Monday, September 9, 2024

Novo mesto police orchestrated yesterday yet another police crime involving ambulance vehicle and Bosnian(Muslim) individual involved in MK Ultra who hosted me in Bosnia, but strangely supported Serbian chetnik Svetlana Broz from Sarajevo inside of our house in Novo mesto where one pledged her unconditional support in front of police

Novo mesto police orchestrated yesterday yet another police crime involving ambulance vehicle and Bosnian(Muslim) individual involved in MK Ultra who hosted me in Bosnia,

but strangely supported Serbian chetnik Svetlana Broz from Sarajevo inside of our house in Novo mesto where one pledged her unconditional support in front of police...

Criminal whom I have promised a hard physical beating on the day of our meeting since one became involved in physical torture and promised would be the one who would hospitalise me, was defended at large by Serbian Aleksandar Vućić who went on with his Serbian chetniks to promise me retaliation if ever getting hands on one - this Bosnian Muslim as one claimed was have on one hand bagged me to not report one to police while on the other claimed how he has nothing to worry about due to houses he made in Bosnia(he is outside of the big city where he owns properties with what became even several houses - sister and family lives next to one).
To crime which architect entirely was and is Juršić - crime for which Bosnian ambulance driver signed for was developed initially by Juršić in 2008 during his delivering me at home for elderly people on a sunny day at probably about 1300 hours. Then just as the case was with everything and specially with ambulance vehicles which police used to rehearse dozen incidents from MK Ultra, a brainwash commenced on how to see incident during which driver of ambulance vehicle in somewhat narrow roar before main road ascends toward one with part of his ambulance vehicle crossing the full middle diving line. Crime was then rehearsed here and then over again for the next 10 years with Juršič interrogating me what have I seen during his left turns he was making toward home for elderly people - at times with police investigators. It was established during initial crime in 2008 that no video cameras were present in the area anywhere although police which investigated crime claimed cameras are located at the school on the opposite side of the road - then stories changed further to insist me how cameras are located on the poles along street etc. Claims begun to rain how home for elderly surveillance managed to catch incident and such claims were beaten down despite what appeared to me were cameras at home for elderly people already at the front desk by today's receptionist who made incident related claim in 2014 and then again in 2016 how cameras are now in place and are finally catching also ascending from home for elderly uphill road - entire property. Home for elderly did used ghost workers(employed elsewhere while flashing at the crime scene for which police anticipated I would make claim how one already was employed at certain location etc.) as receptionists for one thing, and from what I recall cameras although not as sophisticated and in colors(I think they got upgrade in 2015) always were present even 20+ years back in time with receptionists having the limited ability(perhaps like 3 cams or so and it was black and white) to remotely view property.

Father went on to make a hell of a show/circus out of my visit upon my arrival accordingly to MK Ultra brainwash with also nurse on his floor who claimed me next to being Roma how one is also his relative - she wowed her hands around head while talking to visitor who arrived just prior to myself....

Svetlana Broz did have a large number of Muslim(who knows who the fuck these chetnicks whom Kučan and Serbs desperately searched for with Slovenian police throughout Sarajevo and Bosnia and Croatia its what they have used me for, have made agreement with to defend Svetlana Broz - were they really a Muslims is a good question, but this is how violent Slovenian police operated with Slovenian psychiatry for the sake of recreation of greater Serbia) supporters from Sarajevo who claimed have seen themselves in her and further who claimed in my face with psychiatrists(SLOVENIAN NATIVE DUNG) from psychiatric hospital Ljubljana Polje that they will not let me through if I ever condemn her

Incident with ambulance took place yesterday on September 8th 2024 at about 1820 hours and article was published practically same day in morning hours...

Police guaranteed me cameras at the main road above home for elderly did came to life and have ability to video record portion of the road where future incident would take place. As a visitor to our house, this criminal made inside of our house at least 20 claims on how unfortunately will be the for Bosnian people involved in MK Ultra - next to threats to me how they will begun to side with Serbs if I will not see their way and keep silent - politicians also tutored them a system known as GOOD FOR ME - they just as Croats no longer have seen with their own eyes, but became enlisted as criminals $$$$ who begun to search for their ways out in a same fashion as to what they witnessed police and politicians were doing during meetings.....Juršič who learned crime trade for Ogulin didn't care anytlonger about right or wrong when asked by politicians if he would do a politician a favor in return for career, but who witnesses will be, who judges will be, and even who will ran prison in case he would have to go behind bars....then he personally interrogated witnesses, and personally interrogated judges etc. They brainwashed and Croats and Muslims to seek solutions to crime which they got themselves involved in in another words and solution always was located on Serbian bank of the river....

American police specially does turns like this due to large cars they operate - ensuring front end be rather forward while making sharp turns - something Slovenian police ALSO interrogated me about during MK Ultra and came to conclusion they couldn't do anything about it while advising me to rather crash in the cars became clear upon road scanning by local "police" that cars in area are constantly violating right turns by occupying opposite(incoming) traffic areas of the road. 


About 2006 incident in Ljubljana which I mentioned in the video

Upon return from Germany and on the morning of the incident in Ljubljana's industrial park where they tortured and promised me incident ahead of incident in 2006, a Serbian dispatcher affiliated with employer Habjan transport dispatched me for pickup

After circling for hour and half if not two, I did backed into one of the poles which costed me afterwards EU 80 OR EVEN 150 + one day of betonage work with father who did came to help me out on occasion. For two or three weeks of work, I was paid zero Euros. Employer Habjan Transport, however, did compensated for diesel fuel which he failed to fill prior to my departure to Germany and for which I had to pay out of my own pocket. And this also was the only incident during my commercial driving for which in America, employer reports you to DOT even for smallest scratch to truck/trailer based on which you pay lowers - something that in Europe drivers take for granted. This "employer" after incident told me to just go home and rest and arranged pickup with someone else suggesting me he would go and fix damage to pole on his own what probably would bill me with who knows how much money. Two trailer truck circling for hour and half in a small park. Not even for fuel expenses to Škofja Loka from Novo mesto I didn't get. Food out of my own pocket. Sloveeeniiiiaaaaa

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