Friday, March 29, 2024

MK ULTRA - おうん ぷれいすつきみ located in Japan(involved in MK Ultra) was identified - one existed as far as in 1988(was first delivered there by British royals - Charles to be precise)...disregard numbers bellow as far as 1998

But I think these guys already grew up to be well over least I thought. I remember the two. They both were with you in 2012 with the one on the left, I estimate, minimum 14 years of age and his comrade on the right as 12 years of age. I remember when they played children involving also Slovenian psychiatrists from Slovenia(Kapš became a frequent visitor) in Japan beginning 1997....the early age selection process as was explained in 2003

Once they 18, your children leave to stay with parents and/or in other homes no from what I recall. I remember the two as far as 2004 - 2006 when they were children. One guy(I think the one on right)

tried to live even on his own in some apartment building under social care guidance. I remember his parents - tall high rise building with what is one more brother. I remember was visiting with your Japanese state social care workers these children which  are having a great difficulty to live on their own, but still try. There is a special building where you did researched such cases when kids once over 18 tried on their own I remember building....kid on left must be 24 of age minimum.

You are a private care from what I recall - unlike social workers who continue to work with them once they grow up. The two were a bit loud and I deem was the wrong choice to be kept around them under MK Ultra. It is also extremely hard to estimate age of children under MK Ultra. I see calendar where it says 2021 as you suggested me case would be and even wonder thanks to you about truly went on....there was all sorts of stuff that went on with yelling screaming(my being guilty for many issues I had nothing to do with) and I assume giant misinterpretation of many events. I would say that some of you have worked for the state initially and went on to open your private care sometimes in at least in 2010/2011 if not much much earlier. Your Japanese social services from what I recall did all possible to confuse disturb also on that issue, but it won't be possible. Lady above used to briefly work in another location I recall her - much bigger state owned location....the story with your place was like its about to be open, its open, it will be open, we finally opened and that stuff wasn't really helpful in any way, but I understand you had to do it this way. She used to work in that other location already back in 1998 and was involved in MK Ultra - got her degree. That place was a hellhole and we both left as she stated me to this location in about 2000 - 2001 with what your Japanese emperor Naruhito suggested me at the time have found me a more suitable place - your place already existed in 1998 or possibly was founded back then....I wasn't sure was he tried to help me or f*** me back then and was totally in between.

Your place goes to 1998.I even remember when you renovated one. You had your place renovated/beautified to be seen as more children friendly in 2001. It really did looked like private offices prior to 2001, but were not. It was a private morning care for parents wealthy enough to afford one.

I am very interested in learning more about this and hopefully to help you somehow. Thank you.

My order to Naruhito in 1988 was clear - find me a good looking Japanese babe OR TWO or no longer deliver me to Japan. It was a huge fight that broke between the two of us for what I stated one is wasting my time after few babes already passed me...I did same with Charles. They all promised me retaliation with psychiatrist Kapš and Yugo Slovenian police lessoning me that I committed offense...

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