Saturday, April 9, 2022

TAIWAN NEWS: Japan to happily purchase entire Russian titanium supply after Boeing(WELL AGREED AHEAD WITH RUSSIA AND JAPAN) steps aside

Taiwan is a 24 million people country for which Japan claimed me was an important part for Japan/S. Korea of sea trail leading from Philippines/Indonesia Australia.

Both sides heavily involved in MK Ultra had discussed with Russia TUTORING ME ABOUT "HAIRS" TRADE ISSUE on what/how to see/understand even in relations to future government allowed/not allowed trade connections - prepare in advance for crises and switch tables with companies/government from other countries if anticipating your own government to face default on certain issue.


After Boeing rejected Russian titanium, Japanese companies picked up large orders?Japan's titanium reserves ranks second in the world
2022-04-09 17:08 HKT

It is said that the Japanese island country is deficient in mineral resources and relies heavily on imports. But I never imagined that Japan has the second largest metal reserves in the world, and that is titanium. Titanium's light weight and strength make it ideal for commercial aircraft production. However, the two major aviation giants, Airbus Europe and Boeing of the United States, have mainly purchased titanium from Russia before, so Japanese titanium companies have little business dealings with airlines.

Affected by the situation in Russia and Ukraine, Boeing of the United States reluctantly announced that it would suspend the import of Russian titanium. You know, Russia has the third largest titanium reserves in the world, and Russia supplies Boeing with one-third of the titanium it needs every year. The suspension of imports of Russian titanium disrupted Boeing's original supply chain, and Boeing had to start looking for new suppliers of titanium metal.

At this time, Japanese titanium companies quietly came out to pick up the big order. According to a British media report on April 8 , Japan 's Toho Titanium has already received some orders from the US aviation industry, and the orders require an increase of 2,000-3,000 tons of sponge titanium supply by the end of this year.

It is not completely untraceable for Japanese companies to take this order. In addition to its large titanium reserves, Japan is one of the few countries that has mastered complete titanium industrial production technology, so Japan has the ability to meet Boeing's titanium needs.

However, according to reports, it seems that only a Japanese titanium company in Toho has received orders from the international aviation industry. Osaka Titanium has said that it has not received any similar orders.

Toho said that it may be worried about the lack of supply of titanium in the future. The demand from US customers is very large, and the company is trying to expand production capacity to meet customer demand. Among them, the capacity utilization rate of the joint venture with Saudi Arabia will increase to 70% this year.

Some analysts pointed out that if the situation continues to deteriorate, the supply of titanium metal may also face a shortage next year.


China warns of "strong measures" if Nancy Pelosi visits Taiwan
Taiwanese and Japanese media report that the head of the US House of Representatives could travel to the island on Sunday
Margarita Arredondas

PHOTO/REUTERS/CARLOS GARCIA RAWLINS - Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Zhao Lijian

China has warned that it will respond with "strong measures" if US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi finally travels to Taiwan this weekend. At this stage, the alleged visit has not been confirmed by either Pelosi's office or the Taipei government. However, Japanese and Taiwanese media have reported that Pelosi will be travelling to the island after her visit to Japan.

Beijing has reacted to these reports by threatening "strong measures". "If the US insists on getting its way, China will take strong measures in response to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity. All possible consequences arising from this will be fully borne by the US side," said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian, according to Reuters. AFP/WIN MCNAMEE - Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi.

The news agency also reports that Lijian remarked to reporters that Beijing strongly opposes all forms of official interaction between the US and Taiwan, which is why the spokesman believes Washington should cancel the trip. "This is playing with fire. Those who play with fire are destined to get burned," the agency wrote on its Twitter account.


China's chief diplomat Wang Yi has also commented on the matter, comparing Pelosi's alleged trip to the situation in Ukraine. "On the issue of Ukraine, the United States urges respect for the sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of any country, but on the issue of Taiwan, it explicitly tramples on the red line of one China," he said, according to the Chinese news agency Xinhua. The minister also denounced Washington's "blatant" double standards. PHOTO/FILE - Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi

Following the line of his spokesman, Wang Yi reiterated that, should Pelosi "intentionally" visit Taiwan, it will be a "blatant provocation against China's sovereignty, a blatant interference in China's internal affairs and send a very dangerous political signal to the outside world". "The international situation is becoming increasingly turbulent," the minister said.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine has also increased tensions between Washington and Beijing. The Asian giant has not condemned the attacks by Moscow, an important ally of Xi Jinping's government. For this reason, the United States is wary of China's possible role in the conflict. Washington has warned on several occasions that military or economic aid from Beijing to Russia during the war would have consequences. AFP/ MANDEL NGAN y ANTHONY WALLACE - Combination of archive images of US President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping.

However, the discord between the US and China spills over into other areas. In this regard, Taiwan is one of the main sources of controversy between the two powers. Beijing considers the island to be part of its national territory, while Taipei receives strong military and political support from Washington.

Sunday, the day that several media outlets have pointed to as Pelosi's possible visit to the island, marks the 43rd anniversary of the US signing of the Taiwan Relations Act, which enshrines Washington's commitment to provide the Taiwanese government with the means to defend itself. REUTERS/ANN WANG - Taiwan's President Tsai Ing-Wen

No head of the House of Representatives has travelled to Taiwan since 1997. In that year, Newt Gingrich met with then President Lee Teng-hui, as Reuters recalls. Pelosi, second in the line of US presidential succession after Vice President Kamala Harris, could make the next visit of this kind more than a decade later, thereby reinforcing US engagement with Taiwan.

The Democratic Party politician has been highly critical of China on several occasions, particularly on human rights issues. She also held a virtual meeting with Taiwan's Vice President William Lai earlier this year.

Americas Coordinator: José Antonio Sierra.

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