Monday, September 9, 2024

As for Russian Fort Ross in California where I travelled since my childhood with Russian(aka Soviet) presidents and prime ministers

I told George Bush and Clinton probably in 2015 to BURN THE FUCKER. It was as usual after torture AND WHAT AGAIN BECAME AFTER TORTURE issue known as "whats the matter you don't like it"....

I had enough of Soviet visits to Fort Ross which systematically turned into regular physical torture beginning 4th grade when even same age as myself kids arrived with me from Novo mesto grammar school - 6th grade Fort Ross and up was a pure torture and this in a presence of all sorts of people from Western Europe(7th grade Swedish and Norwegian royals dragged me to Fort Ross) - 8th grade grammar school in 1985 tortured in Clintons Bush company with Dianna/Charles Andrew and others on the side whom Bushes and Clintons hosted - schizophrenia(REGULAR TRAUMA KNOWN AS MK ULTRA) which KGB and CIA rehearsed upon Russian independence over and over again, however, impossible to describe. I wasn't there, they had me there - 100x times. I loved the sight in second grade grammar school with whomever I visited, but then whole thing turned sour. Russians committed mass extermination on Alaska.

If anything, Fort Ross is important monument to human stupidity through which Anglo Saxon ignorance can clearly be seen - dementia which almost costed entire world existence. While not much better than Russians, Russians exterminated American natives as if there was no tomorrow and not only on Alaska, but also across the Bearing sea on the Russian side....Anglos and other European settlers were slowly making their progress toward east to block Russian invasion which already digested giant Alaska,_California 

Its interesting to note do, Americans again did all the dirty job - cleaning for what became a royal Canada. Down South far from what became a border with Mexico, Mexico also slowly slowly - grew without ever coming in contract with USA while one was increasing its territory....Yeah, a bit more of stupidity and Russians could have owned half of Canada and US.

Mmmmm, I was crazy about Dianna. I was wrong about it. Hillary who flirted often times with me since my childhood reminded me I was crazy about her. Hillary Clinton adapted baby alien after all. AGAIN !!!! Funny situation developed between British and Americans because of Dianna and myself after I rejected who knows how many babes including Hillary for Dianne....Americans had grudge going against me for some time behaved improperly, so I wanted to give them a bit taste from old continent. Visits were becoming to frequent and myself tired of what became molestation with all sorts of people sticking noses in my face...John Travolta also knows a thing two - guaranteed me Hillary....

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