Saturday, November 26, 2022

✡ROADS✡OF✡DEATH✡IN✡EUROPE✡ - MK Ultra here is how and who JUMP started war against me throughout Europe - case of Maria Cristina Masocco from Italian Belluno area and Siro Bez

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MARIA CRISTINA WENT ON TO BECOME A LAWYER TO ASSIST - HELP ME....HAD ME AT HER SCHOOL, UNIVERSITY ETC. Mr. Siro Bez was told is somewhere from Mideast if truth....immigrant to Italy who, however, spoke excellent Italian and was in Italy at least since 2000 or 2001...came as student was told, but might remain unreported in Italy for few years till lets say even 2008 or latter....Maria Christina's father was not tall guy as I stated in video part 1, but rather shorter with few kg too many....

Sister of Mariacristina Masocco was/is few years older, but was not my type what angered her mom(I already like that mom and would give her a chance based on stated to make more daughters - more daughters not sons:)))).....her mother studied university in area of Venice(in Treviso and in Padua) and have completed one probably ...apartment which I have stated about is disputable because mother of Mariacristina would ride with daughters to her father from whatever location where one inherited house sometimes in is very very possible mother of Mariacristina had a brother...

A3 NEWS Treviso 21/11/2022 - BELLUNO - Double tragedy yesterday in the Belluno area. In the space of a few hours, fate snatched 48-year-old Siro Bez and 26-year-old Mariacristina Masocco from their lives. Two communities in mourning in Longarone and Feltre. || She dreamed of being a lawyer and after graduation she was doing her traineeship in a law firm in Feltre. Mariacristina Masocco, 26, died yesterday afternoon while she and a group of friends were descending from Punta del Comedon, towards the pass of the same name, on the Vette Feltrine. The young, mountain lover and expert mountaineer was betrayed by the insidious ice that made her slip and fall for about fifty metres. Help is useless. The comrades raised the alarm at 118 but when the Suem helicopter arrived, there was nothing more they could do for the young woman. The body was recovered this morning; yesterday it was impossible for the rescuers to attempt any maneuver in the inaccessible area and now on an ephemeris deadline. Maria Cristina Masocco was well known in Feltre. She lived in Borgo Ruga with her mother and sister and had an active role in the Palio, in the Port'Oria district. "A deep mourning for the whole community" said mayor Viviana Fusaro in the message sent to the young woman's family. The Sunday news also brought pain to Longarone. In the woods of Igne, 48-year-old Siro Bez lost his life, overwhelmed and killed by a plant that he was cutting down with three friends. The accident happened around 9.30 and even in this case, although timely, the rescue efforts proved to be in vain. The news of Siro Bez's tragic death left the hamlet of Igne speechless where Siro Bez lived with his partner Laura. The body was transported to the Longarone mortuary to await the funeral. (Service by Tiziana Bolognani) - Follow Antenna Tre also on digital terrestrial! Visit the website

A3 NEWS Treviso 21/11/2022 - BELLUNO - Doppia tragedia ieri nel Bellunese. Nel giro di poche ore il destino ha strappato alla vita Siro Bez di 48 anni e Mariacristina Masocco di 26. Due le comunità in lutto a Longarone e a Feltre.  ||  Sognava di fare l'avvocato e dopo la laura stava svolgendo il praticantato in uno studio legale di Feltre. Mariacristina Masocco, 26 anni, è morta nel pomeriggio di ieri mentre con un gruppo di amici scendeva da Punta del Comedon, verso l'omonimo passo, sulle Vette Feltrine. La giovane, amante della montagna ed esperta alpinista è stata tradita dal ghiaccio insidioso che l'ha fatta scivolare e precipitare per una cinquantina di metri. Inutili i soccorsi. I compagni hanno lanciato l'allarme al 118 ma all'arrivo dell'elicottero del Suem per la giovane non c'era più nulla da fare. La salma è stata recuperata questa mattina; impossibile ieri per i soccorritori tentare qualsiasi manovra nella zona impervia e ormai a scadenza effemeridi. Maria Cristina Masocco era molto conosciuta a Feltre. Viveva a Borgo Ruga con la mamma e la sorella ed aveva un ruolo attivo nel Palio, nel quartiere di Port'Oria. "Un lutto profondo per tutta la comunità" ha detto la sindaca Viviana Fusaro nel messaggio inviato alla famiglia della giovane. La cronaca della domenica ha portato dolore anche a Longarone. Nei boschi di Igne ha perso la vita Siro Bez, 48 anni, travolto e ucciso da una pianta che stava tagliando assieme a tre amici. L'incidente è accaduto attorno alle 9.30 e anche in questo caso, sia pur tempestivi, i soccorsi si sono rivelati vani. La notizia della tragica morte di Siro Bez ha lasciato ammutolita la frazione di Igne dove Siro Bez viveva con la compagna Laura. La salma è stata trasportata nella camera mortuaria di Longarone in attesa dei funerali. (Servizio di Tiziana Bolognani)  - Segui Antenna Tre anche sul digitale terrestre! Visita il sito

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