Friday, June 30, 2017

Will be heading back to Slovenia as early as Monday

There is nothing left for me to do here.

Belarus government uses Turkish "life" company to hide crimes behind internet in Belarus

Sure is don't have one when you need one and one can be even used to arrange meeting with ZIOFASCIST Netanayhu(you have to go to city to purchase extra in case you want garbage like this). Stealing is your quality Belarus !!???? Killing Jews wasn't okay, but killing whites it is !!???? Thank you very much for your hospitality Belarus !!! 20 GB stolen from me this month at least !!! You were angry with me because I am not fluent in Russian language and you do shit like this to me !!???? Yeah, we have less than nothing....

AUDIO proofs of MKULTRA and even saw threats against white American and EU citizen on behalf of Israel !!!

This is far far far worse than MKULTRA, life threats, and even assassination folks have no idea what it means to walk jobless for 12 years and be tortured to death in psychiatric can be also seen at: OR OR
Stationed(for already 4 moths and half) with Ziofascist terrorist who have previously torture me with MKUKTRA...

I am beyond disgusted by "president"(regular John McCain alike ZIOFASCIST is what he is) Donald J. Kushner Trump...

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Surrounded(encircled) by ZIOFASCISTS(inside and outside), will I make it to publish the truth and nothing more than truth for people to see what Israel is !!!????

How many of you dare to go against ZIOFASCISTS for the sake of our freedom the way I did !!?????? Will I make it until tomorrow !!????

Residents are up - how not since I am releasing info as described, but there is no place to hide

In computer room(conference) are cameras as you know, outside children, in kitchen people, and in the room is with me my "roommate"(they got it covered all).  They(not only residents) get to watch what I do before release - everything(try real journalism and activism - try this) !!! As I was told under MKULTRA...if you will say too much we will stop you..what is too much !!????  What was done to me !!???? I agree !!! You are too much !!!
ZIOFASCIST Elites have already dispatched their freedom hunters to block me from posting what is taking place on what should have been otherwise social networking site known as Facebook - not allowed to post even in my own groups and pages WHICH  I HAVE CREATED !!!

It will be the end if stopped from publishing undeniable AUDIO proofs about MKULTRA that took place on behalf of Israel...

Just want to clarify how things are...Video can be seen also at:

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

My "roommate" Ludwig(Ludvik) is in a hurry to leave...

Its panic now in center...I am working on newest video as you know which will be released tomorrow..."roommate" Ludwig(Ludvik) got his passport back(claims totally irrational excuse for obtaining one - that they decline to grant him protection because he was in Lithuanian mental warden - A 100% LIE !!!) today and is into very very strange whereabouts...he is suggesting me to go to Moscow with him(we are just 55 km from Russian border here and this is the main route to Moscow) via Minsk which is 288+km in opposite direction from Russia(this creating over 576 km extra to go to Moscow with train). Yet another failed attempt to get me...all audio recorded.He wants to leave as early as after-tomorrow....

What you watch is not what you see and what you listen is not what you hear - give up son....

Video can be also seen at: OR

Post MKULTRA procedure(using victim to destroy him/herself

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Will release two videos about TV harassment, possible Motorola Gleam software sabotage, saw threats, proofs about overseas abductions...

And once am done with it, I will go back to ZIO FASCIST Obama lover from Donetsk who was involved in my abductions and is now in same Belarus immigration center with me...this two videos are much more important than other stuff(you have no idea what took place here within one month and half) since my arrival in Vitebsk...

Have BELARUS GOVERNMENT arraigned my prior meeting with Netanyahu in Vitebsk(not only what US Gov. did in Miami, but also Belarus in Vitebsk) !!???? YES THEY DID !!! 

UN doesn't secure Netanyahu or other presidents' private visits to towns where they go for vacations...governments, however, do !!! 

He likes to feed pigeons at this very place(and tanks via John McCain rights across the border). Vitebsk is one of his favorite private vacation destinations is what he bashed to

Monday, June 26, 2017

South African corruption(betrayal) so rampant, that Jews have bought and brought entire nation of whites on its knees(forced rehabilitation through genocide)...


I would also love to know where our white leaders are in South Africa !!! Where have they all disappear while simultaneity to one we witness explosion of Judaism(Yahweh ideology) !!! Where are our white Christian leaders today in South Africa and why so many of most loyal South Africans disappear !!!???? It is strange that in county where there was  no presence of Judaism we witness explosion of yahweh

2 of 3 About ZIO FASCIST Obama lover from Donetsk who was involved in my abductions and is now in same Belarus immigration center with me

Video can be also seen at: OR In video, I also explain issue(dilemma) of Israeli attempt to use MKULTRA torture against me(beside unemployment and all other issues) as an attempt for Israel to become recognized as legitimate state...NON OF THOSE WHO HAVE REACHED AND BECOME PART OF "END OF THE TUNNEL" PICTURE IS I WANT TO MEET OR HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH...THEY ARE ALL

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Unprecedented American insanity(terror) over European skies goes on...Above Baltic or Ukrainian region, politics of using Europe as a nuclear test field are yielding huge financial profits to some and disaster to those who are willing to die for the sake of self enslavement !!!

Released by media on June 21, 2017Is it sane to allow on political stage the existence of politicians who perform as seen here !!??? How much did we as white nations/people(forget about forgotten and punished for its existence by EU$$$RRR Eastern Europe, this is worse even than sanctions for declining to accept multicultural death on behalf of profit so far from politics that are used to devise us against one another to turn our beloved European continent into possible nuclear test field !!!??????
I appeal to people to denounce politicians who insist on politics as seen here...OUR DIRECTION IS THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT IS SEEN HERE !!! This is not incompetence(they know what they do and more than on

Saturday, June 24, 2017

1 of 3 About ZIO FASCIST Obama lover from Donetsk who was involved in my abductions and is now in same Belarus immigration center with me

Video can be also seen at: OR OR

ZIO FASCIST Obama lover(extremely dangerous subversive/divisive and distortive US underground intelligence transmitter) from Donetsk who was involved in my abductions and MKULTRA torture(is using either MKULTRA story from his ex or a total fable to relate to my MKULTRA issues from the past in which he is deeply involved with idea to harass/intimidate me)/who likes to cut and damage my personal property/who prays on my computer activities via computer surveillance - have habit to call me these days a spy, a nazi supporter, and violator of Russian/Belarus laws(criminal calls me basically a criminal and much more)...

Friday, June 23, 2017


NEW AUDIO RECORDING: Mossad's roommate “Ludwig(Ludvik) admits that he was in my tiny town Novo mesto, Slovenia(this very dude just as the other residents here were involved in my abductions already), he knows Benjamin Netanyahu is president(he refuses to state where - he pretends stupid, but this is the only president he knows for) but doesn't know who presidents of Belarus or Lithuania are when asked, he have changed story about money(he have plenty now), he doesn't know if he was in Israel and much more...all audio recorded !!! DO YOU NEED MORE PROOFS !!???? this is extremely dangerous situation and nobody acts !!! Nobody seems to care about "light at the end of the tunnel" !!! WHY !!!?????

"The light" already was the death for over 250 million whites worldwide and it is how one will resolve my struggle against Satan's state as well if am brought in front of that decision !!! Make no mistake about that...I do NOT want to know or care about per who is awaiting on me on the other side of that tunnel(NO female that I have met or proposed or likened on dating sites will be greeted/tolerated by me in Satanic Israeli state to make myself clear !!! This was part of the deal which sadistic MKULTRA maniacs have suggested me when abducted to Israel)...

In Minsk's hostel, I have audio recorded also another MKULTRA guy who bragged the same and have even shown me people with whom he was from my town on his viber application(what other proofs do you people need to act !!???)...

Video part one(at least) in respect to ZIO fascist from Donetsk will be released today(perhaps even both

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Bastian Auser's economic plan for our existence video !!! Explained in details per why/how !!!

First congratulations on my morning response already arrived from Germany and USA...

I was shown made in Germany chain saw(just as the case was in MKULTRA scenarios - its all repeated) and a catalog with beautiful nature in USA by newest resident whose name is I understand Vitali(yeah, I now supposed to choose between beautiful life in USA till I become irrelevant or German made chainsaw = both takes me and my people to the same place)....Thank you very much mutti Angela and pappa are welcome...any time, but you have to pay one more time the attention to audio recording from Budapest where I explain in details my views on corruption and death threats...its all audio recorded again...

Next video(released today) will be on another resident(stationed now in same housing) who was involved in my abductions(MKULTRA) torture and is now even playing MKULTRA victim infront of me - all audio recorded...beyond and beyond bizarre...

This is a ZIO FASCIST from Donetsk who have habit to call me these days a spy and even nazi collaborator(even after he was told/explained repeatedly in details that I oppose John McCain and Israeli creation of Nazism...that I pledge to fight one and do whatever it takes to stop insanity which I

Regarding my becoming spy for Western ZIO elites...Bastian Auser's economic plan for our existence !!!

According to CIA bosses involved in abductions as well as prominent politicians, I would serve them as a transfer weapon against Russia...those would simply introduce me somehow to Russia and I would create my own economic option to take one down via capital(corporation$$$) !!! is the plan since you all insisted on one so much:
Video can be also seen at: OR

My plan is for West to simply wide open doors to Russia and

My Mossad roommate Ludwig(Ludvik or Ludvikas) fully dressed for whatever and active early in the morning - didn't get sleep since 2am this morning thanks to him...

Its 04:20 am now here in Vitebsk and I am very unhappy(I am sick of this Israeli American bullshit to be honest with you) today. I will now begun to submit more proofs(audio recordings) against Belarus state which have on behalf US Government exercised against me(and other whites worldwide) everything as described here(this individual who had no money and I had to donate him my own food, clothing, and money for transportation etc. have now plenty of money and is also on phone typing sms at 2am in the morning - this is what the case was with him this morning again). Bye the way Alexei Navalny, you are a disgrace for
the white race !!! You are nothing more than John McCain's murderous ZIO agent(sellout) there to seal the fate of

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Belarus is criminally insane - isn't about time to get honest with all of us my dear Belarus state !!???? And they wanted me to blame for it all on United Nations....

Very bad news...I regret to report this one, but am left without any choice...

Question to Belarus state: just how weak is the state when one sends internationally persecuted individual in very same housing where one was previously tortured(via MKULTRA) by very same terrorists who now to cut(destroy) his personal belongings, sip him drugs in food, and are even there to abduct him !!???? Just wait to see videos folks...

Here is the ultimate proof of what Belarus is(Belarus state even blocks items from victim to be delivered to him)...

Sunday, June 18, 2017

My main gmail account(incl. videos) was taken down(again - second account) and computer is wired to the internet via keyloggers and is all thanks to you !!!

You have the money for LA Times, NY Times, and other garbage(you have money to support animals rights and I don't know what other kinds of rights and none for the rights of those who support your right to existence) - but non for the rights of the whites !!! Yeah its good what you do...good for the Jew !!! For up to date, you(the public - readers) have contributed exactly ZERO Dollars for everything seen and done on this news site...Thank you very much for nothing(for collaborating with THE enemy).

Key loggers are very difficult to detect(can be perhaps done via programs that require $$$ while hardware keyloggers can't be detected at all unless you take computer in the repair shop) and

Saturday, June 17, 2017

My "roommate" returned at two clock in the morning....

Next video will be dedicated to him(regular Mossad terrorist - make no mistake about that). His techniques of distraction were way more sophisticated than those of Hebrew speaking Yazidis...

Welcome back Ludwig(Ludvikas,Ludvik) !!!

Friday, June 16, 2017

2 of 2(COMPLETE) After my anus was even checked for possible hemorrhoids, I was ready for another abduction to Israel !!! ALTERNATIVE RIGHT EXPOSED AND TERMINATED IN RETURN AND MUCH MORE !!!


Video can be also seen at: Video can be also seen at: OR

Donald J. Kushner Trump is a first Jewish president in US who is indeed also very sick individual.

Germany, Austria slam US sanctions against Russia !!! Born free and not like Rothschilds slave !!! Рождены свободными, а не как Ротшильды раб !!!

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Who, how, and why - Alternative right(kiss of death for the white race)....

Created in US(obviously a test field for abuse on whites) via MKULTRAS and other psychological approaches(different strokes for different folks because if you have few people associating with very same anti government claims that involve violence, government becomes exposed and so it is a no no for government to use always same methods...for many alternative rightists was enough to point them out what you have learned from my news site

Belarus government desperately tried to make me believe that I am in UN and not in Belarus - here is how and why !!!

First video on UN lawyer( ) and then on Mossad agent Ludvik who did came yesterday(beyond nervous, bit totally normal - just in great great hurry) to grab his bag only...You forgot your dingi(money) Ludvik....

Belarus state knew that I am recording both(UN and them) and didn't mind at all for me to audio record them...the idea was to involve me so much in gathering of proofs about abuse that I would totally isolate myself from public through audio/video recordings(documentation of abuse) what would give Belarus government perfect opportunity to export me to Netanyahu in Israel(this is why Belarus have insisted so much on my talking about UN only)

I guess funny Netanyahu's story about my cleaning the ex airport runway in Belarus will not sell via main stream media after-all(desperate UN lawyer clown again insisted yesterday on my

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Average of one farm murder every 130 hours for the past few years...

By Sunette Bridges via

18 People (which I know of) have been killed in the first 14 days of February!

Yazidis and my roommate have disappeared...

Have not seen Yazidis for the last two days(since I have posted news about them) and roommate Ludvik is gone as well(haven't seen him since yesterday and security doesn't know about him anything either - they came to ask me about his stay on several occasions)...

Its UN lawyer that suggested me yesterday for me to go with him on what supposedly would be my "job" on the other side of the city(ex airfield - all audio recorded)...

I think that  I will skip that "job" offer for now...eager for work yes, but a bit cautious...situation is beyond ridiculous !!!

Alternative right was and is death of the white race !!! They are killing us !!!

There is a great reason for alternative right that advocates Zionism...I do not care about what made them see Israel as ally in war against multiculturalism either....all I know is that Israel sponsors one(have censored and censors the truth about whites in South Africa via main stream media) and is even using one to kill those of us who dare to expose white genocide(multiculturalism) !!! 

United Nations' lawyer in Vitebsk will make a lots of money with my case according to him and others as well...let me give him a free tip ;)

According to undisclosed source of information(will not disclose one yet, but at one point I will), United Nations' lawyer involved in total criminality against me(this dude) will get reach with my case if he somehow gets me in Israel....he will broker between my rights in Israel and Netanyahu's promises....

I understand that my case is sold by governments to Israel

Monday, June 12, 2017

Every resident here have had specific tasks concerning my political asylum situation in Belarus...

No different(perhaps even deadlier) from Hebrew speaking Yazidi family(, tasks per Mossad carried out by my roommate Ludvik(supposedly ex red officer from Lithuania) were very much the same...almost identical tactics if not totally identical(with admixture of "help me...I am handicapped and financially broke...don't even have for food or bus") ...without any doubt, Ludvikas(Ludvick) is Mossad servant !!! Mossad was determined to show me on what I should get used to it even prior to my arrival in Israel...
His regular(daily) whereabouts in our room have started regularly

Look who is Visa free if traveling to Belarus or Russia...

I almost climbed Polish Belarus border fence at Terespol to get in Belarus about 2 months ago, but its not the same for everybody....the only way for me as citizen of US and EU to Belarus was through the airport(via visa free program which grants stay in Belarus for up to 5 days)...try and see what your visa status is to Belarus or Russia(For Belarus and for Russia

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Yazidi women that speak perefect Hebrew and know how to torture(mentally break one) even before abduction to Israel takes place...

Video can be also seen at:
They mentally break victim even before abduction to Israel takes place...this is not even 10% of what took place in Belarus within last month and half...wait to see other videos...really really nice...

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Medical examination procedure in Belarus was fascinating...

I have gone through very thorough medical examination procedure in Belarus per Belarus Immigration authorities and during which they have even checked manually(they have fisted my ass yesterday) my anus for possible hemorrhoids in

I am NOT allowed to file for political asylum in Belarus !!! Extensive medical examination was not used for asylum procedure purposes in Belarus, but instead for Belarus state to extradite me to Israel.

Was just told(all audio recorded) by regional immigration director of Vitebsk region Elena Dmitrievna that I am not allowed to file for political asylum in Belarus. She returned me yesterday my political asylum claim file and told me to ask United Nations lawyer Slava( for help regarding translation which must be done from English to Russian language before one can be submitted to Minsk office. After having conversation with Slava(also yesterday on June 6th, 2017) who referred me to translation companies, I have realized that such translation would cost me about 500 Euros(because UN and Belarus state decline to provide official translation from English to Russian or to cover the costs of one) out of my own pocket. Further, extensive medical examination was not used for asylum procedure purposes in Belarus, but instead for Belarus state to extradite me to Israel.

I will now terminate asylum procedure in Belarus as I have no intentions to proceed with one under such circumstances(terms). I have about 25 audio recordings to prove everything stated here and much much more(this is actually nothing compared to what I have documented here) !!! It was a very good reason for European Union governments to bring(ran me) me here....well calculated failure...

Saturday, June 3, 2017

All my Facebook accounts are blocked...

Why would they block me 6 Facebook accounts at once !!??? Any smart guesses :) ? 

My new "roommate" at asylum center loves Russia...his "only" minuses in my views(since he "loves" Russia so much) are that he hates Orthodox religion(how can you love Russia if you hate Orthodox religion !!???? He loves Catholicism do and will highly disagree if you suggest him that two are basically the same...Putin

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Shall I be taken AGAIN to Israel for a trip, it won't take me long to get out of there...

Should I get abducted(hijacked) >>>again<<< to Israel, I will only repeat this to you all...there, you will talk to yourself only. I will never ever negotiate with terrorists who murdered tens of millions of whites across the Europe and US, and who have ruined my life entirely. I know my way out and it won't be difficult decision to make(already is made)...

I understand 50% of Israel speaks Russian(some suggest me even 75%)...UN cities for refugees in Belarus were major settlements of Jews and Vitebsk is no exception to UN rule...

I have personal policy of ZERO tolerance for ZIO terrorism...when abducted to Israel, I was suggested that there are plenty individuals like myself there...well...I know I won't be the one(at least not for too long)...ugliest country in the world with ugliest people and worst karma = Israel

Why would anyone like myself want to even return in present world if abducted(again) to ugliest country under terms seen in my case !!???? Yes, you can change taste for the food in an individual with chemicals added to food and you can terrorize one to the point where one will become deprived of his normal judgmental capabilities(chemicals help greatly), but all this have limits(MKULTRA can go as far as totally confusing an individual per what is happening if one subjected to torture for long duration of time, but never ever far enough to alter his mind - torturers can never ever know for sure what is victim's mind because victim can easily act when subjected to MKULTRA)...

You can even use doppelganger to full public, but you can never ever full me(replace me with myself) with any of the above !!! I am way passed your bullshit which I have even used to advance my knowledge of psychology/psychiatry(if you really want to know how it all works, you have to try it yourself) on how mind operates...
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