Wednesday, September 4, 2024

MK ULTRA - Sandor Habsburg did agreed end the end of the MK Ultra together with Croats infront of Croats how project Liberland is not realistic - and Croats did hosted me with Sandor in Zagreb area at property(horses - luxurious farm with castle or whatever beginning 2015) for which I was told will belong to Habsburgs WITHIN CROATIAN STATE according to my initial plans

Sandor proceeded to agree how ripping off local economy via money laundry would be unfair - but upon return to Vienna Austria and just prior to my departure to Slovenia in 2019, Sandor insisted me how he will still try to realize his project Liberland regardless of what was just stated in Croatia at the meeting he did infront of me with Croats(Grlič was involved) - and for

that matter that I and others should stay away. He went further to insist me how he did Zagreb area(some 40 kilometers from Zagreb or so) just to bail me out of potential problems which it didn't make any sense since he even warned me about getting near subject of his Liberland....NEXT TO GOING DOWN DANUBE, SANDOR HAD ALSO A PLAN FOR RANCH/HORSE PROPERTY WITH CASTLE WHATEVER IN AREA OF ZAGREB....SOME 25 KILOMETERS FROM ZAGREB NOT 40....HE WENT ON WITH CROATS TO MAKE CLAIMS WOULD BECOME MY NEIGHBOR IN AREA OF SAMOBOR AND EVEN ON SLOVENIAN BREŽICE/KRŠKO AREA(something that in either case made me very happy to hear) - BUT IT APPEARED TO ME HIS HORSE PROJECT WAS IN DIRECTION OF KRAPINA OR VRBOVEC - HE WENT ON TO VISIT EVERY HORSE RANCH THERE WAS IN AREA BEGINNING 2010 OR EVEN 2008....

Perhaps best part are their freedom speeches related to Liberland, was watching me inside of the psychiatric hospital rotten all the way....laughable. Sandor proceeded to threaten me will abolish even ranch plan if necessary looking at me all sad and open one instead in Slovakia or whatever place and will never get to see one another...Charles helped one with drama adding how Sandor will take care me once he is gone...I concluded today that these people are regular crack jobs - serious waste of time. Losers

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