Thursday, June 22, 2017

My Mossad roommate Ludwig(Ludvik or Ludvikas) fully dressed for whatever and active early in the morning - didn't get sleep since 2am this morning thanks to him...

Its 04:20 am now here in Vitebsk and I am very unhappy(I am sick of this Israeli American bullshit to be honest with you) today. I will now begun to submit more proofs(audio recordings) against Belarus state which have on behalf US Government exercised against me(and other whites worldwide) everything as described here(this individual who had no money and I had to donate him my own food, clothing, and money for transportation etc. have now plenty of money and is also on phone typing sms at 2am in the morning - this is what the case was with him this morning again). Bye the way Alexei Navalny, you are a disgrace for
the white race !!! You are nothing more than John McCain's murderous ZIO agent(sellout) there to seal the fate of
Russian people as well as other whites worldwide !!! And I say so because you have seen my videos and you know what is happening with our whites in US as well as across the Europe.... You are Poroshenko number two Mr. Alexei Navalny(he is number one traitor in the world and you are taking second place - right after him - no wonder the two of you get along so well) !!! I will get to Alexei Navalny News( latter on...

I was told(brainwashed) under MKULTRA tortures on about 50 different scenarios on how I will be taken to Israel(its how they mentally kill victims once those are reintroduced under real circumstances back to same environment where previously MKULTRAS took place against them - so those would experience panic attacks and other issues as well - total terror used as an modification method to afterwards portray to public individual as such and not as one is meant to be - my political nature writing could easily be different from what you see here, but is not and will never ever be) and on I should be nice to people like Poroshenko since those will visit me in Israel(I cite, "be nice to them or you will be beaten up by them in Israel")....I was introduced to billionaire Porshenko in USA via ZIO terrorist(ZIO fascist) John McCain who have in-charged several teams on brainwashing me against of the teams(belonged to CIA department) was Ukrainian team under Poroshenko personally(Poroshenko is the individual who have brought Ukraine in situation in which is now and not other politicians - Poroshenko was the man behind the curtain all along and other politicians were used as pawns for his $$$ and US interests only, so US can control yet another European territory and even subject one to total economic destruction = you get economic subvention in return for multiculturalism in Ukraine)....

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