Sunday, October 16, 2022

XI JINPING IS A THREAT TO HUMANITY - NOT ONLY CHINESE NEIGHBORS: Adolf Xi Jinping Stalin Hitler and his Chinese "communist party" reserves the right to use force over Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, Bhutan, Nepal, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, North and South Korea, Japan, Phillipines Malaysia - any neighboring country

What started with tiny Hong Kong, grew into bigger Taiwan and after Taiwan it will grow

into all of the above....starts always with smaller ends with war against whole world - history repeats itself....@Xi Jinping - Am I right !!????

I hope Western allies respond promptly to this violence coming from China and Chinese alone were robbed of bank savings - wouldn't go into concentration camps created for Uighur people or Himalaya/Nepal issues as problems with China are where one borders other nations and within China itself....Xi Jinping's illness will not stop short anywhere just as the case is with Putin - yesterday was Chechnya, Ukrainian Crimea and Ukrainian Donetsk then entire Ukraine - it will grew into war with Baltic states, war with Poland, Romania and others...UN should condemn Chinese state as the enemy of humanity - call Chinese government to give Chinese immediate access to their bank savings and end great Xi Stalin Jinping Hitler expansionism which already brought horror to the world in the past - no less than 70 million lives were lost during WW2 and exactly because of what we witness is taking place today....Chinese people need support from United Nations NOW - TODAY...not when those are silenced with use of sticks sent to "rehabilitation camps" needs to impose trade embargo on China till Xi Jinping is gone and before one will drown in "Sea of Tears"(South China Sea)....

Just like Putin - Adolf Xi Jinping Stalin Hitler and his Chinese "communist party" reserves the right to Hitler and Stalin(not the right to to use force over Taiwan - Xi Jinping's China is a global problem and not only regional) in another words - should be thrown out of United Nations.

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