Monday, September 2, 2024

Budimir Lončar WHO SUPOSEDLY DIED WAS EXTREMELLY DANGEROUS CRIMINAL who managed to get even Angela Merkel on his side

 against me. Budimir Lončar was the last YUGO MILOŠEVIĆ's foreign minster. After I already managed to domestically isolate one, Lončar AGAIN surfaced via Angela Merkel - question is how. WHY. His age 100 and I HIGHLY doubt it. This criminal who continued to side with Serbs even within new Croatian state, thrived again in new Croatian state - at first shy as I silenced one, but then again louder and louder with full Russian support. With a full Russian support. Slovenian police continued to obey one like dogs obey master. One of the head figures for Croatian politics to have headed downwards in a new Croatian state. How he did is a great question, but I never allowed scumbag to approach me again during MK Ultra. I had a lots of problems because of Lončar. Slovenian Novo mesto police considered Lončar even as a new Yugoslav president is how dangerous this man was. Milan Kučan doubled

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