Sunday, June 30, 2019
Nothing is changing or will change
I am determined to stay in Zgierz and build my family. I dont give even a thought to myself about leaving. Was a buisy week and weekend and I plkan on keeping it that way for some time. Money is much needed for survival.
To United Nations: Polish PESEL number not accessible to me because when
I requested as told by Zgierz city from immigration bureau in the building and owner of place two weeks ago for written affirmation about my stay here, none of the two would issue me one.
This is extremelly criminal and illegal procedure as you cant obtain employment without one. After tomorrow as you know is my last day here due to lie via which Polish immigration have written to itself after declining me the right to work and protection for no less than 11 months.
Everything destroyed, bike stollen, wallet with drivers license stollen by police alone, thrown out on street via lie, and rejected the right to obtain even social security number. Nice
This is extremelly criminal and illegal procedure as you cant obtain employment without one. After tomorrow as you know is my last day here due to lie via which Polish immigration have written to itself after declining me the right to work and protection for no less than 11 months.
Everything destroyed, bike stollen, wallet with drivers license stollen by police alone, thrown out on street via lie, and rejected the right to obtain even social security number. Nice
Thursday, June 27, 2019
Ulica Dzialkowa in Emilia identified and I was even recognized
By residents.
I caused pain in this street and those which trully created one via myself hoped for the worst for a very long time.
So many years of MKultra and being brought back for more(via repeated sleep deprivation) brought the worst out of me. My KGB roomate would off course disagree with me.
I will do my best for this and other communities in Poland. I am not running from anything. Its the opposite.
Beautiful community in street Dzialkowa, but I even broke one on half via MKultra. I will be more than happpy to become part of one and help to heal wounds. Very special people.
I caused pain in this street and those which trully created one via myself hoped for the worst for a very long time.
So many years of MKultra and being brought back for more(via repeated sleep deprivation) brought the worst out of me. My KGB roomate would off course disagree with me.
I will do my best for this and other communities in Poland. I am not running from anything. Its the opposite.
Beautiful community in street Dzialkowa, but I even broke one on half via MKultra. I will be more than happpy to become part of one and help to heal wounds. Very special people.
Bought second bike in Emilia today
Slept 2 hours in tent on sand because I arrived at 0130 in Emilia and owner left for work before 0500.
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
Spent till 0230am at police station just to meet two police officers today which had idea for me to give them my Lenovo tablet
They wanted physical inspection of aparat with which photos were taken of individual who arrived with my stolen wallet at immigration center according to the two.
Monday, June 24, 2019
They first traumatized with directed energy weapons
language lessons to thge point I would become scared to even study Pokush language...then the other day I found myself scared of going even in bed to sleep because I knew what will happen yet again...even 3 hours of sleep couldnt convince me to go and sleep. I eventually did same as Americans did - bought stupid tent with hope to catch some sleep in between when away from camp...
I am told about Polish police that are criminals who
dont care just as tge case wad with my wallet/bike. Told by people that it would be best to just pay money to thug and get documents vs wasting time at police and even paying afterwards 10 x times more money to get documents.
IMPROVED AND ANSWERED: I never quitted voulunteraly from persuing the right to use political asylum option in Poland as it states on letter received from refugee board(Rada do Spraw Uchodzcow).
Now sent to Rada do Spraw Uchodźców and to Wojewódki Sąd Administracyjny. Related to
Next will be sent to United Nations, Amnesty Int., EU Court for Human Rights and so on.
Next will be sent to United Nations, Amnesty Int., EU Court for Human Rights and so on.
Letter from Polish Immigration Refugee Board given to me on this Tuesday
Never ever have I agreed to resign from persuing the right to obtain work permit in Poland via political asylum option for which I have filed year ago.
It is also written in blue on how I am allowed to stay in center till July 2nd, 2019.
Sunday, June 23, 2019
Would love nothing more than to marry Polish psychologist Justinka.
I have no idea how all this will end, but I think she is the greatest catch. No one has more to offer to Poland than what she does. I see fakes everywhere I turn, but no such thing in her. Amazing lady which for the difference of others even wanted to look bad...
She was abused, used, often times discriminated against, and left in the middle of the lies. She survived all and continued to fight for me. Nothing like you in this world.
She was abused, used, often times discriminated against, and left in the middle of the lies. She survived all and continued to fight for me. Nothing like you in this world.
Iran will with its insane politic soon learn about Kremlin's imaginary friend as
no one more eager to wipe one of earth than Putan Putanowich. Syria will repeat soon.
Immigration center owner changed with franzy Sunday Saturday work even courtains inside of the room
Have washed building, painted one on inside - painted rooms and hallways, replaced doors from units and even doors of toilets/shower areas...have even istalled TVs in every tvs cable just two days ago...what happened !!???
Warsaw with insane Fort Trump ussues the most serious threat to civilised world and to Polish nation alone.
Racism, nazism, hatred, lies, thuggery, bigotry, viollence, torture, crime and so on hiding behind EU chapter/articler 24...TIME TO STOP KREMLIN'S DEJAVOU IN WHITE HOUSE and inside of the EU.
I CALL UNITED NATIONS IMMEDIATELLY FOR HELP: Fort Trump became desperate enough to even go as far as seen here via GOOGLE
American husband of Melania who hired MKultra brainwashers which would interpretate me under MKultra views which would result on a long term in self failiure didnt stop short of using google in decisive moments either...
Video can be also seen at
Not even bike is allowed on lication distanced 2 hours of walk from nearest city with job market and is what took place after wallet was stollen....on my way back to center, lady walked along with child ahead of ne and she revealed me to have same legament knee inury as myself which can be relieved greately by bike and was...well, no more I guess. POLISH IMMIGRATION VIOLATED DOMESTIC AS WELL AS INTERNATIONAL LAWS IN RESPECT TO PROCEDURE ITSELF AND WILL NEVER EVER OBTAIN WHAT TRUMP ANTICIPATED WOULD BE MY RUNNING IN WARSAW TO OBTAN PASSPOIRT BASED ON VIOLENCE....NO WAY AND I STILL REMEMBER WHY I FILED FOR PROTECTION IN POLAND. BAD NEWS FOR KACZYNSKI MORAWIECKI DUDA AS AM STAYING IN POLAND DESPITE ALL. I NEED UNITED NATIONS/EU COURT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS AND ALL OTHERS TO GET INVOLVED...this are clearly most severe violations we wittness.
Not even bike is allowed on lication distanced 2 hours of walk from nearest city with job market and is what took place after wallet was stollen....on my way back to center, lady walked along with child ahead of ne and she revealed me to have same legament knee inury as myself which can be relieved greately by bike and was...well, no more I guess. POLISH IMMIGRATION VIOLATED DOMESTIC AS WELL AS INTERNATIONAL LAWS IN RESPECT TO PROCEDURE ITSELF AND WILL NEVER EVER OBTAIN WHAT TRUMP ANTICIPATED WOULD BE MY RUNNING IN WARSAW TO OBTAN PASSPOIRT BASED ON VIOLENCE....NO WAY AND I STILL REMEMBER WHY I FILED FOR PROTECTION IN POLAND. BAD NEWS FOR KACZYNSKI MORAWIECKI DUDA AS AM STAYING IN POLAND DESPITE ALL. I NEED UNITED NATIONS/EU COURT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS AND ALL OTHERS TO GET INVOLVED...this are clearly most severe violations we wittness.
My request to Polush immigration was related to private lodging option which one offers(750Pln/month) - not ending ending immigration procedure per Fort Trump
Lets get things straight and call them as they are.
I CALL UNITED NATION FOR IMMEDIATE ASSISTANCE: After organized Polish police theft at flea market individual arrives with stollen wallet and demands more money talks about my new job wants to know how much I make and if its hard while insisting on money for stollen documents
Video can be also seen at
The day individual arrives my new employers tells me in the morning on how he got police call claiming that tgey found wallet :)))) once I arrive at police for wallet they know nothing about it, but dude arrives in the evening with stollen wallet...crazy yess. Police refused to investigate next day when I stopped bye twice claiming lack of police officers that could file case at police headquarters in Zgierz :))))
I did called 112
I CALL UNITED NATION FOR IMMEDIATE HELP:Wallet stollen on Zgierz flea market police refuse
Video can be also seen at or
Police refused to open criminal docket ticket for entire week and have even sent individual at the immigration center gate in Grotnikig with idea to provoke into physical confrontation via stollen wallet as you are about to hear/see.
Important audio recordings stolen today by owner in Ul. Cicha contained several audio proofs related to police theft of wallet.
Audio recording of today in ul. Chiha was protected with additional audio recorder and proofs about today exist:))) but
other precious audio recordings along with mp3 player high quality were stollen.
I won again despite all ;)
I won again despite all ;)
House which owners(their age along with house when one was built) have identified on what audio recorder was stolen as one have fallen me down infront of one
All the way to 2003 and even age of couple. MP3 audio recorder is most likely even at the police station as I doubt she would have done something like this along with owner accross the street without agenda. Was well observed via cameras - enough to even observe me loosing small mp3 player on what she pulled car out where one have fallen and disappeared. Imagine how pathetic this type of attitude is from people on whom you suppose to count on in the future for help. Polish family.
I am staying in Poland despite all - nothing changes
Will prepare legal letter tomorrow and send one to Warsaw, to EU court for human rights, UN, and so on. Will use free legal aid this time. 12 months the right to file political adylum was declined to me in Poland by Kaczynski, Duda, Morawiecki along the right to work...
But nothing is over as they anticipated case would be. I was given 12 days stay dead line on Wednesday. Threatened under MKultra on how some police officer would simply shoot me in what would be portrayed as self defense case if insisting on staying within Polish immigration system - forced into homelessness and how it would happen...nice wishes from Pokush government I have to say...
But nothing is over as they anticipated case would be. I was given 12 days stay dead line on Wednesday. Threatened under MKultra on how some police officer would simply shoot me in what would be portrayed as self defense case if insisting on staying within Polish immigration system - forced into homelessness and how it would happen...nice wishes from Pokush government I have to say...
Google accounts locked paralel to police theft of wallet, police theft of bike, employment issues, total deprivation of sleep via directed energy weapons that resulted even in my developing phobia from going to sleep in center, involvement of an Ukrainian(important since I advocated Ukrainian nation - individual 100% was and is related to Poroshenko who came to rescue along with Belaruskies to Donald Trump and Kaczynski/Morawiecki/Duda) individual in repetition of MKultra who was involved in extremelly of violent acts, and most important as anticipated via Polish immigration would become acceptance of my resignition from from Polish immigration procedure - pokush immigration sent me a letter on which one claims on how I requested STOP asylum procedure(I never ever did).
Audio recorder was also stolen today in Ulica Ciha by house owner - infront of me while I was talking to neighbor located oposite from her house - he saw it and even lied about construction of her house to create confusion for theft to go smoother. SAD SAD SAD AND THIS ARE PEOPLE I SUPOSEDLY WOULD EVEN RELY ON IN THE FUTURE - NOW WHEN COLLECTING CONFIRMATIONS ABOUT PAST.
Audio recorder was also stolen today in Ulica Ciha by house owner - infront of me while I was talking to neighbor located oposite from her house - he saw it and even lied about construction of her house to create confusion for theft to go smoother. SAD SAD SAD AND THIS ARE PEOPLE I SUPOSEDLY WOULD EVEN RELY ON IN THE FUTURE - NOW WHEN COLLECTING CONFIRMATIONS ABOUT PAST.
Monday, June 17, 2019
After 3 hours of sleep and 1 liter of really strong coffe(just to keep me awake) + time spent on sun
I feel again well...I made it from Grotniki to Zgierz this morning on bad bike in just 25 minutes(broke all previous records of what otherwise would be competition - what you think about that Chris😀).
Zgierz Police unwilling to communicate - dismissive
Not interested in my case. Refused to even hear what I had to say when I stopped at approx. 1555 hours.
Sunday, June 16, 2019
Got 3 hours of sleep last night and
head feels like is about to explode...all day long - will get up at 3am(in just 3 hours) and go to wok with dont even have idea what type of lunacy did Polish police created. You give your best to the point you are on brink of stroke and heart attack(cardiac arrest due to unrest) and this is as far as they take whole thing(left without CDL license and even glasses)...SICKENING !!!
My brain area big time swollen again(will I get any sleep at all).
My brain area big time swollen again(will I get any sleep at all).
Nope, I am not leaving Poland - not even Grotniki/Ustronie area
If worst come to worst, I will lodge in Zgierz temp. - but will be back 100%.
Was asked by few people today...I once was thinking about even leaving, and have spent next day not feelng well...decided not to even give it a try agai(about leaving one). I like language/people...and will fight for these views.
Its critical sure to steal me even work qualufication related document(specially when police does it), but no...I didnt even think about it again. If I would only not be her biggest sorrow/pain...
Was asked by few people today...I once was thinking about even leaving, and have spent next day not feelng well...decided not to even give it a try agai(about leaving one). I like language/people...and will fight for these views.
Its critical sure to steal me even work qualufication related document(specially when police does it), but no...I didnt even think about it again. If I would only not be her biggest sorrow/pain...
Yes I made some mistakes here and there, but also pointed out details that made owners surprised - all the way to 2002 baby. Again recognized...
No doubt I prevailed. Dont like using fulish word "won", after 25 years of my life went up chimney. Thank you to all who helped me out today by answering questions off course.
No doubt I prevailed. Dont like using fulish word "won", after 25 years of my life went up chimney. Thank you to all who helped me out today by answering questions off course.
Yes yes
there was this court house two blicks toward lake just paralel to Dolga street where police station is located. Never supisedly was in one but I can identify one for sure. Is 5 min away.
While somehow I feel any partnership is better than none
cant stop asking myself if its worth paying price for what goes on accross Eastern Europe.
The answer:
It is if you want to build second USSR. But for return wise(socioeconomic), dont be affraid of third world. You get today more in return from Thailand than Russia.Its poor and unreliable. More than anything sickening for entire planet(dangerous for you too).
Elefants in porcelan store.
The answer:
It is if you want to build second USSR. But for return wise(socioeconomic), dont be affraid of third world. You get today more in return from Thailand than Russia.Its poor and unreliable. More than anything sickening for entire planet(dangerous for you too).
Elefants in porcelan store.
In Slovenia, Belarus, Poland, and Russia undoubtedly
silicon masks were used is certain cases. They immitated anywhere from Bush to Angela Merkel to incite in hatred/paranoia.
When I think about it over cant help to ask myself what good did this to me/you!??? The partnership with these counhtries does pay!!??? What do you get in return !!??
When I think about it over cant help to ask myself what good did this to me/you!??? The partnership with these counhtries does pay!!??? What do you get in return !!??
Zgierz police would brought me for goofing to another lication near bye polkuce headquarters...
paralel to ul. Douga a court or something(could akso where jail was/is) - 5 min away...going to 2002/2003 now...
Zgierz police compelled me in 2003 under MKultra into rape situations(started to groom me to become rapist myself). Will describe all on how was done.
Will go into very closecdetails on how and who.
Zgierz police compelled me in 2003 under MKultra into rape situations(started to groom me to become rapist myself). Will describe all on how was done.
Will go into very closecdetails on how and who.
Best advice if you ever get into something simuilar
Dont belive their smiles(unless you know them really well or are children) nor believe their tears...just remain yourself no matter what. Stay focused on life because its what they want from you.
Number of irrational(emotion seeking through sickening issues) situations in Poland which I have experienced for the past 11 months was sky high. Going after every little piece of sanity that remains in one if somehow dares to pickhimself up.
Number of irrational(emotion seeking through sickening issues) situations in Poland which I have experienced for the past 11 months was sky high. Going after every little piece of sanity that remains in one if somehow dares to pickhimself up.
I dont want to sound disappointing even like this. I have to fight to remain human being. The bigest mistake people commit is when they give into drugs, alchohol, or even cigarettes. Allow enemy to intimidate with misbehavior to the point that makes them feel as whole world is against them...turn into themselves and reject world as a place to live...
Just try to imagine
to be brought from US to location where females wear hijabs(inside immigration centers)...where mostly Arabic alike language(Chechen) is spoken...people look so different...Russians and others interract...they are assisted by Slovenian, Serbian psychiatric are taken out on streets like a dog on lish drugged up...its language(Polish) you dont understand(Polish)... you are terrorized/ life threatened on daily bases...humiliated, degraded, deprived of basic needs..this was my second life - life paralel to forced unemployment which gradually turned into psychiatric torture by ," we no longer want you in are disgrace for US dont deserve to be US citizen...we will kill you if you dont leave"...
Went on since 1995(end) to 2017...thats 23 years.
Went on since 1995(end) to 2017...thats 23 years.
All the bikes(either bike used) are marked by GPS devices according to police
There was just few bikes for sale when buying one and out of those just two responded. One individual which wanted to remind me of his MKultra involvement and another one who sold bike.
And my crime in US !!???
What was it !!??? I have done what get this !!??? I know expression "dog life" is bad, but this !!????
Pointing flashlights with revolvers in one, demonst
demonstrating destruction of tents, jailing me inside of Zgierz police headquarters(there must be a jail department there or near bye as I can give discription of interior) where slapped/pushed, life threatened...transported to Belarus and in Kaliningrad - threatened with issues such as "if I will dare to open my mouths" when under real circumstances what will follow...
Polish police explained all about what will be destroyed(even on what am allowed to say and what not) in advance - cables, chargers, etc..even shoes
Instructed on how to keep equipment protected to help me prove my case. If I would turn against them in fact, there wouldnt be protection but instead assistance of individuals whom they used to destroy my belongings.
20 hour video series is coming respect to issues mentioned here. Need you to get real feel on where I was brought from US and what for.
20 hour video series is coming respect to issues mentioned here. Need you to get real feel on where I was brought from US and what for.
Bike is falling appart already
That was fast after just four dats or so.
This was the bike sold to Americans already(owner for whom I was told under MKultra is ex police officer or is closely related to them) who had yet another bike for sale. Same trick was used as when bikes were sold to Americans. Mine had breaks working and cost was 100 Pln while other one new tires cost 160Pln. Breaks as told under MKultra can be adjusted, tires not - take expensive one etc.
What Americans created with teur presence in respect to jobs(lawn cut etc.), made things impossible for me.
This was the bike sold to Americans already(owner for whom I was told under MKultra is ex police officer or is closely related to them) who had yet another bike for sale. Same trick was used as when bikes were sold to Americans. Mine had breaks working and cost was 100 Pln while other one new tires cost 160Pln. Breaks as told under MKultra can be adjusted, tires not - take expensive one etc.
What Americans created with teur presence in respect to jobs(lawn cut etc.), made things impossible for me.
Was told on how I will be destroyed after elections via police which would be after me on every step
Would love nothing more. Wherever 25 years of life went, the rest can follow as well.
After yesterdays incident, this place feels finally like a real home(as the one in Slovenia).
After yesterdays incident, this place feels finally like a real home(as the one in Slovenia).
Will issue 20 hour documentary on Polish police - incl. Border guards/immigration
Very important to understand what was expected of me to become(be). I should say settle for. I got sleep 3 hours today and was woken up with super hypertension - head area. Police officer and frequent visitor of Novo mesto(was in our house as well) whose son is in Norway(man who bagged Norwegians Scandinavians to surrender MKultra ca$$e to Poland instead) was very playful in respect to this issue and have suggested in 2015 inside of this very room(police and border patrol well well evaluated this facility) how there are radiation features integrated in walls and whole thing operated electronically. Truth or not as they lied in about 80% of the time, I do not know, but sure is most severe torture. Here is what wifi looked like tonight. Same yesterday. Whatever was used for torture was turned off just 10 minutes ago or so as one can feel relief. Mist likely electromagnetic radiation is used via walls.
Saturday, June 15, 2019
Half of the Zgierz police are nothing more than trained criminals
They belueve can do as pleased. Have pointed revolvers in me in abandoned buildings in case I would stay in them and so on...
I like it when you push me in the corner.
I like it when you push me in the corner.
Jailed, beaten up, threatened/intimidated
its now everything between me and Zgierz police.
Now you will get to know real me.
Now you will get to know real me.
Zgierz police had me imprisoned under MKultra
They tortured via prison issues. Tall police officer which responded and insisted on my having physical conflict with Belarus individual whom they moved in my room was the one. He hit and challanged with violence...
We will see now.
We will see now.
@Polish police
Nothing changes
Life goes on. I am still heartbroken but will be okay over time.
Many beautiful women in Poland and PiS just a piss in the wind(Kaczynski openly day dreamed to Trump about wanting to become dictator).
Many beautiful women in Poland and PiS just a piss in the wind(Kaczynski openly day dreamed to Trump about wanting to become dictator).
Have seen lots lots of American cars in Poland lately
and was told case would be if things wouldnt worked out well in Poland "help you" return and so on(F** you)...
Well, those with such a great intentions who created all these and are trying now to just fix issues of the past shouldnt worry about me and US any longer. I didnt come here because of her. I came here to record Nowy Torg(collect MKultra proofs since I was in vicinity) and then well...Zakopane and to stay(try Polish asylum protection) since I had no place left. "Place left" means US is dead for me and one practically doesnt exist other than for busines purposes. Perhaps one day I return for a visit, but this will be after reaching financial settlement. US is in my eyes exteemelly dangerous country if financially unstable.
Well, those with such a great intentions who created all these and are trying now to just fix issues of the past shouldnt worry about me and US any longer. I didnt come here because of her. I came here to record Nowy Torg(collect MKultra proofs since I was in vicinity) and then well...Zakopane and to stay(try Polish asylum protection) since I had no place left. "Place left" means US is dead for me and one practically doesnt exist other than for busines purposes. Perhaps one day I return for a visit, but this will be after reaching financial settlement. US is in my eyes exteemelly dangerous country if financially unstable.
Never had anything like it in my life time
That you wouldnt get sleep, bag for sanity on streets in foreign country while being attacked with directed energy weapons, life threatened, rush on bike to hour distanced job at 0400am, and get mugged by police for everything incl. documents after everything was destroyed is just a bit over extreme.
Quote taken from her wall/facebook page. Told under MKultra in advance case would be.
Quote taken from her wall/facebook page. Told under MKultra in advance case would be.
At the end of the day
you will know me by your deeds - good or bad is up to you, but you will know me.
Never ever tell what I need
marry Polish to stay in Poland etc. Remember your Polish state ruined me Slovenian and US citizenship.
And the more damage you cause me, the less access you will have to me. Stealing even wallet with personal IDs and last 30 Euros for the sake of "what I need" at age 47(BECAUSE O YOU, SO WOULD BE YOU) was the worst thing you have done to yourself.
I left 600m2 house at age 23 becàuse I wanted to provide in life and not depend on. You understand nothing and know nothing about human nature. Its a manipulation through human degradation, abuse, torture, and not love.
And the more damage you cause me, the less access you will have to me. Stealing even wallet with personal IDs and last 30 Euros for the sake of "what I need" at age 47(BECAUSE O YOU, SO WOULD BE YOU) was the worst thing you have done to yourself.
I left 600m2 house at age 23 becàuse I wanted to provide in life and not depend on. You understand nothing and know nothing about human nature. Its a manipulation through human degradation, abuse, torture, and not love.
MKultra is a death sentence - trying to pull myself out with proofs of one for already 24 years
Forced joblesness, psychiatry, and what you have seen on my page is what follows.
If you have seen victim of this type of human degradation/torture or you may be his/her parent/uncle, know that person was sentenced to death and will unlikely survive curruption which governs main human rights institutions/courts such as UN/ICC/ and specially EU Court for Human Rights. Victim will most likely even regret surviving one in case "if" somehow...
If you have seen victim of this type of human degradation/torture or you may be his/her parent/uncle, know that person was sentenced to death and will unlikely survive curruption which governs main human rights institutions/courts such as UN/ICC/ and specially EU Court for Human Rights. Victim will most likely even regret surviving one in case "if" somehow...
ICC in bed with Russians - I told you
ICC(International Criminal Court) became a club of criminals and not that one would represent interests of people/justice.
I am certain North Korea(if given chance) would do just as good or better since one learned and learns from Russia. Iran likewise.
My case was maliciously turned down by ICC(Mark Dillon) and you can see why. Russia not even a member of ICC...
Curruption does miracles on this world.
I am certain North Korea(if given chance) would do just as good or better since one learned and learns from Russia. Iran likewise.
My case was maliciously turned down by ICC(Mark Dillon) and you can see why. Russia not even a member of ICC...
Curruption does miracles on this world.
Despite all
I am determined to stay in Poland for better or worse.
A bit rocky beginning, but will never ever turn back to those who believed in me. Many like this exist in Poland.
A bit rocky beginning, but will never ever turn back to those who believed in me. Many like this exist in Poland.
Wallet stollen at flea market - police refused assistance
Stolen 16gb sd card with videos etc., debit card(50+ Zloty), 80 Zloty cash, passwords for all online accounts, personal IDs, CDL drivers license, Polish emblem and so on. Everything I had valuable. Police didnt only refused to assist, but is involved in theft alone. 5 hours of work(hour away with bike - 4am) didnt pay off today.
I am asking UN to stop this inhumane degrading explotational methods used against me by Polish state. Thank you.
I am asking UN to stop this inhumane degrading explotational methods used against me by Polish state. Thank you.
Will release entire tape about how things went on.
ps. I never ever asked you for help. Just wanted you because you claimed something that didnt exist on first place(you lied all arround) and consequnetly ruined whatever was left out of my life.
ps. I never ever asked you for help. Just wanted you because you claimed something that didnt exist on first place(you lied all arround) and consequnetly ruined whatever was left out of my life.
Wallet stollen - police refused to assist
We werenever ever further and we never ever will be further from one another as we are now. THIS ONE REFUSES TO BE SAVED BY YOU.
I wouldnt accept a chewing gum from you or a glass of water knowing I would die from thirst.
Good luck saving whomever and whatever.
Good luck saving whomever and whatever.
37 vs 47
You had life(not a good one and the one you wanted, but at least something), I had none.
I have identified several people
know abiut their previous residences and even way beyond...way way beyond all tge way to 2002/2003 !!!!
I call UN to get involved in this ordeal.
No sleep for me whatever they use. Iam experiencing even carpal syndrom.
I call UN to get involved in this ordeal.
No sleep for me whatever they use. Iam experiencing even carpal syndrom.
Friday, June 14, 2019
IDENTIFIED: Goes to 1995
Trump came first to Zgierz in 1995 - project was abandoned because we wouldn't return for another 4 years. Today, however, I have identified location and have proofs for one.
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
DEAD: 27 Years Old Philadelphia's First Openly Gay Deputy Sheriff Found Dead Ahead Of Pride Parade
Gun wounds in 27 year olds that have everything going in life are as strange as deaths of those who beat themselfs to death.
I told you, it will be a buisy year.
I told you, it will be a buisy year.
Who is scared of Johnson !!????
I see nothing wrong with man.
People yeah, but which people and why(the most important part) !!???? Is this why !!????
34 Years old Belarus KGB criminal was again busy walking and talking accross the night - he also hosted Chechen individual inside of the room.
90% of people(incl. Chechens) are good people and love me, but 10% were nothing other than trouble makers which took orders from two Belarus individuals.
Story with bikes/cars would preferbly end(according to mental patients which created MKultra) with my having broken either of the two options and them riding away with good used cars...
Schizophrenic Slovenian state played on mainradio station on Sundays just
in1991(till 1991) all day long WWll songs on Sundays...while having natives seach for work all over Europe.
Now/today - Eastern European shizos have MKultra instrument and via torture and employment deprivation(thanks to Trump) accuse normal human beings of being paranoid and mentally sick....
Now/today - Eastern European shizos have MKultra instrument and via torture and employment deprivation(thanks to Trump) accuse normal human beings of being paranoid and mentally sick....
Italy, Hungary, Croatia should simply
seal Slovenian border and same should be done with Serbia by neighbors till justice systems of the two dont reach European normatives(its the same as they import the worst from Russia and export stolen money in one). Enough of insane Russian violence in Europe and in Russia alone.
Putan Putanowich loosing grip on Russia - freed journalist accused of being even drug dealer
No doubt, Putin's dictatorship is coming to an end in Russia. There were others and still are who remain jailed. Pay attention to cage which are still being used on Russian courts. Total bestialia. North Korea and in Iran in fact learn from insane Russian justice system.
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
Bought bike today despite all
Needed in 2 hours and half distant village. Will see how it ends.
Remote play with library computers in Zgierz
Librarian ladies are not doing this, but there is someone that has technical ability to perform just stuff as seen here.
Video can be also seen at
Video can be also seen at
Monday, June 10, 2019
Life these days is worth close to nothing and
perpetrators are willing to go as far as possible to prove their point of kill. 25 years of life ruined by MKultra in this case.
It took a lots of power/will to get to this stage.
It took a lots of power/will to get to this stage.
If not bringing with you hope/love wherever you go
then why even go !!?????
I lived by the laws and in hope wherver I went(was like this in N. America as well as accross the W. Europe). Saying this because it didnt and still doesnt match goals of those who brought me here under MKultra.
You most severely violated your own laws, int. treaties. Off course I was also worth nothing to you when job was done(best I wouldnt even exist). Time for another nowelty(another lie/scam). "IT NEVER HAPPENED"
I lived by the laws and in hope wherver I went(was like this in N. America as well as accross the W. Europe). Saying this because it didnt and still doesnt match goals of those who brought me here under MKultra.
You most severely violated your own laws, int. treaties. Off course I was also worth nothing to you when job was done(best I wouldnt even exist). Time for another nowelty(another lie/scam). "IT NEVER HAPPENED"
Love you Poland just the way you look
Want to change nothing about you other than economy(military structure) for better and your self consciousness about just how precious you are as you are.
Horrified by Norwegians, Belgians, Lux, and others(will not even go into German issues).
Have seen some beautiful ladies/people yesterday and wondered what was with me to take the worst turn against them under MKultra.
IDENTIFIED: For everything stated as identified I have audio recording proofs
Sequence of how farms were built, what bridge looked like prior to renovation, houses built, old paths covered and so on - all confirmed by natives. And in two last pists its again 66% about 2002/2003...
Sunday, June 9, 2019
They know what it means...what I want to know is basically what UN is waiting for. I feel my future(not only present) is being blackmailed by those which supposedly would assist people like mysellf. They are pushing illegitimate options on table. Thus disowning me from my own case.
Saturday, June 8, 2019
Despite all
I am staying in Zgierz - Grotniki area. German adds for work are all in vain for nothing. WILL GO NOWHERE - MY HOME NOW IS POLAND.
Your time is coming Kaczynski/Morawiecki.
Your time is coming Kaczynski/Morawiecki.
German guy survived entire summer camping next to lake as seen
Walked to library where electricity was. Police, however, discouraged and boasted on how they demolished(confiscated) tents in area.
It was a real hysteria in Decathlon store in Lodz where all were buying tents.
Meaning police has super overview in this case on how one would try to survive ordeal(know people where you would leave tent and perhaps even intimidate them). My situation just 100x more screwed up than what Americans had going on.
It was a real hysteria in Decathlon store in Lodz where all were buying tents.
Meaning police has super overview in this case on how one would try to survive ordeal(know people where you would leave tent and perhaps even intimidate them). My situation just 100x more screwed up than what Americans had going on.
Belarus KGB criminal destroyed(dented) phone already few days after purchase
Telephone had plastic foil over rear area where camera is...either(most likely) during my sleep(they have AGAIN used directed energy with such intensity when I bought one that I experienced gravity issues - hypertension in rear of the head seemed was totally uncontrolable - compelled me to change side of tge bed on what pillow was taken from under the head) or when I forgot one, he squeezed with finger nails area to cause dent. It was not visible till plastic foil fell off and I felt have no reason to worry as most likely was just a factory mistake(not broken, but dented - couldnt be due to fall, but visibly pushed inside by finger nails or some other object - will demonstrate on video).
But then today(bought this phone a month ago or so), phone fell on floor(not a big fall - small fall) on what he became very excited. I inspected phone on which no visible damages exist other that stated above and I begun to understand also why he got so excited(tried to psychologically impact by asserting "hey, you cant say anything now"). He also destroyed charger and headphones and perhaps even shoes.
Telephone fell off because of my being compelled to drag bacpacks with me evenin in shower area - or this or more destruction takes place.
Power bank was destroyed in a same way...fell off in room and worked for next week on what one was destroyed.
I have forgotten phone also in the room twice and same was with power bank.
Its about Jurij who just like Hassan sleeps 24/7 inside of the room(34 years old). Not interested in work whatsoever...the same thing.
But then today(bought this phone a month ago or so), phone fell on floor(not a big fall - small fall) on what he became very excited. I inspected phone on which no visible damages exist other that stated above and I begun to understand also why he got so excited(tried to psychologically impact by asserting "hey, you cant say anything now"). He also destroyed charger and headphones and perhaps even shoes.
Telephone fell off because of my being compelled to drag bacpacks with me evenin in shower area - or this or more destruction takes place.
Power bank was destroyed in a same way...fell off in room and worked for next week on what one was destroyed.
I have forgotten phone also in the room twice and same was with power bank.
Its about Jurij who just like Hassan sleeps 24/7 inside of the room(34 years old). Not interested in work whatsoever...the same thing.
Will not buy even a bike for 30$
American had his bike even inside of the room and was destroyed...
They had me watch destroying car while American owner was working inside of factory...
This is a sicker than sick place(NO ANDROID, NO BIKE AND NO CAR ALLOWED).
They had me watch destroying car while American owner was working inside of factory...
This is a sicker than sick place(NO ANDROID, NO BIKE AND NO CAR ALLOWED).
Friday, June 7, 2019
This morning yet another path was recognized and confirmed by residents as legitimate - MKultra 2002
Path was erased, fenced, building structure appeared and so on...but my memory from 2002 preserved ;)
Many many MKultra audios/proofsmust online -little time do.
Many many MKultra audios/proofsmust online -little time do.
Just prepare tooth brush(you and Morawiecki).
I am the most powerful man in Poland now and will return one to people as was before my arrival to Poland via which case Poland was brought to knees(MKULTRA TERROR).
Kaczynski first brought to knees people in selected small cities and then Lodz/Warsaw. Now, world sees who and what he is all about(not Poland only).
I am the most powerful man in Poland now and will return one to people as was before my arrival to Poland via which case Poland was brought to knees(MKULTRA TERROR).
Kaczynski first brought to knees people in selected small cities and then Lodz/Warsaw. Now, world sees who and what he is all about(not Poland only).
- FEAR NO MORE !!! You will again be REAL Polish citizens and not Soviet domain as the case is.
Thursday, June 6, 2019
How was with used cars in Poland
Two Americans that bought used cars were left without anything according to MKultra. They broke cars and bicycles at the center alone and if not at the center tgen wherever those would be parked. Cost of repairs eventually greately exceeded monthly pay and that was it. Destroyed.
A place to stay and bike.
A place to stay and bike.
Pawłowicz(involved in Polish MKultra from begining - super close associate of Kaczynski) complains about becoming homeless
I have already stated and explained in details that Kaczynski is a severaly mentally disturbed(man is mentally ill psychopath) individual and here you can see latest(for what I was told will be my #1 fan in Poland - in fact that she will see herself in my skin in order to help me), developement of his favorite troll. She became increasingly hyperactive with Jewish property reinstitution question for which it was expected from me to go balistic about against Jews(give her a public boost via blog). If I dont go homeless(get my own place and job) as you see, I will endup dead. To her and Kaczynski, whole thing is rather entertaining. Fun. Will not forget trip via Poland to Ukraine in 2017 when I went 5 days without sleep. Well established torture sleep deprivation methods within state of Poland.
Pawlowicz is a millionaire.
Pawlowicz is a millionaire.
What the hell is going on with UN !!????
Became a friend of Trumpofascism or what !!???
Never ever heard from them after sending them even faxes with urgency requests to Geneva.
Never ever heard from them after sending them even faxes with urgency requests to Geneva.
Torture now concentrated to split my nights on half
As I took small jobs, sleep is now split on half. No longer awake at 0450, but at 0350. Once awake a loughter caughing from Belarus(young KGB individual) individual again commenced. They did this yesterday and today.
Yeah, they would love nothing more than to place me to hospital and its why I have to even increase work to get out of this diabolical Russian concentration camp system(this is how it works). Trump is well armed with Russian criminals within Polish "immigration system". Seems is running whole operation.
My legament injury didnt improve much and is critical. Now you get the game.
Yeah, they would love nothing more than to place me to hospital and its why I have to even increase work to get out of this diabolical Russian concentration camp system(this is how it works). Trump is well armed with Russian criminals within Polish "immigration system". Seems is running whole operation.
My legament injury didnt improve much and is critical. Now you get the game.
Wednesday, June 5, 2019
"Bones of Bubruysk pigs" to be Unearthed at Belarus Building Site
Slovenian Polish Belarus Russian fascism which I have experienced for entire 22 years(on every hill in Slovenia was according to Borut Pahor Israeli sniper waiting for me whilke in Belarus/Poland, Jews are gonna buy me - hijack me at any moment to Israel - FASCISM HATRED VIA TERRORISM AND TEROR UNPRECEDENTED) ended eventually with promise of Belarus genious Lukashenko on how he will have to unearth what you see here(what he calls Bubrujsk pigs) if I will not stick to a nazism and counter Jews. Its what Kaczynski anticipated case would be when confiscated Polish properties would come in question :)))))
There is nothing human about real pigs that are running Poland, Slovakia, Czech rep., Russia, Slovenia and so are a real sick filthy pigs who live for hate.
And you are on your own !!!
Good for you Jews to be seen as human beings. NEVER AGAIN - HERE EITHER !!!
Slovenian Polish Belarus Russian fascism which I have experienced for entire 22 years(on every hill in Slovenia was according to Borut Pahor Israeli sniper waiting for me whilke in Belarus/Poland, Jews are gonna buy me - hijack me at any moment to Israel - FASCISM HATRED VIA TERRORISM AND TEROR UNPRECEDENTED) ended eventually with promise of Belarus genious Lukashenko on how he will have to unearth what you see here(what he calls Bubrujsk pigs) if I will not stick to a nazism and counter Jews. Its what Kaczynski anticipated case would be when confiscated Polish properties would come in question :)))))
There is nothing human about real pigs that are running Poland, Slovakia, Czech rep., Russia, Slovenia and so are a real sick filthy pigs who live for hate.
And you are on your own !!!
Good for you Jews to be seen as human beings. NEVER AGAIN - HERE EITHER !!!
Slovakia pushing North Korea located on European continent into EU
Becomes obvious why I was attacked in Slovakia by Slovak police with powerful directed energy wepons that could even knowck me of my feet when approaching to police station where I filed for political asylum.
Thank you for this news.
Becomes obvious why I was attacked in Slovakia by Slovak police with powerful directed energy wepons that could even knowck me of my feet when approaching to police station where I filed for political asylum.
Thank you for this news.
What was identified
😆😆....first impeach( since you don't want directly arrest one, and then I come. THE "deal"of the art in this case is no deal.
Tuesday, June 4, 2019
Yet another huge area identified - years of buildings remodeled(buildings described on how they look inside and how they looked before remodeling - again going to 2002 - mid 2006)), owners identified
and so on ;) think people will soon loudly start to recognize me.
If you can support my work, please do so by visiting my support page. Thank you...
1) Place to stay
2) Bike
3) Car
4) House and eventually family.
If you can support my work, please do so by visiting my support page. Thank you...
1) Place to stay
2) Bike
3) Car
4) House and eventually family.
Library closed again
I would agree to just close one down permanently. She never leaves notice about next day intentions. Allegro box arrived infront of library(150meters from immigration center) just about month ago(who cares anyways). Library signes also changed to more presentable if you remember old ones(all about month ago)..
Trump a match for El Chapo - not Clintons
What private emails...just look what we have going on in US alone and what US is seen as a result globally as...much before Obama, we had Trump meeting Putin in respect to Ukraine. In person; not via emails.
Clintons stopped massacre on Balkans if this is what Moscow wants to blame them for via Trump. Pathetic Russian propaganda goes in.
Clintons stopped massacre on Balkans if this is what Moscow wants to blame them for via Trump. Pathetic Russian propaganda goes in.
There is a black hairy little snicky little creature still arround
Its about little cute cute black dog(must not be so young anymore either as he got not only me yesterday, but also at least two Americans) that loooooves to pretend is not as bad as it looks....but when he is given a friendly chance, he sure gets a little chunk of you 😁😂😂😂😂. Little beast is still arround. To live in Grotnikih, you must love dogs. Almost every home here has dogs(1/2).
Spotted her earlier that day wondering arround me, and I guess she just decided to inspect me then or whatever
Video can be also seen at
Wish you all beautiful day. Love Grotniki and will most likely stay here for good. Will post you some forest photos...
The difference between El Chapo and Trump is
that one seats in jail and the other in White House - other than that NONE. World safer with El Chapo than fascist Trump.
I am pleasantly surprised by Prince Harry
Ia completelly different person
And since MKultra involved "beautiful" people Borut Pahor/ Kaczynski, Zeman, Putin etc., I wonder more and more about it all(referring to some very awakward MKultra situations in Slovenia/ Poland - not US or in UK).
And since MKultra involved "beautiful" people Borut Pahor/ Kaczynski, Zeman, Putin etc., I wonder more and more about it all(referring to some very awakward MKultra situations in Slovenia/ Poland - not US or in UK).
Awaking changed to 0450 for already a month now
Belarus Jurij walked all night long and its his regular procedure. Walk talk at midnight 0100, 0200 hours is normal.
Monday, June 3, 2019
Obtained more proofs about myself and Americans in Grotnikih :))) in case anything here can be disputed)
Videos are coming, but right now employment us #1 priority.
Never happened to America to land as low as this
This used to be the country of courage and now look what one became. Sad sad sad...enemies loughing at us from all sides of the globe.
American neonazi gangster spreads newly found American message of "love" accross the globe
God !!??? Land of the free and brave !!???
Bigotry, hatred, sadism, rape...ohhh, can't you see...
Star spanngled banner
O say can you see, by the dawn's early light,
Sunday, June 2, 2019
Will release detailed video on this Polish Gambinos tomorrow
I dont care about Polish immigration laws any longer. Will release anywhere from incitement into racism(owners very very upset with me not to take Moscowian fascist view) to what present roomate produced...
I cover up for this criminals no less than 10months - it was not enough to keep silent about what they alone have done under MKultra(2002 - 2017)a nd what was allowed to go on for 10 monthgs real time. They wanted more proofs of "sanity"...
I cover up for this criminals no less than 10months - it was not enough to keep silent about what they alone have done under MKultra(2002 - 2017)a nd what was allowed to go on for 10 monthgs real time. They wanted more proofs of "sanity"...
Bribes, crime - anything you want via state immigration system
Private immigration location at Polish Gambino family. You get anything you pay for in Poland just as Belarus KGB criminal alone have stated...its all on sale.
One one side life/freedom(what you see through the window) and on the other where licated despite twpo citizenships
a Russian Belarus KGB criminal who tortured under MKultra and socks drying in near bye forest to avoid having them yet again slashed with knife...
Playing with adult man's socks and using criminal who tortured as a roomate - authorize him to yell at his victim and even life threaten one. Touch him and you are hospitalised. Yeah, this is Polish immigrationin the center of Poland.
Playing with adult man's socks and using criminal who tortured as a roomate - authorize him to yell at his victim and even life threaten one. Touch him and you are hospitalised. Yeah, this is Polish immigrationin the center of Poland.
Was asked over and over if I would like to stay in Poland
By people which stopped me and those whom I meet on streets and so on...
Get used to it...YES. Its not that "I would like to", its I wiil stay in Poland and right in this city where people know me the most through the worst.
And if I will experience problems which Kaczynski and his followers indicated under MKultra torture, think Saakashvilli and read over answer to above sentence.
Get used to it...YES. Its not that "I would like to", its I wiil stay in Poland and right in this city where people know me the most through the worst.
And if I will experience problems which Kaczynski and his followers indicated under MKultra torture, think Saakashvilli and read over answer to above sentence.
Ukraine(WORLD incl US) must reject Trump type of fascist gangster politics
Case of my own is being used to condition US congress and foreign politicians Zelensky alike with issues that should never be subject of speculations.
My case should never ever happened, but it did for the sake of curruption experimentation on world's stage.
My case should never ever happened, but it did for the sake of curruption experimentation on world's stage.
Desperate Trump(main KGB asset on the West) kicked out of UK as the case should be all over the world now seeks sympathy with newly elected president Zelensky
#1 - evaluation of Zelensky by Trump advisor on what official invitation followed
two hours and half to upload 450mb(what two videos bellow are) to internet
Wherever I went internet was either cut or speed reduced to nothing on what I foubd single location where internet functioned and it was in front of psychologists office where one met today on Sunday with owner.
Kaczynski is 500+ new lottery alchohol alike USSR law for pensioners children increase
Video can be seen also at
Backpack cut infront of library
video can be also seen at
Saturday, June 1, 2019
Owner of this place did nothing but
assisted Russians in crime and terror of greater Grotniki area. Natives terrorized because of him and his family. Have produce child on the side via rape(Zgierz area).
I have nothing to do with them other than what is known ad court.
I have nothing to do with them other than what is known ad court.
Notice to immigration center owner in Grotnikih
You are a low life criminals who foremost need to be held responsible according to laws and not someone I would mediate through whatever.
You are a low life criminals who foremost need to be held responsible according to laws and not someone I would mediate through whatever.
Shoot Babushka - Not Putin
Stalin was served hot tea, Putin gets instead for his "well performed work" 200 billion USD and a custom limousine. Beyond sickening.
Internet gone, prohibition to even mention word "government", 20 million Russians on $140 per month, 13000 corpses in Ukraine(stolen Crimea and Easter part of Ukraine - two brothers in war for ethernity), terrorism accross the Europe, and so on...he got a lot a lot for NOTHING(for stealing whatever I personally brought to negotiation table and turn it into terrorism/war tool against brotherly nations) !!!!
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