Friday, September 20, 2024

As for Donald Trump's 200% TAX increase on Chinese imports

Xi Jinping alone repeatedly stated would pay out of pocket if necessary to Ukraine even up to 70 billion Dollars for damages done to Ukraine - it was republican American side which calmed one down.

@Donald Trump - closer than to mentally retarded individual on whom you greatly remind of, you appeared to me and continue to appear as Russo Chinese spy. And hell no China would ever give Ukraine other than bullet. It was your way to soften my brain for Putin sake. CIA/FBI have to place you on cold(JAIL ROCK YOU BABY, SO YOU WON'T LIE THAT I DEATH THREATENED YOU WITH) or US will go down with its allies for good. That much for you and your Wuhan YOU ARE AMERICAN CANCER THAT PLAGUED UNITED STATES AND TURNED ONE INTO DUMPSTER. YOU UTERLY YOU WITH YOUR BILLONAIRE BUDDIES TRUMP.

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