Monday, January 13, 2020

EU doesn't determine for me value of any kind when it comes to people

I am not saying this to feel important or because I would be angry - I am saying this because several times was prompted(verbally challenged) by Poles in Lodz/Zgierz area with idea if Slovenia is inside of EU(like waw, really !!??)...people who did this acted surprised - deliberately...

The point here is that I love Poland just as I love Ukraine or Russia alone. EU doesn't determine for me value of any kind when it comes to people - acceptance of country itself.

EU is nothing more than economic tool and for some(whom we must not allow) one is even a tool of oppression against others(its how much of the Europe was ruined already - in Italy, Spain, Portugal, parts of France, Brattain etc).

Poles as people are for me priceless...this was not necessary. Goes same for Belarus where guided and brainwashed😂

I am afraid people involved in MKultra have had a huge misconceptions about me.

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