Thursday, May 2, 2019

MKULTRA - I was one of the first Americans who crossed into North Korea(all about Otto Warmbier case and Donald Trump who created me).

What really happened to Otto !!???? Updated on Friday, January 15, 2021 

Donald Trump delivered(lured one brainwashed into deadly trap possibly even via MK Ultra crime) one to North Korea and have him executed on what one delivered to Kim Jong Un 2 million Dollars in cash for "Otto's medical treatments". Kim Jong Un got paid for assassination also known as obligation - typical criminal contract via SILENCE CODE(if you tell we are both screwed and code was presented to US congress members as yet another obligation of foreign authority willing to peruse NWO's neonazi plan - further on just how much Trump is capable)....

Original article:

Now I can finally reveal who I am and the whole moltitude behind my case. For this news I was told in advance will be rejected by Mr. Kim and one gives a bit leverage(credit for what he created and even ability to temporary maneuver case with lies - but the key word here is "temporary" as I will not agree to any terms/conditions from Trump team) for which I am absolutely not asking to Trump. I reject him in everything he has to offer and will strictly deal via previously mentioned human rights/courts agencies.

I brought Americans and others as a well anticipated enterntainement where those couldnt even dream would be possible to get and was in return rejected/ruined. Could watch my brothers pileup hundreds of billions of Dollars while shivering for bear life - "We don't want you in America any more !!! It is a shame you are US citizen"(told in 2009 in greater Seattle area when blacklisted on job market by roomate - involved in MKultra roomate as they wouldnt allow me to even rent place of my own with savings in pocket).

Uglier than ugly is the truth and ugly we are family !!! Am I right boys !!???

Kazakhstan, Iran, Chechnya, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Egypt, India, and many other locations...

Here is who I am and its why I ask United Nations yet again to step in the case immediately.

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