Monday, December 23, 2019

I am requesting assistance from British agencies in respect to pedophiles from Buckingham palace who as usually case is with this type of element have a stalking habits

Would prefer this morning to concentrate on much needed job search. Instead, this letter was sent to variety of agencies in Britain in hope to restrain them. There was nothing, but several months of rent(expenses for food and other issues) stolen from me for the opurpose of severe physical torture(24/7 directed energy attacks, food poisoning, disturbance, destruction of private property, all done in subzero temperatures while crippled) supported at present location which I can say is a private residence of Buckingham palace. Will issue detailed video on this subject.


Britain is a beautiful country with beautiful people and deserves to be seen as such through eyes of people who preferably would skip unpleasant thoughts about Buckingham palace. I suggest rather than keeping mental patients behind caste walls where contemplating on crimes against society to simply abolish monarchy.

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