlin Initiative will be opened, which will be the decision for more integration. According to Pahor, there is no black-and-white decision, but would opt(choose) to join the Paris-Berlin initiative, which is also likely to be a fiscal union. To decide on the transfer of Slovenian sovereignty, in his opinion, people should decide. Marjan Šarec sees only an economic connection in the German-French train. However, Slovenia should be strong enough, because everyone will walk around us: "We must be strong in the economy, and everyone will want to have us."