Wednesday, March 4, 2020

As I go over recordings right now(will release a whole set of new audio proofs about MKultra which will blow your mind), I can't despite all to feel bad for people who came forward with truth

Many of them enthusiastically proceeded to offer help(they knew about ugliest of ugly truth ever concerning their own country or countries, yet they proceeded to help) yes regardless...

Its why I guess and despite all, I will proceed toward something good for this country/people...

There are uglier issues I will not even touch publicly as they do no good to us as people and no good even to those who caused nothing but trouble and who represent somewhat option I stand for(next to crazy trouble makers Pahor/Kucan alike, there is the whole set of much bigger real traitors just waiting to jump in and take their opportunity to hurt entire country/countries)....

They did and can afford to hurt hearts of good people - I can't and will not. Without hope, world becomes a dead place and I am not here to take one away - not my legacy and not my call...

Those who invested their hope in me did so because they knew am just not material looking out there to hurt anyone...they knew and know I want common good for people...and I have no right to decline their(such) beliefs. 

I have to leave younger(wisdom - understanding of world) and older(hope that there will be for younger) something for tomorrow...can't stop job just in the middle of somewhere...bringing people together is not a bad job...I don't know for any better - world as is is heading in bad live in my case means to fight for everything I have learned about one(use knowledge or loose)...

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