Sunday, September 4, 2016

IN OBAMA'S BRITAIN(total degeneration and heavy crime in heart of UK = London) TODAY...10 times as many arrests at a two-day carnival for blacks as at a seven-day carnival for whites...

Hey Black Lives Matter UK: here’s some perspective on Glastonbury vs Notting Hill Carnival

Here’s a thing. Shortly after my column for this week’s magazine appeared online, Black Lives Matter UK put out the following tweet:

Rather than answer this sliver of delusional idiocy myself, I’ll leave it to Ken Marsh, chairman of the Police Federation:

    ‘Last year we had an officer stabbed. This year colleagues were assaulted, abused and spat at. How can that be right? It’s completely and utterly unacceptable.

    ‘The Glastonbury music festival had 40 arrests this year. Notting Hill had 10 times that amount.

    ‘Year after year there are such high levels of violence against police officers and the public at the carnival. And yet year after year nothing changes. Something needs to be done.’

Thank you, Ken. I think that puts it in perspective. Glastonbury – 40 arrests across a week, mainly for drugs offences. Notting Hill Carnival – 454 arrests across two days, 43 officers injured and eight taken to hospital, five members of the public stabbed. Oh, and while we’re on the subject: Cost of Glastonbury to the taxpayer – almost nothing. Cost of the carnival to the taxpayer – at least £7m.

It is another, perfectly formed, example of BLMUK’s delusion. They are barking up not merely the wrong tree, but a tree which does not exist.

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