Saturday, April 9, 2022

Both sister(Anna and Maria Muzychuk) were involved in my MK Ultra case and appears WILL NOT sign letter to FIDE on the removal of Russia and Belarus !!! They were nice, but what too🙉or not😄too do with sisters like this !!??? They participated in MK Ultra(searched via Facebook) and got Russian female used to cover both with SAME NAME - seen bellow. Once you came close to this case, Russians jumped on you like swarm of ants from all directions...

Russian bride selected by Putin - Anna Muzychuk, immigrated to Estonia in 2014 where she was greeted by not much better than herself group(Estonians are deeply afraid of Russia just as Ukrainians - had to perform violent due to her presence). It was NOTHING but violence. So I understand both sisters' notion about "NOT sign letter to FIDE on the removal of Russia and Belarus"....people of Ukraine were and are exposed to Russian terror.

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