Sunday, March 8, 2020

Individul who moved in the room is one of the longest involved in MKultra

Have sworn to help me out(is an older man) as was pure like mouse before getting involved in one. He got his life together thanks to my case, but seems have sold his options to what/whoever views motivated him in crime. Have displayed also intolerance for other cultures...repeatedly called me idiot and Djadja(have repeated his MKultra scenario on how if siding with other races/cultures - specially blacks, he will see me like a negro). Gestured me to be fit for Africa now as a result of my real political views...talked t 2/3am with others about coming inside of the room - probably to borrow my phones and so on.

This is not a troubled customer as someone told me once to be careful with when dealing in this situation. This is a racist neonzi bigot who landed in the room few days ago and have already caused damage - is more than willing to assist in causing bigger damage(I don't care about who calls me what, but I care about other stuff mentioned here).

Was told by someone else than if having conflict with him is a NO NO...

Well, this is beyond criminal behavior and about such customers Duda/Kaczynski can care if they wish. I do not and will not beyond as explained in previous post.

That I would take verbal daily s*** from  some racist criminal, doesn't even cross my mind.

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