Sunday, September 15, 2024

SU-57 and SU-35 are since 2013 both powered by Chinese made AL-41F1 engine

Same engine same shit these days jets rapidly assembled in Russian Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aviation Plant. American protested, Chinese inked the deal and here it is. USSR 3.0 on Chinese steroids. Enough even for Iran which is about to get 24 jets SU-35. The velocity of fierce Chinese manufacturing is impossible to recon with even for USA. World is racing toward self extinction if not terminating murderous relationship between two countries for whatever costs may be.

Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aviation Plant DOESN'T EXIST IN PRACTICE. They had me there with Xi Jinping who begun to negotiate secondary jet production in Russia in as early as in 2011. While Putin demonstrated and boasted about Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aviation Plant success, he was in not position to refuse secondary Chinese aviation invitation for what would become and it did became  MEGA JET MANUFACTURING - inter Russian Chinese massive fighter jets manufacturing. While Su-35 numbers were impressive in as early as in 2011, NOTHING COMPARED WITH CHINESE OFFER GIVEN TO PUTUIN BY XI who wanted at whatever costs to become engine of Russian invasion on Ukraine. Xi suggested on the side could triple or even 5x times the production of Russian Komsomolsk-on-Amur....

China is not enabler of Russian war on on Ukraine, but central engine of one. The Russian power engine of wars is China. 

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