Very bad news...I regret to report this one, but am left without any choice...
Question to Belarus state: just how weak is the state when one sends internationally persecuted individual in very same housing where one was previously tortured(via MKULTRA) by very same terrorists who now to cut(destroy) his personal belongings, sip him drugs in food, and are even there to abduct him !!???? Just wait to see videos folks...
Here is the ultimate proof of what Belarus is(Belarus state even blocks items from victim to be delivered to him)...

So you cut my shoes, backpacks etc. and even this !!??? Yes, its a big deal to me...I have received 12 Euros(13 USD) of aid within last two months and have paid for everything else out of my own pocket(probably about 400 Euros if not more). Money deposited from Slovenia to be subjected to what you see here(expose me to this type of environment/circumstances would most likely disburse Slovenia for crimes committed against me, but it didn't work !!!)....
My items(at least some if not all of them what most likely is the case) were delivered to Belarus state already 21 days ago, but never to me(to city about 250 km from here)...
Here is the list of other stolen items which I have ordered and paid for, but were never ever delivered to me:
Judas got paid for his work...I hope you do get paid well for yours a as well and please Belarus...forgive me to enter your country(to ask for protection - I should have known better !!!).
When I arrived to Belarus, procedure was rather humiliating and was fascinating just how much did immigration officers attempted to obtain from me affirmative answer on repeated(over and over again) question, "have you even been to Belarus before..." !!! Off course that such answer if truthful would list me at that time as patient in mental hospital, but today the answer to their prayers is "yes I was". I sadly was taken here as well and not by UN alone, but by you and UN on behalf of Israel...
This was the newest repair which I have to conduct on my other backpack today...its every day that they cut things...I don't even catch any more with what they do...I have just wasted two days repairing computer again thanks to the US government with whom Belarus state collaborates...
Its time to go from here...don't know where, but its time to go to new unknown...100% not in ugliest country in the world that belongs to Satan known as Israel !!!
Ps. there were other countries involved in above mentioned, but those did know nothing about me...they only knew about me what Slovenian system have lied to them and whatever John McCain have managed to turn me into(and portray as such to the world - sad, but hey...this is United States of America and nothing ever changed...)...Question to Belarus state is what is your excuse for performing as seen here after you know facts also from me and no longer only lies from parties mentioned above !!????
PS. It doesn't have anything to do with Belarus or Russian people(I believe they are very beautiful and unique people - it is amazing this part of the world)...I am very much convinced in my claims about this part of the world...I wish for white nations to find common language and integrate with one another. My work(I am afraid), however, is done here...people involved in case(alternative right) against me have searched for an individual who will wash Israeli's guilt for white genocide, but I never ever was the right person...will pass on this duty onto someone else...
Bastian Auser - Бостиан Авсец
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