Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Trump's son out of wedlock dreamed about acrylamide(had acrylamide obsession due to experiencing according to him same symptoms I do with sound in ears) - carcinogen

Acrylamide that they(along with other Americans - really Trump team when in Poland) came to conclusion wouldn't cause cancer if given in single large quantity to victim, but other possible mixtures would - claimed that US Government is using cancerous substances to cause people cancer in US. Just thinking about Alexander Litvinenko here and I am unsure what to really even think...China is blamed for Corona-virus and tiny American labs are capable to find medication to one within almost hours(days the most)....aids and other gaarbage blamed on nature/others, but in fact MADE IN USA/GB/GERMANY.

There was a heavy obsession(Chris from Colorado had one) about what coffee to buy and why - processed and not processed...roasted...whole thing was obsession.

Sure enough if you know the symptoms of certain disease, you can easily find the way to replicate them with use of chemicals till those turn into chronically cancerous conditions....I am certain US Government knows here mentioned technology(this is just one of many). Tearing spine within three months - have number of boxes to be lifted counted to the last to cause exactly border disc fracture injury is a job of well calculated ahead by physicians/therapists....not nature...not even employer used for their purpose as they gestured above(cancer wise) would also be my case if I would not comply...


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